assertEquals('', css_compress($text)); } function test_mlcom2(){ $text = '#comment/* */ { color: lime; }'; $this->assertEquals('#comment/* */{color:lime;}', css_compress($text)); } function test_slcom1(){ $text = '// this is a comment'; $this->assertEquals('', css_compress($text)); } function test_slcom2(){ $text = '#foo { color: lime; // another comment }'; $this->assertEquals('#foo{color:lime;}', css_compress($text)); } function test_slcom3(){ $text = '#foo { background-image: url(; // this is a comment }'; $this->assertEquals('#foo{background-image:url(;}', css_compress($text)); } function test_slcom4(){ $text = '#foo { background-image: url(; background-image: url(; // this is a comment }'; $this->assertEquals('#foo{background-image:url(;background-image:url(;}', css_compress($text)); } function test_slcom5(){ $text = '#foo { background-image: url(; // background-image: url(; this is all commented }'; $this->assertEquals('#foo{background-image:url(;}', css_compress($text)); } function test_slcom6(){ $text = '#foo { background-image: url(//; // background-image: url(; this is all commented }'; $this->assertEquals('#foo{background-image:url(//;}', css_compress($text)); } function test_slcom7(){ $text = '#foo a[href ^="https://"], #foo a[href ^=\'https://\'] { background-image: url(//; // background-image: url(; this is \'all\' "commented" }'; $this->assertEquals('#foo a[href ^="https://"],#foo a[href ^=\'https://\']{background-image:url(//;}', css_compress($text)); } function test_hack(){ $text = '/* Mac IE will not see this and continue with inline-block */ /* \\*/ display: inline; /* */'; $this->assertEquals('/* \\*/display:inline;/* */', css_compress($text)); } function test_hack2(){ $text = '/* min-height hack for Internet Explorer */ /*\\*/ * html .page { height: 450px; } /**/'; $this->assertEquals('/*\\*/* html .page{height:450px;}/**/', css_compress($text)); } function test_nl1(){ $text = "a{left:20px;\ntop:20px}"; $this->assertEquals('a{left:20px;top:20px}', css_compress($text)); } function test_shortening() { $input = array( 'margin:0em 0em 0em 0em ul.test margin:0em :0em div#FFFFFF {', 'margin: 1px 1px 1px 1px;', 'padding: 1px 2px 1px 2px;', 'margin: 1px 2px 3px 1px;', 'padding: 1px 2px 3px 4px;', 'margin: 00.00em 0em 01.00px 0em;', 'padding: 0010em 0010.00em 00.00em 00.00100em;', 'padding: 0010% 0010.00% 00.00% 00.00100xxx;', 'padding: 0.0em .0em 0.em 00.00em;', 'padding: 01.0em;', 'color: #FFFFFF;', 'color: #777777;', 'color: #123456;', 'border: 01.0em solid #ffffff;', ); $expected = array( 'margin:0em 0em 0em 0em ul.test margin:0em :0em div#FFFFFF{', 'margin:1px;', 'padding:1px 2px;', 'margin:1px 2px 3px 1px;', 'padding:1px 2px 3px 4px;', 'margin:0 0 1px 0;', 'padding:10em 10em 0 .001em;', 'padding:10% 10% 0 00.00100xxx;', 'padding:0;', 'padding:1em;', 'color:#FFF;', 'color:#777;', 'color:#123456;', 'border:1em solid #fff;', ); $input = array_map('css_compress', $input); $this->assertEquals($expected, $input); } function test_data() { $input = 'list-style-image: url();'; $expect = 'list-style-image:url();'; $this->assertEquals($expect, css_compress($input)); } function test_quotes() { $input = '/* "blockcomment" */ content: "/* STR2 : STR1 */ thisis : inquote"; STR1: 10px; STR2:"STR1"; STR3:\'STR1\';'; $expect = 'content:"/* STR2 : STR1 */ thisis : inquote";STR1:10px;STR2:"STR1";STR3:\'STR1\';'; $this->assertEquals($expect, css_compress($input)); } function test_escapedQuotes() { $inputEscapedQuote = 'content:"one quote visible: \\" "; foo: bar;//"'; $expectedOutput = 'content:"one quote visible: \\" ";foo:bar;'; $this->assertEquals($expectedOutput, css_compress($inputEscapedQuote)); } } //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 :