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PHP Cross Reference of DokuWiki




/lib/plugins/extension/helper/ -> extension.php (summary)

DokuWiki Plugin extension (Helper Component)

Author: Michael Hamann
License: GPL 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
File Size: 1320 lines (41 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

helper_plugin_extension_extension:: (67 methods):

Class: helper_plugin_extension_extension  - X-Ref

Class helper_plugin_extension_extension represents a single extension (plugin or template)

__construct()   X-Ref
helper_plugin_extension_extension constructor.

__destruct()   X-Ref

deletes any dangling temporary directories

isSingleton()   X-Ref

return: bool false, this component is not a singleton

setExtension($id)   X-Ref
Set the name of the extension this instance shall represents, triggers loading the local and remote data

return: bool If some (local or remote) data was found
param: string $id  The id of the extension (prefixed with template: for templates)

isInstalled()   X-Ref
If the extension is installed locally

return: bool If the extension is installed locally

isGitControlled()   X-Ref
If the extension is under git control

return: bool

isBundled()   X-Ref
If the extension is bundled

return: bool If the extension is bundled

isProtected()   X-Ref
If the extension is protected against any modification (disable/uninstall)

return: bool if the extension is protected

isInWrongFolder()   X-Ref
If the extension is installed in the correct directory

return: bool If the extension is installed in the correct directory

isEnabled()   X-Ref
If the extension is enabled

return: bool If the extension is enabled

updateAvailable()   X-Ref
If the extension should be updated, i.e. if an updated version is available

return: bool If an update is available

isTemplate()   X-Ref
If the extension is a template

return: bool If this extension is a template

getID()   X-Ref
Get the ID of the extension

This is the same as getName() for plugins, for templates it's getName() prefixed with 'template:'

return: string

getInstallName()   X-Ref
Get the name of the installation directory

return: string The name of the installation directory

getBase()   X-Ref
Get the basename of the extension

return: string The basename

getDisplayName()   X-Ref
Get the display name of the extension

return: string The display name

getAuthor()   X-Ref
Get the author name of the extension

return: string|bool The name of the author or false if there is none

getEmail()   X-Ref
Get the email of the author of the extension if there is any

return: string|bool The email address or false if there is none

getEmailID()   X-Ref
Get the email id, i.e. the md5sum of the email

return: string|bool The md5sum of the email if there is any, false otherwise

getDescription()   X-Ref
Get the description of the extension

return: string The description

getURL()   X-Ref
Get the URL of the extension, usually a page on dokuwiki.org

return: string The URL

getInstalledVersion()   X-Ref
Get the installed version of the extension

return: string|bool The version, usually in the form yyyy-mm-dd if there is any

getUpdateDate()   X-Ref
Get the install date of the current version

return: string|bool The date of the last update or false if not available

getInstallDate()   X-Ref
Get the date of the installation of the plugin

return: string|bool The date of the installation or false if not available

getDependencies()   X-Ref
Get the names of the dependencies of this extension

return: array The base names of the dependencies

getMissingDependencies()   X-Ref
Get the names of the missing dependencies

return: array The base names of the missing dependencies

getConflicts()   X-Ref
Get the names of all conflicting extensions

return: array The names of the conflicting extensions

getSimilarExtensions()   X-Ref
Get the names of similar extensions

return: array The names of similar extensions

getTags()   X-Ref
Get the names of the tags of the extension

return: array The names of the tags of the extension

getPopularity()   X-Ref
Get the popularity information as floating point number [0,1]

return: float|bool The popularity information or false if it isn't available

getUpdateMessage()   X-Ref
Get the text of the update message if there is any

return: string|bool The update message if there is any, false otherwise

getSecurityWarning()   X-Ref
Get the text of the security warning if there is any

return: string|bool The security warning if there is any, false otherwise

getSecurityIssue()   X-Ref
Get the text of the security issue if there is any

return: string|bool The security issue if there is any, false otherwise

getScreenshotURL()   X-Ref
Get the URL of the screenshot of the extension if there is any

return: string|bool The screenshot URL if there is any, false otherwise

getThumbnailURL()   X-Ref
Get the URL of the thumbnail of the extension if there is any

return: string|bool The thumbnail URL if there is any, false otherwise

getLastDownloadURL()   X-Ref
Get the last used download URL of the extension if there is any

return: string|bool The previously used download URL, false if the extension has been installed manually

getDownloadURL()   X-Ref
Get the download URL of the extension if there is any

return: string|bool The download URL if there is any, false otherwise

hasDownloadURLChanged()   X-Ref
If the download URL has changed since the last download

return: bool If the download URL has changed

getBugtrackerURL()   X-Ref
Get the bug tracker URL of the extension if there is any

return: string|bool The bug tracker URL if there is any, false otherwise

getSourcerepoURL()   X-Ref
Get the URL of the source repository if there is any

return: string|bool The URL of the source repository if there is any, false otherwise

getDonationURL()   X-Ref
Get the donation URL of the extension if there is any

return: string|bool The donation URL if there is any, false otherwise

getTypes()   X-Ref
Get the extension type(s)

return: array The type(s) as array of strings

getCompatibleVersions()   X-Ref
Get a list of all DokuWiki versions this extension is compatible with

return: array The versions in the form yyyy-mm-dd => ('label' => label, 'implicit' => implicit)

getLastUpdate()   X-Ref
Get the date of the last available update

return: string|bool The last available update in the form yyyy-mm-dd if there is any, false otherwise

getInstallDir()   X-Ref
Get the base path of the extension

return: string The base path of the extension

getInstallType()   X-Ref
The type of extension installation

return: string One of "none", "manual", "git" or "automatic"

canModify()   X-Ref
If the extension can probably be installed/updated or uninstalled

return: bool|string True or error string

installFromUpload($field, $overwrite = true)   X-Ref
Install an extension from a user upload

return: array The list of installed extensions
param: string $field name of the upload file
param: boolean $overwrite overwrite folder if the extension name is the same

installFromURL($url, $overwrite = true)   X-Ref
Install an extension from a remote URL

return: array The list of installed extensions
param: string $url
param: boolean $overwrite overwrite folder if the extension name is the same

installOrUpdate()   X-Ref
Install or update the extension

return: array The list of installed extensions

uninstall()   X-Ref
Uninstall the extension

return: bool If the plugin was sucessfully uninstalled

enable()   X-Ref
Enable the extension

return: bool|string True or an error message

disable()   X-Ref
Disable the extension

return: bool|string True or an error message

purgeCache()   X-Ref
Purge the cache by touching the main configuration file

readLocalData()   X-Ref
Read local extension data either from info.txt or getInfo()

updateManagerData($url = '', $installed = null)   X-Ref
Save the given URL and current datetime in the manager.dat file of all installed extensions

param: string $url       Where the extension was downloaded from. (empty for manual installs via upload)
param: array  $installed Optional list of installed plugins

readManagerData()   X-Ref
Read the manager.dat file

writeManagerData()   X-Ref
Write the manager.data file

mkTmpDir()   X-Ref
Returns a temporary directory

The directory is registered for cleanup when the class is destroyed

return: false|string

downloadToFile($url, $file, $defaultName = '')   X-Ref
downloads a file from the net and saves it

- $file is the directory where the file should be saved
- if successful will return the name used for the saved file, false otherwise

return: bool|string          if failed false, otherwise true or the name of the file in the given dir
param: string $url           url to download
param: string $file          path to file or directory where to save
param: string $defaultName   fallback for name of download
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
author: Chris Smith <chris@jalakai.co.uk>

download($url)   X-Ref
Download an archive to a protected path

return: string The path where the archive was saved
param: string $url  The url to get the archive from

installArchive($file, $overwrite = false, $base = '')   X-Ref

return: array            list of installed extensions
param: string $file      The path to the archive that shall be installed
param: bool   $overwrite If an already installed plugin should be overwritten
param: string $base      The basename of the plugin if it's known

findFolders(&$result, $directory, $default_type = 'plugin', $subdir = '')   X-Ref
Find out what was in the extracted directory

Correct folders are searched recursively using the "*.info.txt" configs
as indicator for a root folder. When such a file is found, it's base
setting is used (when set). All folders found by this method are stored
in the 'new' key of the $result array.

For backwards compatibility all found top level folders are stored as
in the 'old' key of the $result array.

When no items are found in 'new' the copy mechanism should fall back
the 'old' list.

return: bool - false on error
param: array $result - results are stored here
param: string $directory - the temp directory where the package was unpacked to
param: string $default_type - type used if no info.txt available
param: string $subdir - a subdirectory. do not set. used by recursion
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

decompress($file, $target)   X-Ref
Decompress a given file to the given target directory

Determines the compression type from the file extension

return: bool
param: string $file   archive to extract
param: string $target directory to extract to

guessArchiveType($file)   X-Ref
Determine the archive type of the given file

Reads the first magic bytes of the given file for content type guessing,
if neither bz, gz or zip are recognized, tar is assumed.

return: string|false false if the file can't be read, otherwise an "extension"
param: string $file The file to analyze
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

dircopy($src, $dst)   X-Ref
Copy with recursive sub-directory support

return: bool|int|string
param: string $src filename path to file
param: string $dst filename path to file

removeDeletedfiles($installed)   X-Ref
Delete outdated files from updated plugins

param: array $installed