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PHP Cross Reference of DokuWiki




/inc/parser/ -> xhtml.php (summary)

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File Size: 2064 lines (63 kb)
Included or required: 1 time
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 2 files

Defines 1 class

Doku_Renderer_xhtml:: (88 methods):

Class: Doku_Renderer_xhtml  - X-Ref

Renderer for XHTML output

This is DokuWiki's main renderer used to display page content in the wiki

startSectionEdit($start, $data)   X-Ref
Register a new edit section range

return: string  A marker class for the starting HTML element
param: int $start The byte position for the edit start
param: array $data Associative array with section data:
author: Adrian Lang <lang@cosmocode.de>

finishSectionEdit($end = null, $hid = null)   X-Ref
Finish an edit section range

param: int $end The byte position for the edit end; null for the rest of the page
author: Adrian Lang <lang@cosmocode.de>

getFormat()   X-Ref
Returns the format produced by this renderer.

return: string always 'xhtml'

document_start()   X-Ref
Initialize the document

document_end()   X-Ref
Finalize the document

toc_additem($id, $text, $level)   X-Ref
Add an item to the TOC

param: string $id the hash link
param: string $text the text to display
param: int $level the nesting level

header($text, $level, $pos, $returnonly = false)   X-Ref
Render a heading

return: void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $returnonly
param: string $text the text to display
param: int $level header level
param: int $pos byte position in the original source
param: bool $returnonly whether to return html or write to doc attribute

section_open($level)   X-Ref
Open a new section

param: int $level section level (as determined by the previous header)

section_close()   X-Ref
Close the current section

cdata($text)   X-Ref
Render plain text data

param: $text

p_open()   X-Ref
Open a paragraph

p_close()   X-Ref
Close a paragraph

linebreak()   X-Ref
Create a line break

hr()   X-Ref
Create a horizontal line

strong_open()   X-Ref
Start strong (bold) formatting

strong_close()   X-Ref
Stop strong (bold) formatting

emphasis_open()   X-Ref
Start emphasis (italics) formatting

emphasis_close()   X-Ref
Stop emphasis (italics) formatting

underline_open()   X-Ref
Start underline formatting

underline_close()   X-Ref
Stop underline formatting

monospace_open()   X-Ref
Start monospace formatting

monospace_close()   X-Ref
Stop monospace formatting

subscript_open()   X-Ref
Start a subscript

subscript_close()   X-Ref
Stop a subscript

superscript_open()   X-Ref
Start a superscript

superscript_close()   X-Ref
Stop a superscript

deleted_open()   X-Ref
Start deleted (strike-through) formatting

deleted_close()   X-Ref
Stop deleted (strike-through) formatting

footnote_open()   X-Ref
Callback for footnote start syntax

All following content will go to the footnote instead of
the document. To achieve this the previous rendered content
is moved to $store and $doc is cleared

author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

footnote_close()   X-Ref
Callback for footnote end syntax

All rendered content is moved to the $footnotes array and the old
content is restored from $store again

author: Andreas Gohr

listu_open($classes = null)   X-Ref
Open an unordered list

param: string|string[] $classes css classes - have to be valid, do not pass unfiltered user input

listu_close()   X-Ref
Close an unordered list

listo_open($classes = null)   X-Ref
Open an ordered list

param: string|string[] $classes css classes - have to be valid, do not pass unfiltered user input

listo_close()   X-Ref
Close an ordered list

listitem_open($level, $node = false)   X-Ref
Open a list item

param: int $level the nesting level
param: bool $node true when a node; false when a leaf

listitem_close()   X-Ref
Close a list item

listcontent_open()   X-Ref
Start the content of a list item

listcontent_close()   X-Ref
Stop the content of a list item

unformatted($text)   X-Ref
Output unformatted $text

Defaults to $this->cdata()

param: string $text

quote_open()   X-Ref
Start a block quote

quote_close()   X-Ref
Stop a block quote

preformatted($text)   X-Ref
Output preformatted text

param: string $text

file($text, $language = null, $filename = null, $options = null)   X-Ref
Display text as file content, optionally syntax highlighted

param: string $text text to show
param: string $language programming language to use for syntax highlighting
param: string $filename file path label
param: array $options assoziative array with additional geshi options

code($text, $language = null, $filename = null, $options = null)   X-Ref
Display text as code content, optionally syntax highlighted

param: string $text text to show
param: string $language programming language to use for syntax highlighting
param: string $filename file path label
param: array $options assoziative array with additional geshi options

_highlight($type, $text, $language = null, $filename = null, $options = null)   X-Ref
Use GeSHi to highlight language syntax in code and file blocks

param: string $type code|file
param: string $text text to show
param: string $language programming language to use for syntax highlighting
param: string $filename file path label
param: array $options assoziative array with additional geshi options
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

acronym($acronym)   X-Ref
Format an acronym

Uses $this->acronyms

param: string $acronym

smiley($smiley)   X-Ref
Format a smiley

Uses $this->smiley

param: string $smiley

entity($entity)   X-Ref
Format an entity

Entities are basically small text replacements

Uses $this->entities

param: string $entity

multiplyentity($x, $y)   X-Ref
Typographically format a multiply sign

Example: ($x=640, $y=480) should result in "640×480"

param: string|int $x first value
param: string|int $y second value

singlequoteopening()   X-Ref
Render an opening single quote char (language specific)

singlequoteclosing()   X-Ref
Render a closing single quote char (language specific)

apostrophe()   X-Ref
Render an apostrophe char (language specific)

doublequoteopening()   X-Ref
Render an opening double quote char (language specific)

doublequoteclosing()   X-Ref
Render an closinging double quote char (language specific)

camelcaselink($link, $returnonly = false)   X-Ref
Render a CamelCase link

return: void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $returnonly
see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CamelCase
param: string $link The link name
param: bool $returnonly whether to return html or write to doc attribute

locallink($hash, $name = null, $returnonly = false)   X-Ref
Render a page local link

return: void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $returnonly
param: string $hash hash link identifier
param: string $name name for the link
param: bool $returnonly whether to return html or write to doc attribute

internallink($id, $name = null, $search = null, $returnonly = false, $linktype = 'content')   X-Ref
Render an internal Wiki Link

$search,$returnonly & $linktype are not for the renderer but are used
elsewhere - no need to implement them in other renderers

return: void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $returnonly
param: string $id pageid
param: string|null $name link name
param: string|null $search adds search url param
param: bool $returnonly whether to return html or write to doc attribute
param: string $linktype type to set use of headings
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

externallink($url, $name = null, $returnonly = false)   X-Ref
Render an external link

return: void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $returnonly
param: string $url full URL with scheme
param: string|array $name name for the link, array for media file
param: bool $returnonly whether to return html or write to doc attribute

interwikilink($match, $name, $wikiName, $wikiUri, $returnonly = false)   X-Ref
Render an interwiki link

You may want to use $this->_resolveInterWiki() here

return: void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $returnonly
param: string $match original link - probably not much use
param: string|array $name name for the link, array for media file
param: string $wikiName indentifier (shortcut) for the remote wiki
param: string $wikiUri the fragment parsed from the original link
param: bool $returnonly whether to return html or write to doc attribute

windowssharelink($url, $name = null, $returnonly = false)   X-Ref
Link to windows share

return: void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $returnonly
param: string $url the link
param: string|array $name name for the link, array for media file
param: bool $returnonly whether to return html or write to doc attribute

emaillink($address, $name = null, $returnonly = false)   X-Ref
Render a linked E-Mail Address

Honors $conf['mailguard'] setting

return: void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $returnonly
param: string $address Email-Address
param: string|array $name name for the link, array for media file
param: bool $returnonly whether to return html or write to doc attribute

internalmedia($src,$title = null,$align = null,$width = null,$height = null,$cache = null,$linking = null,$return = false)   X-Ref
Render an internal media file

return: void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $return
param: string $src media ID
param: string $title descriptive text
param: string $align left|center|right
param: int $width width of media in pixel
param: int $height height of media in pixel
param: string $cache cache|recache|nocache
param: string $linking linkonly|detail|nolink
param: bool $return return HTML instead of adding to $doc

externalmedia($src,$title = null,$align = null,$width = null,$height = null,$cache = null,$linking = null,$return = false)   X-Ref
Render an external media file

return: void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $return
param: string $src full media URL
param: string $title descriptive text
param: string $align left|center|right
param: int $width width of media in pixel
param: int $height height of media in pixel
param: string $cache cache|recache|nocache
param: string $linking linkonly|detail|nolink
param: bool $return return HTML instead of adding to $doc

rss($url, $params)   X-Ref
Renders an RSS feed

param: string $url URL of the feed
param: array $params Finetuning of the output
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

table_open($maxcols = null, $numrows = null, $pos = null, $classes = null)   X-Ref
Start a table

param: int $maxcols maximum number of columns
param: int $numrows NOT IMPLEMENTED
param: int $pos byte position in the original source
param: string|string[] $classes css classes - have to be valid, do not pass unfiltered user input

table_close($pos = null)   X-Ref
Close a table

param: int $pos byte position in the original source

tablethead_open()   X-Ref
Open a table header

tablethead_close()   X-Ref
Close a table header

tabletbody_open()   X-Ref
Open a table body

tabletbody_close()   X-Ref
Close a table body

tabletfoot_open()   X-Ref
Open a table footer

tabletfoot_close()   X-Ref
Close a table footer

tablerow_open($classes = null)   X-Ref
Open a table row

param: string|string[] $classes css classes - have to be valid, do not pass unfiltered user input

tablerow_close()   X-Ref
Close a table row

tableheader_open($colspan = 1, $align = null, $rowspan = 1, $classes = null)   X-Ref
Open a table header cell

param: int $colspan
param: string $align left|center|right
param: int $rowspan
param: string|string[] $classes css classes - have to be valid, do not pass unfiltered user input

tableheader_close()   X-Ref
Close a table header cell

tablecell_open($colspan = 1, $align = null, $rowspan = 1, $classes = null)   X-Ref
Open a table cell

param: int $colspan
param: string $align left|center|right
param: int $rowspan
param: string|string[] $classes css classes - have to be valid, do not pass unfiltered user input

tablecell_close()   X-Ref
Close a table cell

getLastlevel()   X-Ref
Returns the current header level.
(required e.g. by the filelist plugin)

return: int The current header level

_formatLink($link)   X-Ref
Build a link

Assembles all parts defined in $link returns HTML for the link

return: string
param: array $link attributes of a link
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

_media($src,$title = null,$align = null,$width = null,$height = null,$cache = null,$render = true)   X-Ref
Renders internal and external media

return: string
param: string $src media ID
param: string $title descriptive text
param: string $align left|center|right
param: int $width width of media in pixel
param: int $height height of media in pixel
param: string $cache cache|recache|nocache
param: bool $render should the media be embedded inline or just linked
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

_xmlEntities($string)   X-Ref
Escape string for output

return: string
param: $string

_getLinkTitle($title, $default, &$isImage, $id = null, $linktype = 'content')   X-Ref
Construct a title and handle images in titles

return: string      HTML of the title, might be full image tag or just escaped text
param: string|array $title either string title or media array
param: string $default default title if nothing else is found
param: bool $isImage will be set to true if it's a media file
param: null|string $id linked page id (used to extract title from first heading)
param: string $linktype content|navigation
author: Harry Fuecks <hfuecks@gmail.com>

_imageTitle($img)   X-Ref
Returns HTML code for images used in link titles

return: string HTML img tag or similar
param: array $img
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

_getMediaLinkConf($src, $title, $align, $width, $height, $cache, $render)   X-Ref
helperfunction to return a basic link to a media

used in internalmedia() and externalmedia()

return: array associative array with link config
param: string $src media ID
param: string $title descriptive text
param: string $align left|center|right
param: int $width width of media in pixel
param: int $height height of media in pixel
param: string $cache cache|recache|nocache
param: bool $render should the media be embedded inline or just linked
author: Pierre Spring <pierre.spring@liip.ch>

_video($src, $width, $height, $atts = null)   X-Ref
Embed video(s) in HTML

return: string
param: string $src - ID of video to embed
param: int $width - width of the video in pixels
param: int $height - height of the video in pixels
param: array $atts - additional attributes for the <video> tag
author: Schplurtz le Déboulonné <Schplurtz@laposte.net>
author: Anika Henke <anika@selfthinker.org>

_audio($src, $atts = [])   X-Ref
Embed audio in HTML

return: string
param: string $src - ID of audio to embed
param: array $atts - additional attributes for the <audio> tag
author: Anika Henke <anika@selfthinker.org>

_getLastMediaRevisionAt($media_id)   X-Ref
_getLastMediaRevisionAt is a helperfunction to internalmedia() and _media()
which returns an existing media revision less or equal to rev or date_at

return: string revision ('' for current)
param: string $media_id
author: lisps