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PHP Cross Reference of DokuWiki




/lib/plugins/extension/helper/ -> list.php (summary)

DokuWiki Plugin extension (Helper Component)

Author: Michael Hamann
License: GPL 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
File Size: 674 lines (24 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

helper_plugin_extension_list:: (25 methods):

Class: helper_plugin_extension_list  - X-Ref

Class helper_plugin_extension_list takes care of creating a HTML list of extensions

__construct()   X-Ref

loads additional helpers

startForm()   X-Ref
Initialize the extension table form

addRow(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension, $showinfo = false)   X-Ref
Build single row of extension table

param: helper_plugin_extension_extension  $extension The extension that shall be added
param: bool                               $showinfo  Show the info area

addHeader($id, $header, $level = 2)   X-Ref
Adds a header to the form

param: string $id     The id of the header
param: string $header The content of the header
param: int    $level  The level of the header

addParagraph($data)   X-Ref
Adds a paragraph to the form

param: string $data The content

addHidden(array $data)   X-Ref
Add hidden fields to the form with the given data

param: array $data key-value list of fields and their values to add

endForm()   X-Ref
Add closing tags

nothingFound()   X-Ref
Show message when no results are found

render($returnonly = false)   X-Ref
Print the form

param: bool $returnonly whether to return html or print

startRow(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension)   X-Ref
Start the HTML for the row for the extension

param: helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension

populateColumn($class, $html)   X-Ref
Add a column with the given class and content

param: string $class The class name
param: string $html  The content

endRow()   X-Ref
End the row

makeHomepageLink(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension)   X-Ref
Generate the link to the plugin homepage

return: string The HTML code
param: helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension

makeClass(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension)   X-Ref
Generate the class name for the row of the extension

return: string The class name
param: helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension object

makeAuthor(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension)   X-Ref
Generate a link to the author of the extension

return: string The HTML code of the link
param: helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension object

makeScreenshot(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension)   X-Ref
Get the link and image tag for the screenshot/thumbnail

return: string The HTML code
param: helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension object

makeLegend(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension, $showinfo = false)   X-Ref
Extension main description

return: string The HTML code
param: helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension object
param: bool                              $showinfo  Show the info section

makeLinkbar(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension)   X-Ref
Generate the link bar HTML code

return: string The HTML code
param: helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension instance

makeNoticeArea(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension)   X-Ref
Notice area

return: string The HTML code
param: helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension

shortlink($url)   X-Ref
Create a link from the given URL

Shortens the URL for display

return: string  HTML link
param: string $url

makeInfo(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension)   X-Ref
Plugin/template details

return: string The HTML code
param: helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension

makeLinkList($ext)   X-Ref
Generate a list of links for extensions

return: string The HTML code
param: array $ext The extensions

makeActions(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension)   X-Ref
Display the action buttons if they are possible

return: string The HTML code
param: helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension

makeAction($action, $extension)   X-Ref
Display an action button for an extension

return: string The HTML code
param: string                            $action    The action
param: helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension

makeStatus(helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension)   X-Ref
Plugin/template status

return: string The description of all relevant statusses
param: helper_plugin_extension_extension $extension The extension