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/inc/Remote/OpenApiDoc/ -> Type.php (summary)

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File Size: 149 lines (4 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Type:: (7 methods):

Class: Type  - X-Ref

__construct($typehint, $context = '')   X-Ref

param: string $typehint The typehint as read from the docblock
param: string $context A fully qualified class name in which context the typehint is used

__toString()   X-Ref
Return the typehint as read from the docblock

return: string

getBaseType()   X-Ref
Return the base type

This is the type this variable is. Eg. a string[] is an array.

return: string

getJSONRPCType()   X-Ref
Return a primitive type understood by the XMLRPC server

return: string
param: string $typehint

getOpenApiType()   X-Ref
Get the base type as one of the supported OpenAPI types

Formats (eg. int32 or double) are not supported

return: string
link: https://swagger.io/docs/specification/data-models/data-types/

getSubType()   X-Ref
If this is an array, return the type of the array elements

return: Type|null null if this is not a typed array

getXMLRPCType()   X-Ref
Return a type understood by the XMLRPC server

return: string