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/lib/plugins/config/core/ -> Loader.php (summary)

(no description)

File Size: 285 lines (7 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Loader:: (10 methods):

Class: Loader  - X-Ref

Configuration loader

Loads configuration meta data and settings from the various files. Honors the
configuration cascade and installed plugins.
__construct(ConfigParser $parser)   X-Ref
Loader constructor.

param: ConfigParser $parser

loadMeta()   X-Ref
Read the settings meta data

Reads the main file, plugins and template settings meta data

return: array

loadDefaults()   X-Ref
Read the default values

Reads the main file, plugins and template defaults

return: array

loadLangs()   X-Ref
Reads the language strings

Only reads extensions, main one is loaded the usual way

return: array

loadLocal()   X-Ref
Read the local settings

return: array

loadProtected()   X-Ref
Read the protected settings

return: array

loadConfigs($files)   X-Ref
Read the config values from the given files

return: array
param: string[] $files paths to config php's

loadExtensionMeta($file, $type, $extname)   X-Ref
Read settings file from an extension

This is used to read the settings.php files of plugins and templates

return: array
param: string $file php file to read
param: string $type should be 'plugin' or 'tpl'
param: string $extname name of the extension

loadExtensionConf($file, $type, $extname)   X-Ref
Read a default file from an extension

This is used to read the default.php files of plugins and templates

return: array
param: string $file php file to read
param: string $type should be 'plugin' or 'tpl'
param: string $extname name of the extension

loadExtensionLang($dir, $type, $extname)   X-Ref
Read the language file of an extension

return: array
param: string $dir directory of the extension
param: string $type should be 'plugin' or 'tpl'
param: string $extname name of the extension