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/inc/Remote/OpenApiDoc/ -> ClassResolver.php (summary)

(no description)

File Size: 186 lines (5 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

ClassResolver:: (6 methods):

Class: ClassResolver  - X-Ref

getInstance()   X-Ref
Get a singleton instance

Constructor is public for testing purposes
return: ClassResolver

resolve($classalias, $context)   X-Ref
Resolve a class name to a fully qualified class name

Results are cached in the instance for reuse

param: string $classalias The class name to resolve
param: string $context The classname in which context in which the class is used
return: string No guarantee that the class exists! No leading backslash!

document($classalias, $context)   X-Ref
Resolve a class name to a fully qualified class name and return a DocBlockClass for it

Results are cached in the instance for reuse

param: string $classalias The class name to resolve
param: string $context The classname in which context in which the class is used
return: DocBlockClass|null

getClassUses($class)   X-Ref
Cached fetching of all defined class aliases

param: string $class The class to parse
return: array

tokenizeSource($source)   X-Ref
Parse the use statements from the given source code

This is a simplified version of the code by @jasondmoss - we do not support multiple
classed within one file

param: string $source
return: array
link: https://gist.github.com/jasondmoss/6200807

readSource($file, $startline)   X-Ref
Read file source up to the line where our class is defined.

return: string