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PHP Cross Reference of DokuWiki




/bin/ -> dwpage.php (summary)

(no description)

File Size: 359 lines (10 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 1 file

Defines 1 class

PageCLI:: (8 methods):

Class: PageCLI  - X-Ref

Checkout and commit pages from the command line while maintaining the history

setup(Options $options)   X-Ref
Register options and arguments on the given $options object

return: void
param: Options $options

main(Options $options)   X-Ref
Your main program

Arguments and options have been parsed when this is run

return: void
param: Options $options

commandCheckout($wiki_id, $localfile)   X-Ref
Check out a file

param: string $wiki_id
param: string $localfile

commandCommit($localfile, $wiki_id, $message, $minor)   X-Ref
Save a file as a new page revision

param: string $localfile
param: string $wiki_id
param: string $message
param: bool $minor

obtainLock($wiki_id)   X-Ref
Lock the given page or exit

param: string $wiki_id

clearLock($wiki_id)   X-Ref
Clear the lock on the given page

param: string $wiki_id

deleteLock($wiki_id)   X-Ref
Forcefully remove a lock on the page given

param: string $wiki_id

getUser()   X-Ref
Get the current user's username from the environment

return: string