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/inc/auth/ -> pgsql.class.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * PgSQL authentication backend
   4   *
   5   * This class inherits much functionality from the MySQL class
   6   * and just reimplements the Postgres specific parts.
   7   *
   8   * @license    GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
   9   * @author     Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
  10   * @author     Chris Smith <chris@jalakai.co.uk>
  11   * @author     Matthias Grimm <matthias.grimmm@sourceforge.net>
  12   */
  14  require_once (DOKU_INC.'inc/auth/mysql.class.php');
  16  class auth_pgsql extends auth_mysql {
  18      /**
  19       * Constructor
  20       *
  21       * checks if the pgsql interface is available, otherwise it will
  22       * set the variable $success of the basis class to false
  23       *
  24       * @author Matthias Grimm <matthiasgrimm@users.sourceforge.net>
  25       * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
  26       */
  27      function __construct() {
  28          global $conf;
  29          $this->cnf = $conf['auth']['pgsql'];
  30          if(!$this->cnf['port']){
  31              $this->cnf['port'] = 5432;
  32          }
  34          if (method_exists($this, 'auth_basic')){
  35              parent::auth_basic();
  36          }
  38          if(!function_exists('pg_connect')) {
  39              if ($this->cnf['debug'])
  40                  msg("PgSQL err: PHP Postgres extension not found.",-1);
  41              $this->success = false;
  42              return;
  43          }
  45          $this->defaultgroup = $conf['defaultgroup'];
  47          // set capabilities based upon config strings set
  48          if (empty($this->cnf['user']) ||
  49              empty($this->cnf['password']) || empty($this->cnf['database'])){
  50              if ($this->cnf['debug']){
  51                  msg("PgSQL err: insufficient configuration.",-1,__LINE__,__FILE__);
  52              }
  53              $this->success = false;
  54              return;
  55          }
  57          $this->cando['addUser']     = $this->_chkcnf(array(
  58                                          'getUserInfo',
  59                                          'getGroups',
  60                                          'addUser',
  61                                          'getUserID',
  62                                          'getGroupID',
  63                                          'addGroup',
  64                                          'addUserGroup'));
  65          $this->cando['delUser']      = $this->_chkcnf(array(
  66                                          'getUserID',
  67                                          'delUser',
  68                                          'delUserRefs'));
  69          $this->cando['modLogin']     = $this->_chkcnf(array(
  70                                          'getUserID',
  71                                          'updateUser',
  72                                          'UpdateTarget'));
  73          $this->cando['modPass']      = $this->cando['modLogin'];
  74          $this->cando['modName']      = $this->cando['modLogin'];
  75          $this->cando['modMail']      = $this->cando['modLogin'];
  76          $this->cando['modGroups']    = $this->_chkcnf(array(
  77                                          'getUserID',
  78                                          'getGroups',
  79                                          'getGroupID',
  80                                          'addGroup',
  81                                          'addUserGroup',
  82                                          'delGroup',
  83                                          'getGroupID',
  84                                          'delUserGroup'));
  85          /* getGroups is not yet supported
  86             $this->cando['getGroups']    = $this->_chkcnf(array('getGroups',
  87             'getGroupID')); */
  88          $this->cando['getUsers']     = $this->_chkcnf(array(
  89                                          'getUsers',
  90                                          'getUserInfo',
  91                                          'getGroups'));
  92          $this->cando['getUserCount'] = $this->_chkcnf(array('getUsers'));
  93      }
  95      /**
  96       * Check if the given config strings are set
  97       *
  98       * @author  Matthias Grimm <matthiasgrimm@users.sourceforge.net>
  99       * @return  bool
 100       */
 101      function _chkcnf($keys, $wop=false){
 102          foreach ($keys as $key){
 103              if (empty($this->cnf[$key])) return false;
 104          }
 105          return true;
 106      }
 108      // @inherit function checkPass($user,$pass)
 109      // @inherit function getUserData($user)
 110      // @inherit function createUser($user,$pwd,$name,$mail,$grps=null)
 111      // @inherit function modifyUser($user, $changes)
 112      // @inherit function deleteUsers($users)
 115      /**
 116       * [public function]
 117       *
 118       * Counts users which meet certain $filter criteria.
 119       *
 120       * @param  array  $filter  filter criteria in item/pattern pairs
 121       * @return count of found users.
 122       *
 123       * @author  Matthias Grimm <matthiasgrimm@users.sourceforge.net>
 124       */
 125      function getUserCount($filter=array()) {
 126          $rc = 0;
 128          if($this->_openDB()) {
 129              $sql = $this->_createSQLFilter($this->cnf['getUsers'], $filter);
 131              // no equivalent of SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS in pgsql?
 132              if (($result = $this->_queryDB($sql))){
 133                  $rc = count($result);
 134              }
 135              $this->_closeDB();
 136          }
 137          return $rc;
 138      }
 140      /**
 141       * Bulk retrieval of user data. [public function]
 142       *
 143       * @param   first     index of first user to be returned
 144       * @param   limit     max number of users to be returned
 145       * @param   filter    array of field/pattern pairs
 146       * @return  array of userinfo (refer getUserData for internal userinfo details)
 147       *
 148       * @author  Matthias Grimm <matthiasgrimm@users.sourceforge.net>
 149       */
 150      function retrieveUsers($first=0,$limit=10,$filter=array()) {
 151          $out   = array();
 153          if($this->_openDB()) {
 154              $this->_lockTables("READ");
 155              $sql  = $this->_createSQLFilter($this->cnf['getUsers'], $filter);
 156              $sql .= " ".$this->cnf['SortOrder']." LIMIT $limit OFFSET $first";
 157              $result = $this->_queryDB($sql);
 159              foreach ($result as $user)
 160                  if (($info = $this->_getUserInfo($user['user'])))
 161                      $out[$user['user']] = $info;
 163              $this->_unlockTables();
 164              $this->_closeDB();
 165          }
 166          return $out;
 167      }
 169      // @inherit function joinGroup($user, $group)
 170      // @inherit function leaveGroup($user, $group) {
 172      /**
 173       * Adds a user to a group.
 174       *
 175       * If $force is set to '1' non existing groups would be created.
 176       *
 177       * The database connection must already be established. Otherwise
 178       * this function does nothing and returns 'false'.
 179       *
 180       * @param   $user    user to add to a group
 181       * @param   $group   name of the group
 182       * @param   $force   '1' create missing groups
 183       * @return  bool     'true' on success, 'false' on error
 184       *
 185       * @author Matthias Grimm <matthiasgrimm@users.sourceforge.net>
 186       * @author Andreas Gohr   <andi@splitbrain.org>
 187       */
 188      function _addUserToGroup($user, $group, $force=0) {
 189          $newgroup = 0;
 191          if (($this->dbcon) && ($user)) {
 192              $gid = $this->_getGroupID($group);
 193              if (!$gid) {
 194                  if ($force) {  // create missing groups
 195                      $sql = str_replace('%{group}',addslashes($group),$this->cnf['addGroup']);
 196                      $this->_modifyDB($sql);
 197                      //group should now exists try again to fetch it
 198                      $gid = $this->_getGroupID($group);
 199                      $newgroup = 1;  // group newly created
 200                  }
 201              }
 202              if (!$gid) return false; // group didn't exist and can't be created
 204              $sql = $this->cnf['addUserGroup'];
 205              if(strpos($sql,'%{uid}') !== false){
 206                  $uid = $this->_getUserID($user);
 207                  $sql = str_replace('%{uid}', addslashes($uid), $sql);
 208              }
 209              $sql = str_replace('%{user}', addslashes($user),$sql);
 210              $sql = str_replace('%{gid}',  addslashes($gid),$sql);
 211              $sql = str_replace('%{group}',addslashes($group),$sql);
 212              if ($this->_modifyDB($sql) !== false) return true;
 214              if ($newgroup) { // remove previously created group on error
 215                  $sql = str_replace('%{gid}',  addslashes($gid),$this->cnf['delGroup']);
 216                  $sql = str_replace('%{group}',addslashes($group),$sql);
 217                  $this->_modifyDB($sql);
 218              }
 219          }
 220          return false;
 221      }
 223      // @inherit function _delUserFromGroup($user $group)
 224      // @inherit function _getGroups($user)
 225      // @inherit function _getUserID($user)
 227      /**
 228       * Adds a new User to the database.
 229       *
 230       * The database connection must already be established
 231       * for this function to work. Otherwise it will return
 232       * 'false'.
 233       *
 234       * @param  $user  login of the user
 235       * @param  $pwd   encrypted password
 236       * @param  $name  full name of the user
 237       * @param  $mail  email address
 238       * @param  $grps  array of groups the user should become member of
 239       * @return bool
 240       *
 241       * @author  Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 242       * @author  Chris Smith <chris@jalakai.co.uk>
 243       * @author  Matthias Grimm <matthiasgrimm@users.sourceforge.net>
 244       */
 245      function _addUser($user,$pwd,$name,$mail,$grps){
 246          if($this->dbcon && is_array($grps)) {
 247              $sql = str_replace('%{user}', addslashes($user),$this->cnf['addUser']);
 248              $sql = str_replace('%{pass}', addslashes($pwd),$sql);
 249              $sql = str_replace('%{name}', addslashes($name),$sql);
 250              $sql = str_replace('%{email}',addslashes($mail),$sql);
 251              if($this->_modifyDB($sql)){
 252                  $uid = $this->_getUserID($user);
 253              }else{
 254                  return false;
 255              }
 257              if ($uid) {
 258                  foreach($grps as $group) {
 259                      $gid = $this->_addUserToGroup($user, $group, 1);
 260                      if ($gid === false) break;
 261                  }
 263                  if ($gid) return true;
 264                  else {
 265                      /* remove the new user and all group relations if a group can't
 266                       * be assigned. Newly created groups will remain in the database
 267                       * and won't be removed. This might create orphaned groups but
 268                       * is not a big issue so we ignore this problem here.
 269                       */
 270                      $this->_delUser($user);
 271                      if ($this->cnf['debug'])
 272                          msg("PgSQL err: Adding user '$user' to group '$group' failed.",-1,__LINE__,__FILE__);
 273                  }
 274              }
 275          }
 276          return false;
 277      }
 279      // @inherit function _delUser($user)
 280      // @inherit function _getUserInfo($user)
 281      // @inherit function _updateUserInfo($changes, $uid)
 282      // @inherit function _getGroupID($group)
 284      /**
 285       * Opens a connection to a database and saves the handle for further
 286       * usage in the object. The successful call to this functions is
 287       * essential for most functions in this object.
 288       *
 289       * @return bool
 290       *
 291       * @author Matthias Grimm <matthiasgrimm@users.sourceforge.net>
 292       */
 293      function _openDB() {
 294          if (!$this->dbcon) {
 295              $dsn  = $this->cnf['server'] ? 'host='.$this->cnf['server'] : '';
 296              $dsn .= ' port='.$this->cnf['port'];
 297              $dsn .= ' dbname='.$this->cnf['database'];
 298              $dsn .= ' user='.$this->cnf['user'];
 299              $dsn .= ' password='.$this->cnf['password'];
 301              $con = @pg_connect($dsn);
 302              if ($con) {
 303                  $this->dbcon = $con;
 304                  return true;   // connection and database successfully opened
 305              } else if ($this->cnf['debug']){
 306                  msg ("PgSQL err: Connection to {$this->cnf['user']}@{$this->cnf['server']} not possible.",
 307                          -1,__LINE__,__FILE__);
 308              }
 309              return false;  // connection failed
 310          }
 311          return true;  // connection already open
 312      }
 314      /**
 315       * Closes a database connection.
 316       *
 317       * @author Matthias Grimm <matthiasgrimm@users.sourceforge.net>
 318       */
 319      function _closeDB() {
 320          if ($this->dbcon) {
 321              pg_close ($this->dbcon);
 322              $this->dbcon = 0;
 323          }
 324      }
 326      /**
 327       * Sends a SQL query to the database and transforms the result into
 328       * an associative array.
 329       *
 330       * This function is only able to handle queries that returns a
 331       * table such as SELECT.
 332       *
 333       * @param $query  SQL string that contains the query
 334       * @return array with the result table
 335       *
 336       * @author Matthias Grimm <matthiasgrimm@users.sourceforge.net>
 337       */
 338      function _queryDB($query) {
 339          if ($this->dbcon) {
 340              $result = @pg_query($this->dbcon,$query);
 341              if ($result) {
 342                  while (($t = pg_fetch_assoc($result)) !== false)
 343                      $resultarray[]=$t;
 344                  pg_free_result ($result);
 345                  return $resultarray;
 346              }elseif ($this->cnf['debug'])
 347              msg('PgSQL err: '.pg_last_error($this->dbcon),-1,__LINE__,__FILE__);
 348          }
 349          return false;
 350      }
 352      /**
 353       * Executes an update or insert query. This differs from the
 354       * MySQL one because it does NOT return the last insertID
 355       *
 356       * @author Andreas Gohr
 357       */
 358      function _modifyDB($query) {
 359          if ($this->dbcon) {
 360              $result = @pg_query($this->dbcon,$query);
 361              if ($result) {
 362                  pg_free_result ($result);
 363                  return true;
 364              }
 365              if ($this->cnf['debug']){
 366                  msg('PgSQL err: '.pg_last_error($this->dbcon),-1,__LINE__,__FILE__);
 367              }
 368          }
 369          return false;
 370      }
 372      /**
 373       * Start a transaction
 374       *
 375       * @param $mode  could be 'READ' or 'WRITE'
 376       * @author Matthias Grimm <matthiasgrimm@users.sourceforge.net>
 377       */
 378      function _lockTables($mode) {
 379          if ($this->dbcon) {
 380              $this->_modifyDB('BEGIN');
 381              return true;
 382          }
 383          return false;
 384      }
 386      /**
 387       * Commit a transaction
 388       *
 389       * @author Matthias Grimm <matthiasgrimm@users.sourceforge.net>
 390       */
 391      function _unlockTables() {
 392          if ($this->dbcon) {
 393              $this->_modifyDB('COMMIT');
 394              return true;
 395          }
 396          return false;
 397      }
 399      // @inherit function _createSQLFilter($sql, $filter)
 402      /**
 403       * Escape a string for insertion into the database
 404       *
 405       * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 406       * @param  string  $string The string to escape
 407       * @param  boolean $like   Escape wildcard chars as well?
 408       */
 409      function _escape($string,$like=false){
 410          $string = pg_escape_string($string);
 411          if($like){
 412              $string = addcslashes($string,'%_');
 413          }
 414          return $string;
 415      }
 417  }
 419  //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 :

Generated: Sun Feb 3 03:00:06 2013 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7