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PHP Cross Reference of DokuWiki




/inc/ -> PluginInterface.php (summary)

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Defines 1 class

DokuWiki_PluginInterface:: (15 methods):

Interface: DokuWiki_PluginInterface  - X-Ref

DokuWiki Plugin Interface

Defines the public contract all DokuWiki plugins will adhere to. The actual code
to do so is defined in DokuWiki_PluginTrait

getInfo()   X-Ref
General Info

Needs to return a associative array with the following values:

base   - the plugin's base name (eg. the directory it needs to be installed in)
author - Author of the plugin
email  - Email address to contact the author
date   - Last modified date of the plugin in YYYY-MM-DD format
name   - Name of the plugin
desc   - Short description of the plugin (Text only)
url    - Website with more information on the plugin (eg. syntax description)

getPluginType()   X-Ref
The type of the plugin inferred from the class name

return: string  plugin type

getPluginName()   X-Ref
The name of the plugin inferred from the class name

return: string  plugin name

getPluginComponent()   X-Ref
The component part of the plugin inferred from the class name

return: string component name

getLang($id)   X-Ref
Access plugin language strings

to try to minimise unnecessary loading of the strings when the plugin doesn't require them
e.g. when info plugin is querying plugins for information about themselves.

param: string $id id of the string to be retrieved
return: string in appropriate language or english if not available

locale_xhtml($id)   X-Ref
retrieve a language dependent file and pass to xhtml renderer for display
plugin equivalent of p_locale_xhtml()

param: string $id id of language dependent wiki page
return: string parsed contents of the wiki page in xhtml format

localFN($id, $ext = 'txt')   X-Ref
Prepends appropriate path for a language dependent filename
plugin equivalent of localFN()

param: string $id id of localization file
param: string $ext The file extension (usually txt)
return: string wiki text

setupLocale()   X-Ref
Reads all the plugins language dependent strings into $this->lang
this function is automatically called by getLang()

getConf($setting, $notset = false)   X-Ref
use this function to access plugin configuration variables

param: string $setting the setting to access
param: mixed $notset what to return if the setting is not available
return: mixed

loadConfig()   X-Ref
merges the plugin's default settings with any local settings
this function is automatically called through getConf()

loadHelper($name, $msg = true)   X-Ref
Loads a given helper plugin (if enabled)

author: Esther Brunner <wikidesign@gmail.com>
param: string $name name of plugin to load
param: bool $msg if a message should be displayed in case the plugin is not available
return: DokuWiki_PluginInterface|null helper plugin object

email($email, $name = '', $class = '', $more = '')   X-Ref
standardised function to generate an email link according to obfuscation settings

param: string $email
param: string $name
param: string $class
param: string $more
return: string html

external_link($link, $title = '', $class = '', $target = '', $more = '')   X-Ref
standardised function to generate an external link according to conf settings

param: string $link
param: string $title
param: string $class
param: string $target
param: string $more
return: string

render_text($text, $format = 'xhtml')   X-Ref
output text string through the parser, allows dokuwiki markup to be used
very ineffecient for small pieces of data - try not to use

param: string $text wiki markup to parse
param: string $format output format
return: null|string

isSingleton()   X-Ref
Allow the plugin to prevent DokuWiki from reusing an instance

return: bool   false if the plugin has to be instantiated