buildregex($test[0], $test[1], $test[2]); $this->assertFalse(empty($re), "test line $row"); $result = preg_grep($re, $data); $this->assertEquals($test[3], count($result), "test line $row. $re got\n".print_r($result, true)); $row++; } } function test_addremove() { $sub = new MockupSubscription(); // no subscriptions $this->assertArrayNotHasKey( 'wiki:dokuwiki', $sub->subscribers('wiki:dokuwiki', null, array('every', 'list', 'digest')) ); // add page subscription $sub->add('wiki:dokuwiki', 'testuser', 'every'); // one subscription $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'wiki:dokuwiki', $sub->subscribers('wiki:dokuwiki', null, array('every', 'list', 'digest')) ); // remove page subscription $sub->remove('wiki:dokuwiki', 'testuser'); // no subscription $this->assertArrayNotHasKey( 'wiki:dokuwiki', $sub->subscribers('wiki:dokuwiki', null, array('every', 'list', 'digest')) ); // add namespace subscription $sub->add('wiki:', 'testuser', 'every'); // one subscription $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'wiki:', $sub->subscribers('wiki:dokuwiki', null, array('every', 'list', 'digest')) ); // remove (non existing) page subscription $sub->remove('wiki:dokuwiki', 'testuser'); // still one subscription $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'wiki:', $sub->subscribers('wiki:dokuwiki', null, array('every', 'list', 'digest')) ); // change namespace subscription $sub->add('wiki:', 'testuser', 'digest', '1234567'); // still one subscription $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'wiki:', $sub->subscribers('wiki:dokuwiki', null, array('every', 'list', 'digest')) ); // check contents $this->assertEquals( array('wiki:' => array('testuser' => array('digest', '1234567'))), $sub->subscribers('wiki:dokuwiki', null, array('every', 'list', 'digest')) ); // change subscription data $sub->add('wiki:', 'testuser', 'digest', '7654321'); // still one subscription $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'wiki:', $sub->subscribers('wiki:dokuwiki', null, array('every', 'list', 'digest')) ); // check contents $this->assertEquals( array('wiki:' => array('testuser' => array('digest', '7654321'))), $sub->subscribers('wiki:dokuwiki', null, array('every', 'list', 'digest')) ); } function test_bulkdigest() { $sub = new MockupSubscription(); // let's start with nothing $this->assertEquals(0, $sub->send_bulk('sub1:test')); // create a subscription $sub->add('sub1:', 'testuser', 'digest', '978328800'); // last mod 2001-01-01 // now create change $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = 'someguy'; saveWikiText('sub1:test', 'foo bar', 'a subscription change', false); // should trigger a mail $this->assertEquals(1, $sub->send_bulk('sub1:test')); $this->assertEquals(array(''), $sub->mails); $sub->reset(); // now create more changes $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = 'someguy'; saveWikiText('sub1:sub2:test', 'foo bar', 'a subscription change', false); saveWikiText('sub1:another_test', 'foo bar', 'a subscription change', false); // should not trigger a mail, because the subscription time has not been reached, yet $this->assertEquals(0, $sub->send_bulk('sub1:test')); $this->assertEquals(array(), $sub->mails); // reset the subscription time $sub->add('sub1:', 'testuser', 'digest', '978328800'); // last mod 2001-01-01 // we now should get mails for three changes $this->assertEquals(3, $sub->send_bulk('sub1:test')); $this->assertEquals(array('', '', ''), $sub->mails); } function test_bulklist() { $sub = new MockupSubscription(); // let's start with nothing $this->assertEquals(0, $sub->send_bulk('sub1:test')); // create a subscription $sub->add('sub1:', 'testuser', 'list', '978328800'); // last mod 2001-01-01 // now create change $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = 'someguy'; saveWikiText('sub1:test', 'foo bar', 'a subscription change', false); // should trigger a mail $this->assertEquals(1, $sub->send_bulk('sub1:test')); $this->assertEquals(array(''), $sub->mails); $sub->reset(); // now create more changes $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = 'someguy'; saveWikiText('sub1:sub2:test', 'foo bar', 'a subscription change', false); saveWikiText('sub1:another_test', 'foo bar', 'a subscription change', false); // should not trigger a mail, because the subscription time has not been reached, yet $this->assertEquals(0, $sub->send_bulk('sub1:test')); $this->assertEquals(array(), $sub->mails); // reset the subscription time $sub->add('sub1:', 'testuser', 'list', '978328800'); // last mod 2001-01-01 // we now should get a single mail for all three changes $this->assertEquals(1, $sub->send_bulk('sub1:test')); $this->assertEquals(array(''), $sub->mails); } /** * Tests, if overwriting subscriptions works even when subscriptions for the same * user exist for two nested namespaces, this is a test for the bug described in FS#2580 */ function test_overwrite() { $sub = new MockupSubscription(); $sub->add(':', 'admin', 'digest', '123456789'); $sub->add(':wiki:', 'admin', 'digest', '123456789'); $sub->add(':', 'admin', 'digest', '1234'); $sub->add(':wiki:', 'admin', 'digest', '1234'); $subscriptions = $sub->subscribers(':wiki:', 'admin'); $this->assertCount(1, $subscriptions[':'], 'More than one subscription saved for the root namespace even though the old one should have been overwritten.'); $this->assertCount(1, $subscriptions[':wiki:'], 'More than one subscription saved for the wiki namespace even though the old one should have been overwritten.'); $this->assertCount(2, $subscriptions, 'Didn\'t find the expected two subscriptions'); } } /** * makes protected methods visible for testing */ class MockupSubscription extends Subscription { public $mails; // we keep sent mails here public function __construct() { $this->reset(); } /** * resets the mail array */ public function reset() { $this->mails = array(); } public function isenabled() { return true; } public function buildregex($user = null, $style = null, $data = null) { return parent::buildregex($user, $style, $data); } protected function send($subscriber_mail, $subject, $id, $template, $trep, $hrep = null, $headers = array()) { $this->mails[] = $subscriber_mail; return true; } } //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 :