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PHP Cross Reference of DokuWiki




/inc/Menu/ -> AbstractMenu.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  namespace dokuwiki\Menu;
   5  use dokuwiki\Extension\Event;
   6  use dokuwiki\Menu\Item\AbstractItem;
   8  /**
   9   * Class AbstractMenu
  10   *
  11   * Basic menu functionality. A menu defines a list of AbstractItem that shall be shown.
  12   * It contains convenience functions to display the menu in HTML, but template authors can also
  13   * just accesst the items via getItems() and create the HTML as however they see fit.
  14   */
  15  abstract class AbstractMenu implements MenuInterface
  16  {
  17      /** @var string[] list of Item classes to load */
  18      protected $types = [];
  20      /** @var int the context this menu is used in */
  21      protected $context = AbstractItem::CTX_DESKTOP;
  23      /** @var string view identifier to be set in the event */
  24      protected $view = '';
  26      /**
  27       * AbstractMenu constructor.
  28       *
  29       * @param int $context the context this menu is used in
  30       */
  31      public function __construct($context = AbstractItem::CTX_DESKTOP)
  32      {
  33          $this->context = $context;
  34      }
  36      /**
  37       * Get the list of action items in this menu
  38       *
  39       * @return AbstractItem[]
  40       * @triggers MENU_ITEMS_ASSEMBLY
  41       */
  42      public function getItems()
  43      {
  44          $data = ['view' => $this->view, 'items' => []];
  45          Event::createAndTrigger('MENU_ITEMS_ASSEMBLY', $data, [$this, 'loadItems']);
  46          return $data['items'];
  47      }
  49      /**
  50       * Default action for the MENU_ITEMS_ASSEMBLY event
  51       *
  52       * @param array $data The plugin data
  53       * @see getItems()
  54       */
  55      public function loadItems(&$data)
  56      {
  57          foreach ($this->types as $class) {
  58              try {
  59                  $class = "\\dokuwiki\\Menu\\Item\\$class";
  60                  /** @var AbstractItem $item */
  61                  $item = new $class();
  62                  if (!$item->visibleInContext($this->context)) continue;
  63                  $data['items'][] = $item;
  64              } catch (\RuntimeException $ignored) {
  65                  // item not available
  66              }
  67          }
  68      }
  70      /**
  71       * Generate HTML list items for this menu
  72       *
  73       * This is a convenience method for template authors. If you need more fine control over the
  74       * output, use getItems() and build the HTML yourself
  75       *
  76       * @param string|false $classprefix create a class from type with this prefix, false for no class
  77       * @param bool $svg add the SVG link
  78       * @return string
  79       */
  80      public function getListItems($classprefix = '', $svg = true)
  81      {
  82          $html = '';
  83          foreach ($this->getItems() as $item) {
  84              if ($classprefix !== false) {
  85                  $class = ' class="' . $classprefix . $item->getType() . '"';
  86              } else {
  87                  $class = '';
  88              }
  90              $html .= "<li$class>";
  91              $html .= $item->asHtmlLink(false, $svg);
  92              $html .= '</li>';
  93          }
  94          return $html;
  95      }
  96  }