usermanager = new admin_mock_usermanager(); parent::setUp(); } /** * based on standard test user/conf setup * * users per _test/conf/users.auth.php * expected to be: testuser:179ad45c6ce2cb97cf1029e212046e81:Arthur */ function test_export() { $expected = 'User,"Real Name",Email,Groups testuser,"Arthur Dent",, '; $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->usermanager->tryExport()); } /** * when configured to use a different locale, the column headings in the first line of the * exported csv data should reflect the langauge strings of that locale */ function test_export_withlocale(){ global $conf; $old_conf = $conf; $conf['lang'] = 'de'; $this->usermanager->localised = false; $this->usermanager->setupLocale(); $conf = $old_conf; $expected = 'Benutzername,"Voller Name",E-Mail,Gruppen testuser,"Arthur Dent",, '; $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->usermanager->tryExport()); } /* function test_export_withfilter(){ $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } */ }