BASERAW = '' . $repo . '/stable/'; } } protected function setup(\splitbrain\phpcli\Options $options) { $options->setHelp('This tool is used to gather and check data for building a release'); $options->registerCommand('new', 'Get environment for creating a new release'); $options->registerOption('type', 'The type of release to build', null, join('|', self::TYPES), 'new'); $options->registerOption('date', 'The date to use for the version. Defaults to today', null, 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'new'); $options->registerOption('name', 'The codename to use for the version. Defaults to the last used one', null, 'codename', 'new'); $options->registerCommand('current', 'Get environment of the current release'); } protected function main(\splitbrain\phpcli\Options $options) { switch ($options->getCmd()) { case 'new': $this->prepareNewEnvironment($options); break; case 'current': $this->prepareCurrentEnvironment($options); break; default: echo $options->help(); } } /** * Prepare environment for the current branch */ protected function prepareCurrentEnvironment(\splitbrain\phpcli\Options $options) { $current = $this->getLocalVersion(); // we name files like the string in the VERSION file, with rc at the front $current['file'] = ($current['type'] === 'rc' ? 'rc' : '') . $current['date'] . $current['hotfix']; // output to be piped into GITHUB_ENV foreach ($current as $k => $v) { echo "current_$k=$v\n"; } } /** * Prepare environment for creating a new release */ protected function prepareNewEnvironment(\splitbrain\phpcli\Options $options) { $current = $this->getUpstreamVersion(); // continue if we want to create a new release $next = [ 'type' => $options->getOpt('type'), 'date' => $options->getOpt('date'), 'codename' => $options->getOpt('name'), 'hotfix' => '', ]; if (!$next['type']) $next['type'] = 'stable'; if (!$next['date']) $next['date'] = date('Y-m-d'); if (!$next['codename']) $next['codename'] = $current['codename']; $next['codename'] = ucwords(strtolower($next['codename'])); if (!in_array($next['type'], self::TYPES)) { throw new \splitbrain\phpcli\Exception('Invalid release type. Use one of ' . join(', ', self::TYPES)); } if ($next['type'] === 'hotfix') { $next['update'] = floatval($current['update']) + 0.1; $next['codename'] = $current['codename']; $next['date'] = $current['date']; $next['hotfix'] = $this->increaseHotfix($current['hotfix']); } else { $next['update'] = intval($current['update']) + 1; } if (!preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/', $next['date'])) { throw new \splitbrain\phpcli\Exception('Invalid date format, use YYYY-MM-DD'); } if ($current['date'] > $next['date']) { throw new \splitbrain\phpcli\Exception('Date must be equal or later than the last release'); } if ($current['type'] === 'rc' && $next['type'] === 'hotfix') { throw new \splitbrain\phpcli\Exception( 'Cannot create hotfixes for release candidates, create a new RC instead' ); } if ($current['type'] === 'stable' && $next['type'] !== 'hotfix' && $current['codename'] === $next['codename']) { throw new \splitbrain\phpcli\Exception('Codename must be different from the last release'); } $next['version'] = $next['date'] . ($next['type'] === 'rc' ? 'rc' : $next['hotfix']); $next['raw'] = ($next['type'] === 'rc' ? 'rc' : '') . $next['date'] . $next['hotfix'] . ' "' . $next['codename'] . '"'; // output to be piped into GITHUB_ENV foreach ($current as $k => $v) { echo "current_$k=$v\n"; } foreach ($next as $k => $v) { echo "next_$k=$v\n"; } } /** * Get current version info from local VERSION file * * @return string[] */ protected function getLocalVersion() { $versioninfo = \dokuwiki\Info::parseVersionString(trim(file_get_contents('VERSION'))); $doku = file_get_contents('doku.php'); if (!preg_match('/\$updateVersion = "(\d+(\.\d+)?)";/', $doku, $m)) { throw new \Exception('Could not find $updateVersion in doku.php'); } $versioninfo['update'] = floatval($m[1]); return $versioninfo; } /** * Get current version info from stable branch * * @return string[] * @throws Exception */ protected function getUpstreamVersion() { // basic version info $versioninfo = \dokuwiki\Info::parseVersionString(trim(file_get_contents($this->BASERAW . 'VERSION'))); // update version grepped from the doku.php file $doku = file_get_contents($this->BASERAW . 'doku.php'); if (!preg_match('/\$updateVersion = "(\d+(\.\d+)?)";/', $doku, $m)) { throw new \Exception('Could not find $updateVersion in doku.php'); } $versioninfo['update'] = floatval($m[1]); return $versioninfo; } /** * Increase the hotfix letter * * (max 26 hotfixes) * * @param string $hotfix * @return string */ protected function increaseHotfix($hotfix) { if (empty($hotfix)) return 'a'; return substr($hotfix, 0, -1) . chr(ord($hotfix) + 1); } } (new Release())->run();