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/vendor/aziraphale/email-address-validator/ -> EmailAddressValidator.php (summary)

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File Size: 183 lines (7 kb)
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Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

EmailAddressValidator:: (4 methods):

Class: EmailAddressValidator  - X-Ref

Class EmailAddressValidator

checkEmailAddress($emailAddress, $allowLocal = false)   X-Ref
Check email address validity

return: bool Whether email is valid
param: string $emailAddress Email address to be checked
param: bool $allowLocal allow local domains

checkLocalPortion($localPortion)   X-Ref
Checks email section before "@" symbol for validity

return: bool Whether local portion is valid
param: string $localPortion Text to be checked

checkDomainPortion($domainPortion, $allowLocal = false)   X-Ref
Checks email section after "@" symbol for validity

return: bool Whether domain portion is valid
param: string $domainPortion Text to be checked
param: bool $allowLocal allow local domains?

checkTextLength($text, $minimum, $maximum)   X-Ref
Check given text length is between defined bounds

return: bool Whether string is within bounds (inclusive)
param: string $text Text to be checked
param: int $minimum Minimum acceptable length
param: int $maximum Maximum acceptable length