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/inc/Utf8/ -> Conversion.php (summary)

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Defines 1 class

Conversion:: (6 methods):

Class: Conversion  - X-Ref

Methods to convert from and to UTF-8 strings

toHtml($str, $all = false)   X-Ref
Encodes UTF-8 characters to HTML entities

return: string
param: string $str
param: bool $all Encode non-utf8 char to HTML as well
link: http://php.net/manual/en/function.utf8-decode.php
author: Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>
author: <vpribish at shopping dot com>

fromHtml($str, $entities = false)   X-Ref
Decodes HTML entities to UTF-8 characters

Convert any &#..; entity to a codepoint,
The entities flag defaults to only decoding numeric entities.
Pass HTML_ENTITIES and named entities, including &amp; &lt; etc.
are handled as well. Avoids the problem that would occur if you
had to decode "&amp;#38;&#38;amp;#38;"

unhtmlspecialchars(\dokuwiki\Utf8\Conversion::fromHtml($s)) -> "&#38;&#38;"
\dokuwiki\Utf8\Conversion::fromHtml(unhtmlspecialchars($s)) -> "&&amp#38;"
what it should be                   -> "&#38;&amp#38;"

return: string  UTF-8 encoded string with numeric (and named) entities replaced.
param: string $str UTF-8 encoded string
param: boolean $entities decode name entities in addtition to numeric ones
author: Tom N Harris <tnharris@whoopdedo.org>

decodeAnyEntity($ent)   X-Ref
Decodes any HTML entity to it's correct UTF-8 char equivalent

return: string
param: string $ent An entity

decodeNumericEntity($ent)   X-Ref
Decodes numeric HTML entities to their correct UTF-8 characters

return: string|false
param: $ent string A numeric entity

toUtf16be($str, $bom = false)   X-Ref
UTF-8 to UTF-16BE conversion.

Maybe really UCS-2 without mb_string due to utf8_to_unicode limits

return: string
param: string $str
param: bool $bom

fromUtf16be($str)   X-Ref
UTF-8 to UTF-16BE conversion.

Maybe really UCS-2 without mb_string due to utf8_to_unicode limits

return: false|string
param: string $str