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/vendor/geshi/geshi/src/geshi/ -> perl.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /*************************************************************************************
   3   * perl.php
   4   * --------
   5   * Author: Andreas Gohr (andi@splitbrain.org), Ben Keen (ben.keen@gmail.com)
   6   * Copyright: (c) 2004 Andreas Gohr, Ben Keen (http://www.benjaminkeen.org/), Nigel McNie (http://qbnz.com/highlighter/)
   7   * Release Version:
   8   * Date Started: 2004/08/20
   9   *
  10   * Perl language file for GeSHi.
  11   *
  12   * CHANGES
  13   * -------
  14   * 2008/06/22 (1.0.8)
  15   *   -  Added support for system calls in backticks (Corley Kinnane)
  16   * 2008/05/23 (
  17   *   -  Added description of extra language features (SF#1970248)
  18   *   -  Added comment_regexp for predefined variables
  19   * 2008/02/15 (1.003)
  20   *   -  Fixed SF#1891630 with placebo patch
  21   * 2006/01/05 (1.0.2)
  22   *   -  Used hardescape feature for ' strings (Cliff Stanford)
  23   * 2004/11/27 (1.0.1)
  24   *   -  Added support for multiple object splitters
  25   * 2004/08/20 (1.0.0)
  26   *   -  First Release
  27   *
  28   * TODO (updated 2004/11/27)
  29   * -------------------------
  30   * * LABEL:
  31   * * string comparison operators
  32   *
  33   *************************************************************************************
  34   *
  35   *     This file is part of GeSHi.
  36   *
  37   *   GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  38   *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  39   *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  40   *   (at your option) any later version.
  41   *
  42   *   GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  43   *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  45   *   GNU General Public License for more details.
  46   *
  47   *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  48   *   along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
  49   *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
  50   *
  51   ************************************************************************************/
  53  $language_data = array (
  54      'LANG_NAME' => 'Perl',
  55      'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => '#'),
  56      'COMMENT_MULTI' => array(
  57          '=back' => '=cut',
  58          '=head' => '=cut',
  59          '=item' => '=cut',
  60          '=over' => '=cut',
  61          '=begin' => '=cut',
  62          '=end' => '=cut',
  63          '=for' => '=cut',
  64          '=encoding' => '=cut',
  65          '=pod' => '=cut'
  66          ),
  67      'COMMENT_REGEXP' => array(
  68          //Regular expressions
  69          2 => "/(?<=[\\s^])(s|tr|y)\\/(?:\\\\.|(?!\n)[^\\/\\\\])+\\/(?:\\\\.|(?!\n)[^\\/\\\\])*\\/[msixpogcde]*(?=[\\s$\\.\\;])|(?<=[\\s^(=])(m|q[qrwx]?)?\\/(?:\\\\.|(?!\n)[^\\/\\\\])+\\/[msixpogc]*(?=[\\s$\\.\\,\\;\\)])/iU",
  70          //Regular expression match variables
  71          3 => '/\$\d+/',
  72          //Heredoc
  73          4 => '/<<\s*?([\'"]?)([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\1;[^\n]*?\\n.*\\n\\2(?![a-zA-Z0-9])/siU',
  74          //Predefined variables
  75          5 => '/\$(\^[a-zA-Z]?|[\*\$`\'&_\.,+\-~:;\\\\\/"\|%=\?!@#<>\(\)\[\]])(?!\w)|@[_+\-]|%[!]|\$(?=\{)/',
  76          ),
  78      'QUOTEMARKS' => array('"','`'),
  79      'HARDQUOTE' => array("'", "'"),            // An optional 2-element array defining the beginning and end of a hard-quoted string
  80      'HARDESCAPE' => array('\\\'',),
  81          // Things that must still be escaped inside a hard-quoted string
  82          // If HARDQUOTE is defined, HARDESCAPE must be defined
  83          // This will not work unless the first character of each element is either in the
  84          // QUOTEMARKS array or is the ESCAPE_CHAR
  85      'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\',
  86      'KEYWORDS' => array(
  87          1 => array(
  88              'case', 'do', 'else', 'elsif', 'for', 'if', 'then', 'until', 'while', 'foreach', 'my',
  89              'xor', 'or', 'and', 'unless', 'next', 'last', 'redo', 'not', 'our',
  90              'reset', 'continue', 'cmp', 'ne', 'eq', 'lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge',
  91              ),
  92          2 => array(
  93              'use', 'sub', 'new', '__END__', '__DATA__', '__DIE__', '__WARN__', 'BEGIN',
  94              'STDIN', 'STDOUT', 'STDERR', 'ARGV', 'ARGVOUT'
  95              ),
  96          3 => array(
  97              'abs', 'accept', 'alarm', 'atan2', 'bind', 'binmode', 'bless',
  98              'caller', 'chdir', 'chmod', 'chomp', 'chop', 'chown', 'chr',
  99              'chroot', 'close', 'closedir', 'connect', 'cos',
 100              'crypt', 'dbmclose', 'dbmopen', 'defined', 'delete', 'die',
 101              'dump', 'each', 'endgrent', 'endhostent', 'endnetent', 'endprotoent',
 102              'endpwent', 'endservent', 'eof', 'eval', 'exec', 'exists', 'exit',
 103              'exp', 'fcntl', 'fileno', 'flock', 'fork', 'format', 'formline',
 104              'getc', 'getgrent', 'getgrgid', 'getgrnam', 'gethostbyaddr',
 105              'gethostbyname', 'gethostent', 'getlogin', 'getnetbyaddr', 'getnetbyname',
 106              'getnetent', 'getpeername', 'getpgrp', 'getppid', 'getpriority',
 107              'getprotobyname', 'getprotobynumber', 'getprotoent', 'getpwent',
 108              'getpwnam', 'getpwuid', 'getservbyname', 'getservbyport', 'getservent',
 109              'getsockname', 'getsockopt', 'glob', 'gmtime', 'goto', 'grep',
 110              'hex', 'import', 'index', 'int', 'ioctl', 'join', 'keys', 'kill',
 111              'lc', 'lcfirst', 'length', 'link', 'listen', 'local',
 112              'localtime', 'log', 'lstat', 'm', 'map', 'mkdir', 'msgctl', 'msgget',
 113              'msgrcv', 'msgsnd', 'no', 'oct', 'open', 'opendir',
 114              'ord', 'pack', 'package', 'pipe', 'pop', 'pos', 'print',
 115              'printf', 'prototype', 'push', 'qq', 'qr', 'quotemeta', 'qw',
 116              'qx', 'q', 'rand', 'read', 'readdir', 'readline', 'readlink', 'readpipe',
 117              'recv', 'ref', 'rename', 'require', 'return',
 118              'reverse', 'rewinddir', 'rindex', 'rmdir', 's', 'scalar', 'seek',
 119              'seekdir', 'select', 'semctl', 'semget', 'semop', 'send', 'setgrent',
 120              'sethostent', 'setnetent', 'setpgrp', 'setpriority', 'setprotoent',
 121              'setpwent', 'setservent', 'setsockopt', 'shift', 'shmctl', 'shmget',
 122              'shmread', 'shmwrite', 'shutdown', 'sin', 'sleep', 'socket', 'socketpair',
 123              'sort', 'splice', 'split', 'sprintf', 'sqrt', 'srand', 'stat',
 124              'study', 'substr', 'symlink', 'syscall', 'sysopen', 'sysread',
 125              'sysseek', 'system', 'syswrite', 'tell', 'telldir', 'tie', 'tied',
 126              'time', 'times', 'tr', 'truncate', 'uc', 'ucfirst', 'umask', 'undef',
 127              'unlink', 'unpack', 'unshift', 'untie', 'utime', 'values',
 128              'vec', 'wait', 'waitpid', 'wantarray', 'warn', 'write', 'y'
 129              )
 130          ),
 131      'SYMBOLS' => array(
 132          '<', '>', '=',
 133          '!', '@', '~', '&', '|', '^',
 134          '+','-', '*', '/', '%',
 135          ',', ';', '?', '.', ':'
 136          ),
 137      'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
 138          GESHI_COMMENTS => false,
 139          1 => true,
 140          2 => true,
 141          3 => true,
 142          ),
 143      'STYLES' => array(
 144          'KEYWORDS' => array(
 145              1 => 'color: #b1b100;',
 146              2 => 'color: #000000; font-weight: bold;',
 147              3 => 'color: #000066;'
 148              ),
 149          'COMMENTS' => array(
 150              1 => 'color: #666666; font-style: italic;',
 151              2 => 'color: #009966; font-style: italic;',
 152              3 => 'color: #0000ff;',
 153              4 => 'color: #cc0000; font-style: italic;',
 154              5 => 'color: #0000ff;',
 155              'MULTI' => 'color: #666666; font-style: italic;'
 156              ),
 157          'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
 158              0 => 'color: #000099; font-weight: bold;',
 159              'HARD' => 'color: #000099; font-weight: bold;'
 160              ),
 161          'BRACKETS' => array(
 162              0 => 'color: #009900;'
 163              ),
 164          'STRINGS' => array(
 165              0 => 'color: #ff0000;',
 166              'HARD' => 'color: #ff0000;'
 167              ),
 168          'NUMBERS' => array(
 169              0 => 'color: #cc66cc;'
 170              ),
 171          'METHODS' => array(
 172              1 => 'color: #006600;',
 173              2 => 'color: #006600;'
 174              ),
 175          'SYMBOLS' => array(
 176              0 => 'color: #339933;'
 177              ),
 178          'REGEXPS' => array(
 179              0 => 'color: #0000ff;',
 180              4 => 'color: #009999;',
 181              ),
 182          'SCRIPT' => array(
 183              )
 184          ),
 185      'URLS' => array(
 186          1 => '',
 187          2 => '',
 188          3 => 'http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/{FNAMEL}.html'
 189          ),
 190      'OOLANG' => true,
 191      'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(
 192          1 => '-&gt;',
 193          2 => '::'
 194          ),
 195      'REGEXPS' => array(
 196          //Variable
 197          0 => '(?:\$[\$#]?|\\\\(?:[@%*]?|\\\\*\$|&amp;)|%[$]?|@[$]?|\*[$]?|&amp;[$]?)[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*',
 198          //File Descriptor
 199          4 => '&lt;[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*&gt;',
 200          ),
 202      'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(
 203          ),
 204      'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array(
 205          ),
 206      'PARSER_CONTROL' => array(
 207          'COMMENTS' => array(
 208              'DISALLOWED_BEFORE' => '$'
 209          )
 210      )
 211  );