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PHP Cross Reference of DokuWiki




/lib/plugins/acl/ -> remote.php (summary)

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File Size: 75 lines (2 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

remote_plugin_acl:: (3 methods):

Class: remote_plugin_acl  - X-Ref

Class remote_plugin_acl

listAcls()   X-Ref
Get the list all ACL config entries

return: array {Scope: ACL}, where ACL = dictionnary {user/group: permissions_int}

addAcl($scope, $user, $level)   X-Ref
Add a new ACL rule to the config

return: bool  If adding the ACL rule was successful
param: string $scope The page or namespace to apply the ACL to
param: string $user The user or group to apply the ACL to
param: int $level The permission level to set

delAcl($scope, $user)   X-Ref
Remove an entry from ACL config

return: bool If removing the ACL rule was successful
param: string $scope The page or namespace the ACL applied to
param: string $user The user or group the ACL applied to