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/_test/tests/inc/ -> httpclient_http.test.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  require_once (__DIR__ . '/httpclient_mock.php');
   5  /**
   6   * Tests are executed against an instance of go-httpbin
   7   */
   8  class httpclient_http_test extends DokuWikiTest
   9  {
  10      protected $server = 'http://httpbingo.org';
  12      /**
  13       * @group internet
  14       */
  15      public function test_simpleget()
  16      {
  17          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
  18          $data = $http->get($this->server . '/get?foo=bar');
  19          if ($http->noconnection()) {
  20              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
  21          }
  22          $this->assertFalse($data === false, $http->errorInfo());
  23          $resp = json_decode($data, true);
  24          $this->assertTrue(is_array($resp), 'JSON response');
  25          $this->assertArrayHasKey('args', $resp);
  26          $this->assertEquals(['foo' => ['bar']], $resp['args']);
  27      }
  29      /**
  30       * @group internet
  31       */
  32      public function test_dget()
  33      {
  34          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
  35          $data = $http->dget($this->server . '/get', ['foo' => 'bar']);
  36          if ($http->noconnection()) {
  37              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
  38          }
  39          $this->assertFalse($data === false, $http->errorInfo());
  40          $resp = json_decode($data, true);
  41          $this->assertTrue(is_array($resp), 'JSON response');
  42          $this->assertArrayHasKey('args', $resp);
  43          $this->assertEquals(['foo' => ['bar']], $resp['args']);
  44      }
  46      /**
  47       * @group internet
  48       */
  49      public function test_gzip()
  50      {
  51          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
  52          $data = $http->get($this->server . '/gzip');
  53          if ($http->noconnection()) {
  54              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
  55          }
  56          $this->assertFalse($data === false, $http->errorInfo());
  57          $resp = json_decode($data, true);
  58          $this->assertTrue(is_array($resp), 'JSON response');
  59          $this->assertArrayHasKey('gzipped', $resp);
  60          $this->assertTrue($resp['gzipped']);
  61      }
  63      /**
  64       * @group internet
  65       */
  66      public function test_simplepost()
  67      {
  68          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
  69          $data = $http->post($this->server . '/post', ['foo' => 'bar']);
  70          if ($http->noconnection()) {
  71              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
  72          }
  73          $this->assertFalse($data === false, $http->errorInfo());
  74          $resp = json_decode($data, true);
  75          $this->assertTrue(is_array($resp), 'JSON response');
  76          $this->assertArrayHasKey('form', $resp);
  77          $this->assertEquals(['foo' => ['bar']], $resp['form']);
  78      }
  80      /**
  81       * @group internet
  82       */
  83      public function test_redirect()
  84      {
  85          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
  86          $data = $http->get($this->server . '/redirect/3');
  87          if ($http->noconnection()) {
  88              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
  89          }
  90          $this->assertFalse($data === false, $http->errorInfo());
  91          $resp = json_decode($data, true);
  92          $this->assertTrue(is_array($resp), 'JSON response');
  93          $this->assertArrayHasKey('url', $resp);
  94          $this->assertRegExp('/\/get$/', $resp['url']);
  95      }
  97      /**
  98       * @group internet
  99       */
 100      public function test_relredirect()
 101      {
 102          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
 103          $data = $http->get($this->server . '/relative-redirect/3');
 104          if ($http->noconnection()) {
 105              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
 106          }
 107          $this->assertFalse($data === false, $http->errorInfo());
 108          $resp = json_decode($data, true);
 109          $this->assertTrue(is_array($resp), 'JSON response');
 110          $this->assertArrayHasKey('url', $resp);
 111          $this->assertRegExp('/\/get$/', $resp['url']);
 112      }
 114      /**
 115       * @group internet
 116       */
 117      public function test_redirectfail()
 118      {
 119          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
 120          $data = $http->get($this->server . '/redirect/5');
 121          if ($http->noconnection()) {
 122              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
 123          }
 124          $this->assertTrue($data === false, $http->errorInfo());
 125          $this->assertEquals('Maximum number of redirects exceeded', $http->error);
 126      }
 128      /**
 129       * @group internet
 130       */
 131      public function test_cookies()
 132      {
 133          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
 134          $http->get($this->server . '/cookies/set?foo=bar');
 135          if ($http->noconnection()) {
 136              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
 137          }
 138          $this->assertEquals(['foo' => 'bar'], $http->cookies);
 139          $data = $http->get($this->server . '/cookies');
 140          if ($http->noconnection()) {
 141              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
 142          }
 143          $this->assertFalse($data === false, $http->errorInfo());
 144          $resp = json_decode($data, true);
 145          $this->assertTrue(is_array($resp), 'JSON response');
 146          $this->assertEquals(['foo' => 'bar'], $resp);
 147      }
 149      /**
 150       * @group internet
 151       */
 152      public function test_teapot()
 153      {
 154          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
 155          $data = $http->get($this->server . '/status/418');
 156          if ($http->noconnection()) {
 157              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
 158          }
 159          $this->assertTrue($data === false, $http->errorInfo());
 160          $this->assertEquals(418, $http->status);
 161      }
 163      /**
 164       * @group internet
 165       */
 166      public function test_maxbody()
 167      {
 168          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
 169          $http->max_bodysize = 250;
 171          // this should abort completely
 172          $data = $http->get($this->server . '/stream/30');
 173          if ($http->noconnection()) {
 174              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
 175          }
 176          $this->assertTrue($data === false, $http->errorInfo());
 178          // this should read just the needed bytes
 179          $http->max_bodysize_abort = false;
 180          $http->keep_alive = false;
 181          $data = $http->get($this->server . '/stream/30');
 182          if ($http->noconnection()) {
 183              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
 184          }
 185          $this->assertFalse($data === false, $http->errorInfo());
 186          /* should read no more than max_bodysize+1 */
 187          $this->assertLessThanOrEqual(251, strlen($data));
 188      }
 190      /**
 191       * @group internet
 192       */
 193      public function test_maxbodyok()
 194      {
 195          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
 196          $http->max_bodysize = 500 * 1024;
 197          $data = $http->get($this->server . '/stream/5');
 198          if ($http->noconnection()) {
 199              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
 200          }
 201          $this->assertTrue($data !== false, $http->errorInfo());
 202          $http->max_bodysize_abort = false;
 203          $data = $http->get($this->server . '/stream/5');
 204          if ($http->noconnection()) {
 205              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
 206          }
 207          $this->assertTrue($data !== false, $http->errorInfo());
 208      }
 210      /**
 211       * @group internet
 212       */
 213      function test_basicauth()
 214      {
 215          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
 216          $http->user = 'user';
 217          $http->pass = 'pass';
 218          $data = $http->get($this->server . '/basic-auth/user/pass');
 219          if ($http->noconnection()) {
 220              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
 221          }
 222          $this->assertFalse($data === false, $http->errorInfo());
 223          $resp = json_decode($data, true);
 224          $this->assertTrue(is_array($resp), 'JSON response');
 225          $this->assertEquals(['authorized' => true, 'user' => 'user'], $resp);
 226      }
 228      /**
 229       * @group internet
 230       */
 231      public function test_basicauthfail()
 232      {
 233          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
 234          $http->user = 'user';
 235          $http->pass = 'invalid';
 236          $data = $http->get($this->server . '/basic-auth/user/pass');
 237          if ($http->noconnection()) {
 238              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
 239          }
 240          $this->assertTrue($data === false, $http->errorInfo());
 241          $this->assertEquals(401, $http->status);
 242      }
 244      /**
 245       * @group internet
 246       */
 247      public function test_timeout()
 248      {
 249          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
 250          $http->timeout = 5;
 251          $data = $http->get($this->server . '/delay/10');
 252          $this->assertTrue($data === false, $http->errorInfo());
 253          $this->assertEquals(-100, $http->status);
 254      }
 256      /**
 257       * @group internet
 258       */
 259      public function test_headers()
 260      {
 261          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
 262          $data = $http->get($this->server . '/response-headers?baz=&foo=bar');
 263          if ($http->noconnection()) {
 264              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
 265          }
 266          $this->assertFalse($data === false, $http->errorInfo());
 267          $resp = json_decode($data, true);
 268          $this->assertTrue(is_array($resp), 'JSON response');
 269          $this->assertArrayHasKey('baz', $http->resp_headers);
 270          $this->assertArrayHasKey('foo', $http->resp_headers);
 271          $this->assertEquals('bar', $http->resp_headers['foo']);
 272      }
 274      /**
 275       * @group internet
 276       */
 277      public function test_chunked()
 278      {
 279          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
 280          $data = $http->get($this->server . '/stream-bytes/5000?chunk_size=250');
 281          if ($http->noconnection()) {
 282              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
 283          }
 284          $this->assertFalse($data === false, $http->errorInfo());
 285          $this->assertEquals(5000, strlen($data));
 286      }
 288      /**
 289       * This address caused trouble with stream_select()
 290       *
 291       * @group internet
 292       * @group flaky
 293       */
 294      public function test_wikimatrix()
 295      {
 296          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
 297          $data = $http->get('http://www.wikimatrix.org/cfeed/dokuwiki/-/-');
 298          if ($http->noconnection()) {
 299              $this->markTestSkipped('connection timed out');
 300          }
 301          $this->assertTrue($data !== false, $http->errorInfo());
 302      }
 304      /**
 305       * @throws ReflectionException
 306       */
 307      public function test_postencode()
 308      {
 309          $http = new HTTPMockClient();
 311          // check simple data
 312          $data = [
 313              'öä?' => 'öä?',
 314              'foo' => 'bang',
 315          ];
 316          $this->assertEquals(
 317              '%C3%B6%C3%A4%3F=%C3%B6%C3%A4%3F&foo=bang',
 318              $this->callInaccessibleMethod($http, 'postEncode', [$data]),
 319              'simple'
 320          );
 322          // check first level numeric array
 323          $data = [
 324              'foo' => 'bang',
 325              'ärr' => ['ö', 'b', 'c'],
 326          ];
 327          $this->assertEquals(
 328              'foo=bang&%C3%A4rr%5B0%5D=%C3%B6&%C3%A4rr%5B1%5D=b&%C3%A4rr%5B2%5D=c',
 329              $this->callInaccessibleMethod($http, 'postEncode', [$data]),
 330              'onelevelnum'
 331          );
 333          // check first level associative array
 334          $data = [
 335              'foo' => 'bang',
 336              'ärr' => ['ö' => 'ä', 'b' => 'c'],
 337          ];
 338          $this->assertEquals(
 339              'foo=bang&%C3%A4rr%5B%C3%B6%5D=%C3%A4&%C3%A4rr%5Bb%5D=c',
 340              $this->callInaccessibleMethod($http, 'postEncode', [$data]),
 341              'onelevelassoc'
 342          );
 344          // check first level associative array
 345          $data = [
 346              'foo' => 'bang',
 347              'ärr' => ['ö' => 'ä', 'ä' => ['ö' => 'ä']],
 348          ];
 349          $this->assertEquals(
 350              'foo=bang&%C3%A4rr%5B%C3%B6%5D=%C3%A4&%C3%A4rr%5B%C3%A4%5D%5B%C3%B6%5D=%C3%A4',
 351              $this->callInaccessibleMethod($http, 'postEncode', [$data]),
 352              'twolevelassoc'
 353          );
 354      }
 355  }