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/inc/ChangeLog/ -> RevisionInfo.php (summary)

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Defines 1 class

RevisionInfo:: (15 methods):

Class: RevisionInfo  - X-Ref

Class RevisionInfo

Provides methods to show Revision Information in DokuWiki Ui components:
- Ui\Recent
- Ui\PageRevisions
- Ui\MediaRevisions
- Ui\PageDiff
- Ui\MediaDiff
__construct($info = null)   X-Ref

param: array $info Revision Information structure with entries:

isCurrent($value = null)   X-Ref
Set or return whether this revision is current page or media file

This method does not check exactly whether the revision is current or not. Instead,
set value of associated "current" key for internal use. Some UI element like diff
link button depend on relation to current page or media file. A changelog line does
not indicate whether it corresponds to current page or media file.

return: bool
param: bool $value true if the revision is current, otherwise false

val($key, $value = null)   X-Ref
Return or set a value of associated key of revision information
but does not allow to change values of existing keys

return: string|null
param: string $key
param: mixed $value

append(array $info)   X-Ref
Set extra key-value to the revision information
but does not allow to change values of existing keys

return: void
param: array $info

showFileIcon()   X-Ref
file icon of the page or media file
used in [Ui\recent]

return: string

showEditDate($checkTimestamp = false)   X-Ref
edit date and time of the page or media file
used in [Ui\recent, Ui\Revisions]

return: string
param: bool $checkTimestamp  enable timestamp check, alter formatted string when timestamp is false

showEditSummary()   X-Ref
edit summary
used in [Ui\recent, Ui\Revisions]

return: string

showEditor()   X-Ref
editor of the page or media file
used in [Ui\recent, Ui\Revisions]

return: string

showFileName()   X-Ref
name of the page or media file
used in [Ui\recent, Ui\Revisions]

return: string

showRevisionTitle()   X-Ref
Revision Title for PageDiff table headline

return: string

showIconCompareWithPrevious()   X-Ref
diff link icon in recent changes list, to compare (this) current revision with previous one
all items in "recent changes" are current revision of the page or media

return: string

showIconCompareWithCurrent()   X-Ref
diff link icon in revisions list, compare this revision with current one
the icon does not displayed for the current revision

return: string

showIconRevisions()   X-Ref
icon for revision action
used in [Ui\recent]

return: string

showSizeChange()   X-Ref
size change
used in [Ui\recent, Ui\Revisions]

return: string

showCurrentIndicator()   X-Ref
current indicator, used in revision list
not used in Ui\Recent because recent files are always current one

return: string