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/lib/plugins/config/settings/ -> extra.class.php (summary)

additional setting classes specific to these settings

Author: Chris Smith
File Size: 309 lines (11 kb)
Included or required: 1 time
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 8 classes

setting_sepchar:: (1 method):

setting_savedir:: (1 method):

setting_authtype:: (2 methods):

setting_im_convert:: (1 method):

setting_disableactions:: (1 method):

setting_compression:: (1 method):

setting_license:: (1 method):

setting_renderer:: (2 methods):

Class: setting_sepchar  - X-Ref

Class setting_sepchar

__construct($key,$param=null)   X-Ref

param: string $key
param: array|null $param array with metadata of setting

Class: setting_savedir  - X-Ref

Class setting_savedir

update($input)   X-Ref
update changed setting with user provided value $input
- if changed value fails error check, save it to $this->_input (to allow echoing later)
- if changed value passes error check, set $this->_local to the new value

param: mixed   $input   the new value
return: boolean          true if changed, false otherwise (also on error)

Class: setting_authtype  - X-Ref

Class setting_authtype

initialize($default,$local,$protected)   X-Ref
Receives current values for the setting $key

param: mixed $default   default setting value
param: mixed $local     local setting value
param: mixed $protected protected setting value

update($input)   X-Ref
update changed setting with user provided value $input
- if changed value fails error check, save it to $this->_input (to allow echoing later)
- if changed value passes error check, set $this->_local to the new value

param: mixed   $input   the new value
return: boolean          true if changed, false otherwise (also on error)

Class: setting_im_convert  - X-Ref

Class setting_im_convert

update($input)   X-Ref
update changed setting with user provided value $input
- if changed value fails error check, save it to $this->_input (to allow echoing later)
- if changed value passes error check, set $this->_local to the new value

param: mixed   $input   the new value
return: boolean          true if changed, false otherwise (also on error)

Class: setting_disableactions  - X-Ref

Class setting_disableactions

html(admin_plugin_config $plugin, $echo=false)   X-Ref
Build html for label and input of setting

param: admin_plugin_config $plugin object of config plugin
param: bool            $echo   true: show inputted value, when error occurred, otherwise the stored setting
return: array with content array(string $label_html, string $input_html)

Class: setting_compression  - X-Ref

Class setting_compression

initialize($default,$local,$protected)   X-Ref
Receives current values for the setting $key

param: mixed $default   default setting value
param: mixed $local     local setting value
param: mixed $protected protected setting value

Class: setting_license  - X-Ref

Class setting_license

initialize($default,$local,$protected)   X-Ref
Receives current values for the setting $key

param: mixed $default   default setting value
param: mixed $local     local setting value
param: mixed $protected protected setting value

Class: setting_renderer  - X-Ref

Class setting_renderer

initialize($default,$local,$protected)   X-Ref
Receives current values for the setting $key

param: mixed $default   default setting value
param: mixed $local     local setting value
param: mixed $protected protected setting value

html(admin_plugin_config $plugin, $echo=false)   X-Ref
Build html for label and input of setting

param: admin_plugin_config $plugin object of config plugin
param: bool            $echo   true: show inputted value, when error occurred, otherwise the stored setting
return: array with content array(string $label_html, string $input_html)