importfile = tempnam(TMP_DIR, 'csv'); $this->old_files = $_FILES; $_FILES = array( 'import' => array( 'name' => 'import.csv', 'tmp_name' => $this->importfile, 'type' => 'text/plain', 'size' => 1, 'error' => 0, ), ); $this->usermanager = new admin_mock_usermanager(); parent::setUp(); } public function tearDown() : void { $_FILES = $this->old_files; parent::tearDown(); } public function doImportTest($importCsv, $expectedResult, $expectedNewUsers, $expectedFailures) { global $auth; $before_users = $auth->retrieveUsers(); io_saveFile($this->importfile, $importCsv); $result = $this->usermanager->tryImport(); $after_users = $auth->retrieveUsers(); $before_users = array_map('serialize', $before_users); $after_users = array_map('serialize', $after_users); $import_count = count($after_users) - count($before_users); $new_users = array_map('unserialize', array_diff_key($after_users, $before_users)); $diff_users = array_map('unserialize', array_diff_assoc($after_users, $before_users)); $expectedCount = count($expectedNewUsers); $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $result); // import result as expected $this->assertEquals($expectedCount, $import_count); // number of new users matches expected number imported $this->assertEquals($expectedNewUsers, $this->stripPasswords($new_users)); // new user data matches imported user data $this->assertEquals($expectedCount, $this->countPasswords($new_users)); // new users have a password $this->assertEquals($expectedCount, $this->usermanager->mock_email_notifications_sent); // new users notified of their passwords $this->assertEquals($new_users, $diff_users); // no other users were harmed in the testing of this import $this->assertEquals($expectedFailures, $this->usermanager->getImportFailures()); // failures as expected } public function test_cantImport() { global $auth; $oldauth = $auth; $auth = new auth_mock_authplain(); $auth->setCanDo('addUser', false); $csv = 'User,"Real Name",Email,Groups importuser,"Ford Prefect",,user '; $this->doImportTest($csv, false, array(), array()); $auth = $oldauth; } public function test_import() { $csv = 'User,"Real Name",Email,Groups importuser,"Ford Prefect",,user '; $expected = array( 'importuser' => array( 'name' => 'Ford Prefect', 'mail' => '', 'grps' => array('user'), ), ); $this->doImportTest($csv, true, $expected, array()); } public function test_importExisting() { $csv = 'User,"Real Name",Email,Groups importuser,"Ford Prefect",,user '; $failures = array( '2' => array( 'error' => $this->usermanager->getLang('import_error_create'), 'user' => array( 'importuser', 'Ford Prefect', '', 'user', ), 'orig' => 'importuser,"Ford Prefect",,user'.NL, ), ); $this->doImportTest($csv, true, array(), $failures); } public function test_importUtf8() { $csv = 'User,"Real Name",Email,Groups importutf8,"Førd Prefect",,user '; $expected = array( 'importutf8' => array( 'name' => 'Førd Prefect', 'mail' => '', 'grps' => array('user'), ), ); $this->doImportTest($csv, true, $expected, array()); } /** * utf8: u+00F8 (ø) <=> 0xF8 :iso-8859-1 */ public function test_importIso8859() { $csv = 'User,"Real Name",Email,Groups importiso8859,"F'.chr(0xF8).'rd Prefect",,user '; $expected = array( 'importiso8859' => array( 'name' => 'Førd Prefect', 'mail' => '', 'grps' => array('user'), ), ); $this->doImportTest($csv, true, $expected, array()); } private function stripPasswords($array) { foreach ($array as $user => $data) { unset($array[$user]['pass']); } return $array; } private function countPasswords($array) { $count = 0; foreach ($array as $user => $data) { if (!empty($data['pass'])) { $count++; } } return $count; } }