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PHP Cross Reference of DokuWiki




/inc/parser/ -> handler.php (summary)

(no description)

File Size: 1157 lines (36 kb)
Included or required: 1 time
Referenced: 1 time
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Doku_Handler:: (54 methods):

Class: Doku_Handler  - X-Ref

Class Doku_Handler

__construct()   X-Ref
Doku_Handler constructor.

addCall($handler, $args, $pos)   X-Ref
Add a new call by passing it to the current CallWriter

param: string $handler handler method name (see mode handlers below)
param: mixed $args arguments for this call
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

getCallWriter()   X-Ref
Accessor for the current CallWriter

return: CallWriterInterface

setCallWriter($callWriter)   X-Ref
Set a new CallWriter

param: CallWriterInterface $callWriter

getStatus($status)   X-Ref
Return the current internal status of the given name

return: mixed|null
param: string $status

setStatus($status, $value)   X-Ref
Set a new internal status

param: string $status
param: mixed $value

_addCall($handler, $args, $pos)   X-Ref
No description

addPluginCall($plugin, $args, $state, $pos, $match)   X-Ref
Similar to addCall, but adds a plugin call

param: string $plugin name of the plugin
param: mixed $args arguments for this call
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file
param: string $match matched syntax

finalize()   X-Ref
Finishes handling

Called from the parser. Calls finalise() on the call writer, closes open
sections, rewrites blocks and adds document_start and document_end calls.


fetch()   X-Ref
fetch the current call and advance the pointer to the next one

return: bool|mixed

parse_highlight_options($options)   X-Ref
Internal function for parsing highlight options.
$options is parsed for key value pairs separated by commas.
A value might also be missing in which case the value will simple
be set to true. Commas in strings are ignored, e.g. option="4,56"
will work as expected and will only create one entry.

return: array|null     Array of key-value pairs $array['key'] = 'value';
param: string $options space separated list of key-value pairs,

nestingTag($match, $state, $pos, $name)   X-Ref
Simplifies handling for the formatting tags which all behave the same

param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file
param: string $name actual mode name

plugin($match, $state, $pos, $pluginname)   X-Ref
Special plugin handler

This handler is called for all modes starting with 'plugin_'.
An additional parameter with the plugin name is passed. The plugin's handle()
method is called here

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file
param: string $pluginname name of the plugin
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

base($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

header($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

notoc($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

nocache($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

linebreak($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

eol($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

hr($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

strong($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

emphasis($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

underline($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

monospace($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

subscript($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

superscript($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

deleted($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

footnote($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

listblock($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

unformatted($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

preformatted($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

quote($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

file($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

code($match, $state, $pos, $type = 'code')   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file
param: string $type either 'code' or 'file'

acronym($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

smiley($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

wordblock($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

entity($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

multiplyentity($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

singlequoteopening($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

singlequoteclosing($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

apostrophe($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

doublequoteopening($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

doublequoteclosing($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

camelcaselink($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

internallink($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

filelink($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

windowssharelink($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

media($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

rss($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

externallink($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

emaillink($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

table($match, $state, $pos)   X-Ref

return: bool mode handled?
param: string $match matched syntax
param: int $state a LEXER_STATE_* constant
param: int $pos byte position in the original source file

Doku_Handler_Parse_Media($match)   X-Ref
No description