markTestSkipped('skipping all authpdo tests for sqlite. Need PDO_sqlite extension'); } $this->assertTrue(true); // avoid being marked as risky for having no assertion } public function setUp() : void { parent::setUp(); $this->dbfile = tempnam('/tmp/', 'pluginpdo_test_'); copy(__DIR__ . '/test.sqlite3', $this->dbfile); global $conf; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['debug'] = 1; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['dsn'] = 'sqlite:' . $this->dbfile; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['user'] = ''; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['pass'] = ''; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['select-user'] = 'SELECT id AS uid, login AS user, name, pass AS clear, mail FROM user WHERE login = :user'; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['select-user-groups'] = 'SELECT * FROM member AS m, "group" AS g WHERE m.gid = AND m.uid = :uid'; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['select-groups'] = 'SELECT id AS gid, "group" FROM "group"'; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['insert-user'] = 'INSERT INTO user (login, pass, name, mail) VALUES (:user, :hash, :name, :mail)'; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['delete-user'] = 'DELETE FROM user WHERE id = :uid'; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['list-users'] = 'SELECT DISTINCT login as user FROM user U, member M, "group" G WHERE = M.uid AND M.gid = AND G."group" LIKE :group AND U.login LIKE :user AND LIKE :name AND U.mail LIKE :mail ORDER BY login LIMIT :start,:limit'; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['count-users'] = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT login) as count FROM user U, member M, "group" G WHERE = M.uid AND M.gid = AND G."group" LIKE :group AND U.login LIKE :user AND LIKE :name AND U.mail LIKE :mail'; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['update-user-login'] = 'UPDATE user SET login = :newlogin WHERE id = :uid'; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['update-user-info'] = 'UPDATE user SET name = :name, mail = :mail WHERE id = :uid'; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['update-user-pass'] = 'UPDATE user SET pass = :hash WHERE id = :uid'; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['insert-group'] = 'INSERT INTO "group" ("group") VALUES (:group)'; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['join-group'] = 'INSERT INTO member (uid, gid) VALUES (:uid, :gid)'; $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['leave-group'] = 'DELETE FROM member WHERE uid = :uid AND gid = :gid'; } public function tearDown() : void { parent::tearDown(); unlink($this->dbfile); } /** * @depends test_pdo_sqlite_support */ public function test_internals() { $auth = new testable_auth_plugin_authpdo(); $groups = $auth->selectGroups(); $this->assertArrayHasKey('user', $groups); $this->assertEquals(1, $groups['user']['gid']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('admin', $groups); $this->assertEquals(2, $groups['admin']['gid']); $ok = $auth->addGroup('test'); $this->assertTrue($ok); $groups = $auth->selectGroups(); $this->assertArrayHasKey('test', $groups); $this->assertEquals(4, $groups['test']['gid']); } /** * @depends test_pdo_sqlite_support */ public function test_userinfo() { global $conf; $auth = new auth_plugin_authpdo(); // clear text pasword (with default config above $this->assertFalse($auth->checkPass('nobody', 'nope')); $this->assertFalse($auth->checkPass('admin', 'nope')); $this->assertTrue($auth->checkPass('admin', 'password')); // now with a hashed password $conf['plugin']['authpdo']['select-user'] = 'SELECT id AS uid, login AS user, name, pass AS hash, mail FROM user WHERE login = :user'; $this->assertFalse($auth->checkPass('admin', 'password')); $this->assertFalse($auth->checkPass('user', md5('password'))); // access user data $info = $auth->getUserData('admin'); $this->assertEquals('admin', $info['user']); $this->assertEquals('The Admin', $info['name']); $this->assertEquals('', $info['mail']); $this->assertEquals(array('additional', 'admin', 'user'), $info['grps']); // group retrieval $this->assertEquals(array('additional', 'admin', 'user'), $auth->retrieveGroups()); $this->assertEquals(array('admin', 'user'), $auth->retrieveGroups(1)); $this->assertEquals(array('additional'), $auth->retrieveGroups(0, 1)); // user creation $auth->createUser('test', 'password', 'A Test user', '', array('newgroup')); $info = $auth->getUserData('test'); $this->assertEquals('test', $info['user']); $this->assertEquals('A Test user', $info['name']); $this->assertEquals('', $info['mail']); $this->assertEquals(array('newgroup', 'user'), $info['grps']); $this->assertEquals(array('additional', 'admin', 'newgroup', 'user'), $auth->retrieveGroups()); // user modification $auth->modifyUser('test', array('user' => 'tester', 'name' => 'The Test User', 'pass' => 'secret')); $info = $auth->getUserData('tester'); $this->assertEquals('tester', $info['user']); $this->assertEquals('The Test User', $info['name']); $this->assertTrue($auth->checkPass('tester','secret')); // move user to different groups $auth->modifyUser('tester', array('grps' => array('user', 'admin', 'another'))); $info = $auth->getUserData('tester'); $this->assertEquals(array('admin', 'another', 'user'), $info['grps']); $expect = array( 'admin' => array( 'user' => 'admin', 'name' => 'The Admin', 'mail' => '', 'uid' => '1', 'grps' => array('additional', 'admin', 'user') ), 'user' => array( 'user' => 'user', 'name' => 'A normal user', 'mail' => '', 'uid' => '2', 'grps' => array('user') ), 'tester' => array( 'user' => 'tester', 'name' => 'The Test User', 'mail' => '', 'uid' => '3', 'grps' => array('admin', 'another', 'user') ) ); // list users $users = $auth->retrieveUsers(); $this->assertEquals(array($expect['admin'], $expect['tester'], $expect['user']), $users); $users = $auth->retrieveUsers(1); // offset $this->assertEquals(array($expect['tester'], $expect['user']), $users); $users = $auth->retrieveUsers(1, 1); // offset + limit $this->assertEquals(array($expect['tester']), $users); $users = $auth->retrieveUsers(0, -1, array('group' => 'admin')); // full group $this->assertEquals(array($expect['admin'], $expect['tester']), $users); $count = $auth->getUserCount(array('grps' => 'admin')); $this->assertSame(2, $count); $users = $auth->retrieveUsers(0, -1, array('group' => 'dmi')); // substring $this->assertEquals(array($expect['admin'], $expect['tester']), $users); $count = $auth->getUserCount(array('grps' => 'dmi')); $this->assertSame(2, $count); $users = $auth->retrieveUsers(0, -1, array('user' => 'dmi')); // substring $this->assertEquals(array($expect['admin']), $users); $count = $auth->getUserCount(array('user' => 'dmi')); $this->assertSame(1, $count); // delete user $num = $auth->deleteUsers(array('tester', 'foobar')); $this->assertSame(1, $num); } }