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PHP Cross Reference of DokuWiki




/inc/Feed/ -> FeedMediaProcessor.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  namespace dokuwiki\Feed;
   5  use dokuwiki\ChangeLog\MediaChangeLog;
   6  use dokuwiki\File\MediaFile;
   7  use dokuwiki\Ui\Media\Display;
   9  class FeedMediaProcessor extends FeedItemProcessor
  10  {
  11      /** @inheritdoc */
  12      public function getURL($linkto)
  13      {
  14          switch ($linkto) {
  15              case 'page':
  16                  $opt = [
  17                      'image' => $this->getId(),
  18                      'ns' => getNS($this->getId()),
  19                      'rev' => $this->getRev()
  20                  ];
  21                  break;
  22              case 'rev':
  23                  $opt = [
  24                      'image' => $this->getId(),
  25                      'ns' => getNS($this->getId()),
  26                      'rev' => $this->getRev(),
  27                      'tab_details' => 'history'
  28                  ];
  29                  break;
  30              case 'current':
  31                  $opt = [
  32                      'image' => $this->getId(),
  33                      'ns' => getNS($this->getId())
  34                  ];
  35                  break;
  36              case 'diff':
  37              default:
  38                  $opt = [
  39                      'image' => $this->getId(),
  40                      'ns' => getNS($this->getId()),
  41                      'rev' => $this->getRev(),
  42                      'tab_details' => 'history',
  43                      'media_do' => 'diff'
  44                  ];
  45          }
  47          return media_managerURL($opt, '&', true);
  48      }
  50      public function getBody($content)
  51      {
  52          switch ($content) {
  53              case 'diff':
  54              case 'htmldiff':
  55                  $prev = $this->getPrev();
  57                  if ($prev) {
  58                      if ($this->isExisting()) {
  59                          $src1 = new MediaFile($this->getId(), $prev);
  60                          $src2 = new MediaFile($this->getId());
  61                      } else {
  62                          $src1 = new MediaFile($this->getId(), $prev);
  63                          $src2 = null;
  64                      }
  65                  } else {
  66                      $src1 = null;
  67                      $src2 = new MediaFile($this->getId());
  68                  }
  69                  return $this->createDiffTable($src1, $src2);
  71              case 'abstract':
  72              case 'html':
  73              default:
  74                  $src = new Display(new MediaFile($this->getId()));
  75                  return $this->cleanHTML($src->getPreviewHtml(500, 500));
  76          }
  77      }
  79      /**
  80       * @inheritdoc
  81       * @todo read exif keywords
  82       */
  83      public function getCategory()
  84      {
  85          return (array)getNS($this->getId());
  86      }
  88      /**
  89       * Get the revision timestamp of this page
  90       *
  91       * Note: we only handle most current revisions in feeds, so the revision is usually just the
  92       * lastmodifed timestamp of the page file. However, if the page does not exist, we need to
  93       * determine the revision from the changelog.
  94       * @return int
  95       */
  96      public function getRev()
  97      {
  98          $rev = parent::getRev();
  99          if ($rev) return $rev;
 101          if (media_exists($this->id)) {
 102              $this->data['rev'] = filemtime(mediaFN($this->id));
 103              $this->data['exists'] = true;
 104          } else {
 105              $this->loadRevisions();
 106          }
 107          return $this->data['rev'];
 108      }
 110      /**
 111       * Get the previous revision timestamp of this page
 112       *
 113       * @return int|null The previous revision or null if there is none
 114       */
 115      public function getPrev()
 116      {
 117          if ($this->data['prev'] ?? 0) return $this->data['prev'];
 118          $this->loadRevisions();
 119          return $this->data['prev'];
 120      }
 122      /**
 123       * Does this page exist?
 124       *
 125       * @return bool
 126       */
 127      public function isExisting()
 128      {
 129          if (!isset($this->data['exists'])) {
 130              $this->data['exists'] = media_exists($this->id);
 131          }
 132          return $this->data['exists'];
 133      }
 135      /**
 136       * Load the current and previous revision from the changelog
 137       * @return void
 138       */
 139      protected function loadRevisions()
 140      {
 141          $changelog = new MediaChangeLog($this->id);
 142          $revs = $changelog->getRevisions(0, 2);  // FIXME check that this returns the current one correctly
 143          if (!isset($this->data['rev'])) {
 144              // prefer an already set date, only set if missing
 145              // it should usally not happen that neither is available
 146              $this->data['rev'] = $revs[0] ?? 0;
 147          }
 148          // a previous revision might not exist
 149          $this->data['prev'] = $revs[1] ?? null;
 150      }
 152      /**
 153       * Create a table showing the two media files
 154       *
 155       * @param MediaFile|null $src1
 156       * @param MediaFile|null $src2
 157       * @return string
 158       */
 159      protected function createDiffTable($src1, $src2)
 160      {
 161          global $lang;
 163          $content = '<table>';
 164          $content .= '<tr>';
 165          $content .= '<th width="50%">' . ($src1 ? $src1->getRev() : '') . '</th>';
 166          $content .= '<th width="50%">' . $lang['current'] . '</th>';
 167          $content .= '</tr>';
 168          $content .= '<tr>';
 170          $content .= '<td align="center">';
 171          if ($src1) {
 172              $display = new Display($src1);
 173              $display->getPreviewHtml(300, 300);
 174          }
 175          $content .= '</td>';
 177          $content .= '<td align="center">';
 178          if ($src2) {
 179              $display = new Display($src2);
 180              $display->getPreviewHtml(300, 300);
 181          }
 182          $content .= '</td>';
 184          $content .= '</tr>';
 185          $content .= '</table>';
 187          return $this->cleanHTML($content);
 188      }
 189  }