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/lib/plugins/authad/adLDAP/classes/ -> adLDAPContacts.php (summary)


Author: Scott Barnett, Richard Hyland
Copyright: (c) 2006-2012 Scott Barnett, Richard Hyland
License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html LGPLv2.1
Link: http://adldap.sourceforge.net/
Version: 4.0.4
File Size: 296 lines (11 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

adLDAPContacts:: (10 methods):

Class: adLDAPContacts  - X-Ref

__construct(adLDAP $adldap)   X-Ref
The current adLDAP connection via dependency injection

create($attributes)   X-Ref
No description

groups($distinguishedName, $recursive = NULL)   X-Ref
Determine the list of groups a contact is a member of

return: array
param: string $distinguisedname The full DN of a contact
param: bool $recursive Recursively check groups

info($distinguishedName, $fields = NULL)   X-Ref
Get contact information. Returned in a raw array format from AD

return: array
param: string $distinguisedname The full DN of a contact
param: array $fields Attributes to be returned

infoCollection($distinguishedName, $fields = NULL)   X-Ref
Find information about the contacts. Returned in a raw array format from AD

return: mixed
param: string $distinguishedName The full DN of a contact
param: array $fields Array of parameters to query

inGroup($distinguisedName, $group, $recursive = NULL)   X-Ref
Determine if a contact is a member of a group

return: bool
param: string $distinguisedName The full DN of a contact
param: string $group The group name to query
param: bool $recursive Recursively check groups

modify($distinguishedName, $attributes)   X-Ref
Modify a contact

return: bool
param: string $distinguishedName The contact to query
param: array $attributes The attributes to modify.  Note if you set the enabled attribute you must not specify any other attributes

delete($distinguishedName)   X-Ref
Delete a contact

return: array
param: string $distinguishedName The contact dn to delete (please be careful here!)

all($includeDescription = false, $search = "*", $sorted = true)   X-Ref
Return a list of all contacts

return: array
param: bool $includeDescription Include a description of a contact
param: string $search The search parameters
param: bool $sorted Whether to sort the results

contactMailEnable($distinguishedName, $emailAddress, $mailNickname = NULL)   X-Ref
Mail enable a contact
Allows email to be sent to them through Exchange

return: bool
param: string $distinguishedname The contact to mail enable
param: string $emailaddress The email address to allow emails to be sent through
param: string $mailnickname The mailnickname for the contact in Exchange.  If NULL this will be set to the display name