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PHP Cross Reference of DokuWiki




/lib/scripts/ -> behaviour.js (source)

   1  /**
   2   * Hides elements with a slide animation
   3   *
   4   * @param {function} fn optional callback to run after hiding
   5   * @param {bool} noaria supress aria-expanded state setting
   6   * @author Adrian Lang <mail@adrianlang.de>
   7   */
   8  jQuery.fn.dw_hide = function(fn, noaria) {
   9      if(!noaria) this.attr('aria-expanded', 'false');
  10      return this.slideUp('fast', fn);
  11  };
  13  /**
  14   * Unhides elements with a slide animation
  15   *
  16   * @param {function} fn optional callback to run after hiding
  17   * @param {bool} noaria supress aria-expanded state setting
  18   * @author Adrian Lang <mail@adrianlang.de>
  19   */
  20  jQuery.fn.dw_show = function(fn, noaria) {
  21      if(!noaria) this.attr('aria-expanded', 'true');
  22      return this.slideDown('fast', fn);
  23  };
  25  /**
  26   * Toggles visibility of an element using a slide element
  27   *
  28   * @param {bool} state the current state of the element (optional)
  29   * @param {function} fn callback after the state has been toggled
  30   * @param {bool} noaria supress aria-expanded state setting
  31   */
  32  jQuery.fn.dw_toggle = function(state, fn, noaria) {
  33      return this.each(function() {
  34          var $this = jQuery(this);
  35          if (typeof state === 'undefined') {
  36              state = $this.is(':hidden');
  37          }
  38          $this[state ? "dw_show" : "dw_hide" ](fn, noaria);
  39      });
  40  };
  42  /**
  43   * Automatic behaviours
  44   *
  45   * This class wraps various JavaScript functionalities that are triggered
  46   * automatically whenever a certain object is in the DOM or a certain CSS
  47   * class was found
  48   */
  49  var dw_behaviour = {
  51      init: function(){
  52          dw_behaviour.focusMarker();
  53          dw_behaviour.scrollToMarker();
  54          dw_behaviour.removeHighlightOnClick();
  55          dw_behaviour.quickSelect();
  56          dw_behaviour.checkWindowsShares();
  57          dw_behaviour.subscription();
  58          dw_behaviour.pageRestoreConfirm();
  59          dw_behaviour.securityCheck();
  61          dw_behaviour.revisionBoxHandler();
  62          jQuery(document).on('click','#page__revisions input[type=checkbox]',
  63              dw_behaviour.revisionBoxHandler
  64          );
  66          jQuery('.bounce').effect('bounce', {times:10}, 2000 );
  67      },
  69      /**
  70       * Looks for an element with the ID scroll__here at scrolls to it
  71       */
  72      scrollToMarker: function(){
  73          var $obj = jQuery('#scroll__here');
  74          if($obj.length) {
  75              if($obj.offset().top != 0) {
  76                  jQuery('html, body').animate({
  77                      scrollTop: $obj.offset().top - 100
  78                  }, 500);
  79              } else {
  80                  // hidden object have no offset but can still be scrolled into view
  81                  $obj[0].scrollIntoView();
  82              }
  83          }
  84      },
  86      /**
  87       * Display confirm dialog on page restore action
  88       */
  89      pageRestoreConfirm: function(){
  90          jQuery('#dokuwiki__pagetools li.revert a').on('click',
  91              function() {
  92                  return confirm(LANG.restore_confirm);
  93              }
  94          );
  95      },
  97      /**
  98       * Looks for an element with the ID focus__this at sets focus to it
  99       */
 100      focusMarker: function(){
 101          jQuery('#focus__this').trigger('focus');
 102      },
 104      /**
 105       * Remove all search highlighting when clicking on a highlighted term
 106       */
 107      removeHighlightOnClick: function(){
 108          jQuery('span.search_hit').on('click',
 109              function(e){
 110                  jQuery(e.target).removeClass('search_hit', 1000);
 111              }
 112          );
 113      },
 115      /**
 116       * Autosubmit quick select forms
 117       *
 118       * When a <select> or <input> tag has the class "quickselect", this script will
 119       * automatically submit its parent form when the select value changes.
 120       * It also hides the submit button of the form.
 121       *
 122       * This includes a workaround a weird behaviour when the submit button has a name
 123       *
 124       * @link https://trackjs.com/blog/when-form-submit-is-not-a-function/
 125       * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 126       */
 127      quickSelect: function(){
 128          jQuery('.quickselect')
 129              .change(function(e){ HTMLFormElement.prototype.submit.call(e.target.form); })
 130              .closest('form').find(':button').not('.show').hide();
 131      },
 133      /**
 134       * Display error for Windows Shares on browsers other than IE
 135       *
 136       * @author Michael Klier <chi@chimeric.de>
 137       */
 138      checkWindowsShares: function() {
 139          if(!LANG.nosmblinks || navigator.userAgent.match(/(Trident|MSIE|Edge)/)) {
 140              // No warning requested or none necessary
 141              return;
 142          }
 144          jQuery('a.windows').on('click', function(){
 145              alert(LANG.nosmblinks.replace(/\\n/,"\n"));
 146          });
 147      },
 149      /**
 150       * Hide list subscription style if target is a page
 151       *
 152       * @author Adrian Lang <lang@cosmocode.de>
 153       * @author Pierre Spring <pierre.spring@caillou.ch>
 154       */
 155      subscription: function(){
 156          var $form, $list, $digest;
 158          $form = jQuery('#subscribe__form');
 159          if (0 === $form.length) return;
 161          $list = $form.find("input[name='sub_style'][value='list']");
 162          $digest = $form.find("input[name='sub_style'][value='digest']");
 164          $form.find("input[name='sub_target']")
 165              .on('click',
 166                  function () {
 167                      var $this = jQuery(this), show_list;
 168                      if (!$this.prop('checked')) {
 169                          return;
 170                      }
 172                      show_list = $this.val().match(/:$/);
 173                      $list.parent().dw_toggle(show_list);
 174                      if (!show_list && $list.prop('checked')) {
 175                          $digest.prop('checked', 'checked');
 176                      }
 177                  }
 178              )
 179              .filter(':checked')
 180              .trigger('click');
 181      },
 183      /**
 184       * disable multiple revisions checkboxes if two are checked
 185       *
 186       * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 187       * @author Anika Henke <anika@selfthinker.org>
 188       */
 189      revisionBoxHandler: function() {
 190          var $revisions = jQuery('#page__revisions');
 191          var $all       = jQuery('input[type="checkbox"][name="rev2[]"]', $revisions);
 192          var $checked   = $all.filter(':checked');
 193          var $button    = jQuery('button', $revisions);
 195          if($checked.length < 2) {
 196              $all.prop('disabled', false);
 197              $button.prop('disabled', true);
 198          } else {
 199              $all.prop('disabled', true);
 200              $button.prop('disabled', false);
 201              $checked.each(function(i) {
 202                  jQuery(this).prop('disabled', false);
 203                  if(i>1) {
 204                      jQuery(this).prop('checked', false);
 205                  }
 206              });
 207          }
 208      },
 210      /**
 211       * Check that access to the data directory is properly secured
 212       *
 213       * A successful check (a 403 error was returned when loading the image) is saved
 214       * to session storage and not repeated again until the next browser session. This
 215       * avoids overeager security bans (see #3363)
 216       */
 217      securityCheck: function () {
 218          var $checkDiv = jQuery('#security__check');
 219          if (!$checkDiv.length) return;
 220          if (sessionStorage.getItem('dw-security-check:' + DOKU_BASE)) {
 221              // check was already executed successfully
 222              $checkDiv.remove();
 223              return;
 224          }
 226          var img = new Image();
 227          img.onerror = function () {
 228              // successful check will not be repeated during session
 229              $checkDiv.remove();
 230              sessionStorage.setItem('dw-security-check:' + DOKU_BASE, true);
 231          };
 232          img.onload = function () {
 233              // check failed, display a warning message
 234              $checkDiv.html(LANG.data_insecure);
 235              $checkDiv.addClass('error');
 236          };
 237          img.src = $checkDiv.data('src') + '?t=' + Date.now();
 238      }
 239  };
 241  jQuery(dw_behaviour.init);