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/vendor/geshi/geshi/src/geshi/ -> php-brief.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /*************************************************************************************
   3   * php-brief.php
   4   * -------------
   5   * Author: Nigel McNie (nigel@geshi.org)
   6   * Copyright: (c) 2004 Nigel McNie (http://qbnz.com/highlighter/)
   7   * Release Version:
   8   * Date Started: 2004/06/02
   9   *
  10   * PHP (brief version) language file for GeSHi.
  11   *
  12   * CHANGES
  13   * -------
  14   * 2008/05/23 (
  15   *  -  Added description of extra language features (SF#1970248)
  16   * 2004/11/27 (1.0.3)
  17   *  -  Added support for multiple object splitters
  18   *  -  Fixed &new problem
  19   * 2004/10/27 (1.0.2)
  20   *   -  Added support for URLs
  21   * 2004/08/05 (1.0.1)
  22   *   -  Added support for symbols
  23   * 2004/07/14 (1.0.0)
  24   *   -  First Release
  25   *
  26   * TODO (updated 2004/07/14)
  27   * -------------------------
  28   * * Remove more functions that are hardly used
  29   *
  30   *************************************************************************************
  31   *
  32   *     This file is part of GeSHi.
  33   *
  34   *   GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  35   *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  36   *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  37   *   (at your option) any later version.
  38   *
  39   *   GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  40   *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  42   *   GNU General Public License for more details.
  43   *
  44   *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  45   *   along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
  46   *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
  47   *
  48   ************************************************************************************/
  50  $language_data = array (
  51      'LANG_NAME' => 'PHP (brief)',
  52      'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => '//', 2 => '#'),
  53      'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('/*' => '*/'),
  54      //Heredoc and Nowdoc syntax
  55      'COMMENT_REGEXP' => array(3 => '/<<<\s*?(\'?)([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\1[^\n]*?\\n.*\\n\\2(?![a-zA-Z0-9])/siU'),
  57      'QUOTEMARKS' => array("'", '"'),
  58      'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\',
  59      'HARDQUOTE' => array("'", "'"),
  60      'HARDESCAPE' => array("\'"),
  61      'NUMBERS' =>
  64      'KEYWORDS' => array(
  65          1 => array(
  66              'include', 'require', 'include_once', 'require_once',
  67              'for', 'as', 'foreach', 'if', 'elseif', 'else', 'while', 'do', 'endwhile', 'endif', 'switch', 'case', 'endswitch',
  68              'return', 'break'
  69              ),
  70          2 => array(
  71              'null', '__LINE__', '__FILE__',
  72              'false', '&lt;?php',
  73              'true', 'var', 'default',
  74              'function', 'class', 'new', '&amp;new', 'public', 'private', 'interface', 'extends',
  75              'const', 'self'
  76              ),
  77          3 => array(
  78              'func_num_args', 'func_get_arg', 'func_get_args', 'strlen', 'strcmp', 'strncmp', 'strcasecmp', 'strncasecmp', 'each', 'error_reporting', 'define', 'defined',
  79              'trigger_error', 'user_error', 'set_error_handler', 'restore_error_handler', 'get_declared_classes', 'get_loaded_extensions',
  80              'extension_loaded', 'get_extension_funcs', 'debug_backtrace',
  81              'constant', 'bin2hex', 'sleep', 'usleep', 'time', 'mktime', 'gmmktime', 'strftime', 'gmstrftime', 'strtotime', 'date', 'gmdate', 'getdate', 'localtime', 'checkdate', 'flush', 'wordwrap', 'htmlspecialchars', 'htmlentities', 'html_entity_decode', 'md5', 'md5_file', 'crc32', 'getimagesize', 'image_type_to_mime_type', 'phpinfo', 'phpversion', 'phpcredits', 'strnatcmp', 'strnatcasecmp', 'substr_count', 'strspn', 'strcspn', 'strtok', 'strtoupper', 'strtolower', 'strpos', 'strrpos', 'strrev', 'hebrev', 'hebrevc', 'nl2br', 'basename', 'dirname', 'pathinfo', 'stripslashes', 'stripcslashes', 'strstr', 'stristr', 'strrchr', 'str_shuffle', 'str_word_count', 'strcoll', 'substr', 'substr_replace', 'quotemeta', 'ucfirst', 'ucwords', 'strtr', 'addslashes', 'addcslashes', 'rtrim', 'str_replace', 'str_repeat', 'count_chars', 'chunk_split', 'trim', 'ltrim', 'strip_tags', 'similar_text', 'explode', 'implode', 'setlocale', 'localeconv',
  82              'parse_str', 'str_pad', 'chop', 'strchr', 'sprintf', 'printf', 'vprintf', 'vsprintf', 'sscanf', 'fscanf', 'parse_url', 'urlencode', 'urldecode', 'rawurlencode', 'rawurldecode', 'readlink', 'linkinfo', 'link', 'unlink', 'exec', 'system', 'escapeshellcmd', 'escapeshellarg', 'passthru', 'shell_exec', 'proc_open', 'proc_close', 'rand', 'srand', 'getrandmax', 'mt_rand', 'mt_srand', 'mt_getrandmax', 'base64_decode', 'base64_encode', 'abs', 'ceil', 'floor', 'round', 'is_finite', 'is_nan', 'is_infinite', 'bindec', 'hexdec', 'octdec', 'decbin', 'decoct', 'dechex', 'base_convert', 'number_format', 'fmod', 'ip2long', 'long2ip', 'getenv', 'putenv', 'getopt', 'microtime', 'gettimeofday', 'getrusage', 'uniqid', 'quoted_printable_decode', 'set_time_limit', 'get_cfg_var', 'magic_quotes_runtime', 'set_magic_quotes_runtime', 'get_magic_quotes_gpc', 'get_magic_quotes_runtime',
  83              'import_request_variables', 'error_log', 'serialize', 'unserialize', 'memory_get_usage', 'var_dump', 'var_export', 'debug_zval_dump', 'print_r','highlight_file', 'show_source', 'highlight_string', 'ini_get', 'ini_get_all', 'ini_set', 'ini_alter', 'ini_restore', 'get_include_path', 'set_include_path', 'restore_include_path', 'setcookie', 'header', 'headers_sent', 'connection_aborted', 'connection_status', 'ignore_user_abort', 'parse_ini_file', 'is_uploaded_file', 'move_uploaded_file', 'intval', 'floatval', 'doubleval', 'strval', 'gettype', 'settype', 'is_null', 'is_resource', 'is_bool', 'is_long', 'is_float', 'is_int', 'is_integer', 'is_double', 'is_real', 'is_numeric', 'is_string', 'is_array', 'is_object', 'is_scalar',
  84              'ereg', 'ereg_replace', 'eregi', 'eregi_replace', 'split', 'spliti', 'join', 'sql_regcase', 'dl', 'pclose', 'popen', 'readfile', 'rewind', 'rmdir', 'umask', 'fclose', 'feof', 'fgetc', 'fgets', 'fgetss', 'fread', 'fopen', 'fpassthru', 'ftruncate', 'fstat', 'fseek', 'ftell', 'fflush', 'fwrite', 'fputs', 'mkdir', 'rename', 'copy', 'tempnam', 'tmpfile', 'file', 'file_get_contents', 'stream_select', 'stream_context_create', 'stream_context_set_params', 'stream_context_set_option', 'stream_context_get_options', 'stream_filter_prepend', 'stream_filter_append', 'fgetcsv', 'flock', 'get_meta_tags', 'stream_set_write_buffer', 'set_file_buffer', 'set_socket_blocking', 'stream_set_blocking', 'socket_set_blocking', 'stream_get_meta_data', 'stream_register_wrapper', 'stream_wrapper_register', 'stream_set_timeout', 'socket_set_timeout', 'socket_get_status', 'realpath', 'fnmatch', 'fsockopen', 'pfsockopen', 'pack', 'unpack', 'get_browser', 'crypt', 'opendir', 'closedir', 'chdir', 'getcwd', 'rewinddir', 'readdir', 'dir', 'glob', 'fileatime', 'filectime', 'filegroup', 'fileinode', 'filemtime', 'fileowner', 'fileperms', 'filesize', 'filetype', 'file_exists', 'is_writable', 'is_writeable', 'is_readable', 'is_executable', 'is_file', 'is_dir', 'is_link', 'stat', 'lstat', 'chown',
  85              'touch', 'clearstatcache', 'mail', 'ob_start', 'ob_flush', 'ob_clean', 'ob_end_flush', 'ob_end_clean', 'ob_get_flush', 'ob_get_clean', 'ob_get_length', 'ob_get_level', 'ob_get_status', 'ob_get_contents', 'ob_implicit_flush', 'ob_list_handlers', 'ksort', 'krsort', 'natsort', 'natcasesort', 'asort', 'arsort', 'sort', 'rsort', 'usort', 'uasort', 'uksort', 'shuffle', 'array_walk', 'count', 'end', 'prev', 'next', 'reset', 'current', 'key', 'min', 'max', 'in_array', 'array_search', 'extract', 'compact', 'array_fill', 'range', 'array_multisort', 'array_push', 'array_pop', 'array_shift', 'array_unshift', 'array_splice', 'array_slice', 'array_merge', 'array_merge_recursive', 'array_keys', 'array_values', 'array_count_values', 'array_reverse', 'array_reduce', 'array_pad', 'array_flip', 'array_change_key_case', 'array_rand', 'array_unique', 'array_intersect', 'array_intersect_assoc', 'array_diff', 'array_diff_assoc', 'array_sum', 'array_filter', 'array_map', 'array_chunk', 'array_key_exists', 'pos', 'sizeof', 'key_exists', 'assert', 'assert_options', 'version_compare', 'ftok', 'str_rot13', 'aggregate',
  86              'session_name', 'session_module_name', 'session_save_path', 'session_id', 'session_regenerate_id', 'session_decode', 'session_register', 'session_unregister', 'session_is_registered', 'session_encode',
  87              'session_start', 'session_destroy', 'session_unset', 'session_set_save_handler', 'session_cache_limiter', 'session_cache_expire', 'session_set_cookie_params', 'session_get_cookie_params', 'session_write_close', 'preg_match', 'preg_match_all', 'preg_replace', 'preg_replace_callback', 'preg_split', 'preg_quote', 'preg_grep', 'overload', 'ctype_alnum', 'ctype_alpha', 'ctype_cntrl', 'ctype_digit', 'ctype_lower', 'ctype_graph', 'ctype_print', 'ctype_punct', 'ctype_space', 'ctype_upper', 'ctype_xdigit', 'virtual', 'apache_request_headers', 'apache_note', 'apache_lookup_uri', 'apache_child_terminate', 'apache_setenv', 'apache_response_headers', 'apache_get_version', 'getallheaders', 'mysql_connect', 'mysql_pconnect', 'mysql_close', 'mysql_select_db', 'mysql_create_db', 'mysql_drop_db', 'mysql_query', 'mysql_unbuffered_query', 'mysql_db_query', 'mysql_list_dbs', 'mysql_list_tables', 'mysql_list_fields', 'mysql_list_processes', 'mysql_error', 'mysql_errno', 'mysql_affected_rows', 'mysql_insert_id', 'mysql_result', 'mysql_num_rows', 'mysql_num_fields', 'mysql_fetch_row', 'mysql_fetch_array', 'mysql_fetch_assoc', 'mysql_fetch_object', 'mysql_data_seek', 'mysql_fetch_lengths', 'mysql_fetch_field', 'mysql_field_seek', 'mysql_free_result', 'mysql_field_name', 'mysql_field_table', 'mysql_field_len', 'mysql_field_type', 'mysql_field_flags', 'mysql_escape_string', 'mysql_real_escape_string', 'mysql_stat',
  88              'mysql_thread_id', 'mysql_client_encoding', 'mysql_get_client_info', 'mysql_get_host_info', 'mysql_get_proto_info', 'mysql_get_server_info', 'mysql_info', 'mysql', 'mysql_fieldname', 'mysql_fieldtable', 'mysql_fieldlen', 'mysql_fieldtype', 'mysql_fieldflags', 'mysql_selectdb', 'mysql_createdb', 'mysql_dropdb', 'mysql_freeresult', 'mysql_numfields', 'mysql_numrows', 'mysql_listdbs', 'mysql_listtables', 'mysql_listfields', 'mysql_db_name', 'mysql_dbname', 'mysql_tablename', 'mysql_table_name', 'pg_connect', 'pg_pconnect', 'pg_close', 'pg_connection_status', 'pg_connection_busy', 'pg_connection_reset', 'pg_host', 'pg_dbname', 'pg_port', 'pg_tty', 'pg_options', 'pg_ping', 'pg_query', 'pg_send_query', 'pg_cancel_query', 'pg_fetch_result', 'pg_fetch_row', 'pg_fetch_assoc', 'pg_fetch_array', 'pg_fetch_object', 'pg_fetch_all', 'pg_affected_rows', 'pg_get_result', 'pg_result_seek', 'pg_result_status', 'pg_free_result', 'pg_last_oid', 'pg_num_rows', 'pg_num_fields', 'pg_field_name', 'pg_field_num', 'pg_field_size', 'pg_field_type', 'pg_field_prtlen', 'pg_field_is_null', 'pg_get_notify', 'pg_get_pid', 'pg_result_error', 'pg_last_error', 'pg_last_notice', 'pg_put_line', 'pg_end_copy', 'pg_copy_to', 'pg_copy_from',
  89              'pg_trace', 'pg_untrace', 'pg_lo_create', 'pg_lo_unlink', 'pg_lo_open', 'pg_lo_close', 'pg_lo_read', 'pg_lo_write', 'pg_lo_read_all', 'pg_lo_import', 'pg_lo_export', 'pg_lo_seek', 'pg_lo_tell', 'pg_escape_string', 'pg_escape_bytea', 'pg_unescape_bytea', 'pg_client_encoding', 'pg_set_client_encoding', 'pg_meta_data', 'pg_convert', 'pg_insert', 'pg_update', 'pg_delete', 'pg_select', 'pg_exec', 'pg_getlastoid', 'pg_cmdtuples', 'pg_errormessage', 'pg_numrows', 'pg_numfields', 'pg_fieldname', 'pg_fieldsize', 'pg_fieldtype', 'pg_fieldnum', 'pg_fieldprtlen', 'pg_fieldisnull', 'pg_freeresult', 'pg_result', 'pg_loreadall', 'pg_locreate', 'pg_lounlink', 'pg_loopen', 'pg_loclose', 'pg_loread', 'pg_lowrite', 'pg_loimport', 'pg_loexport',
  90              'echo', 'print', 'global', 'static', 'exit', 'array', 'empty', 'eval', 'isset', 'unset', 'die'
  91              )
  92          ),
  93      'SYMBOLS' => array(
  94          1 => array(
  95              '<%', '<%=', '%>', '<?', '<?=', '?>'
  96              ),
  97          0 => array(
  98              '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}',
  99              '!', '@', '%', '&', '|', '/',
 100              '<', '>',
 101              '=', '-', '+', '*',
 102              '.', ':', ',', ';'
 103              )
 104          ),
 105      'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
 106          GESHI_COMMENTS => false,
 107          1 => false,
 108          2 => false,
 109          3 => false
 110          ),
 111      'STYLES' => array(
 112          'KEYWORDS' => array(
 113              1 => 'color: #b1b100;',
 114              2 => 'color: #000000; font-weight: bold;',
 115              3 => 'color: #990000;'
 116              ),
 117          'COMMENTS' => array(
 118              1 => 'color: #666666; font-style: italic;',
 119              2 => 'color: #666666; font-style: italic;',
 120              3 => 'color: #0000cc; font-style: italic;',
 121              'MULTI' => 'color: #666666; font-style: italic;'
 122              ),
 123          'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
 124              0 => 'color: #000099; font-weight: bold;',
 125              'HARD' => 'color: #000099; font-weight: bold;'
 126              ),
 127          'BRACKETS' => array(
 128              0 => 'color: #009900;'
 129              ),
 130          'STRINGS' => array(
 131              0 => 'color: #0000ff;',
 132              'HARD' => 'color: #0000ff;'
 133              ),
 134          'NUMBERS' => array(
 135              0 => 'color: #cc66cc;',
 136              GESHI_NUMBER_OCT_PREFIX => 'color: #208080;',
 137              GESHI_NUMBER_HEX_PREFIX => 'color: #208080;',
 138              GESHI_NUMBER_FLT_SCI_ZERO => 'color:#800080;',
 139              ),
 140          'METHODS' => array(
 141              1 => 'color: #004000;',
 142              2 => 'color: #004000;'
 143              ),
 144          'SYMBOLS' => array(
 145              0 => 'color: #339933;',
 146              1 => 'color: #000000; font-weight: bold;'
 147              ),
 148          'REGEXPS' => array(
 149              0 => 'color: #0000ff;'
 150              ),
 151          'SCRIPT' => array(
 152              0 => '',
 153              1 => '',
 154              2 => '',
 155              3 => '',
 156              4 => '',
 157              5 => ''
 158              )
 159          ),
 160      'URLS' => array(
 161          1 => '',
 162          2 => '',
 163          3 => 'http://www.php.net/{FNAMEL}'
 164          ),
 165      'OOLANG' => true,
 166      'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(
 167          1 => '-&gt;',
 168          2 => '::'
 169          ),
 170      'REGEXPS' => array(
 171          //Variables
 172          0 => "[\\$]+[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*"
 173          ),
 175      'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(
 176          0 => array(
 177              '<?php' => '?>'
 178              ),
 179          1 => array(
 180              '<?' => '?>'
 181              ),
 182          2 => array(
 183              '<%' => '%>'
 184              ),
 185          3 => array(
 186              '<script language="php">' => '</script>'
 187              ),
 188          4 => "/(?P<start><\\?(?>php\b)?)(?:".
 189              "(?>[^\"'?\\/<]+)|".
 190              "\\?(?!>)|".
 191              "(?>'(?>[^'\\\\]|\\\\'|\\\\\\\|\\\\)*')|".
 192              "(?>\"(?>[^\"\\\\]|\\\\\"|\\\\\\\\|\\\\)*\")|".
 193              "(?>\\/\\*(?>[^\\*]|(?!\\*\\/)\\*)*\\*\\/)|".
 194              "\\/\\/(?>.*?$)|".
 195              "\\/(?=[^*\\/])|".
 196              "<(?!<<)|".
 197              "<<<(?P<phpdoc>\w+)\s.*?\s\k<phpdoc>".
 198              ")*(?P<end>\\?>|\Z)/sm",
 199          5 => "/(?P<start><%)(?:".
 200              "(?>[^\"'%\\/<]+)|".
 201              "%(?!>)|".
 202              "(?>'(?>[^'\\\\]|\\\\'|\\\\\\\|\\\\)*')|".
 203              "(?>\"(?>[^\\\"\\\\]|\\\\\"|\\\\\\\\|\\\\)*\")|".
 204              "(?>\\/\\*(?>[^\\*]|(?!\\*\\/)\\*)*\\*\\/)|".
 205              "\\/\\/(?>.*?$)|".
 206              "\\/(?=[^*\\/])|".
 207              "<(?!<<)|".
 208              "<<<(?P<phpdoc>\w+)\s.*?\s\k<phpdoc>".
 209              ")*(?P<end>%>)/sm"
 210          ),
 211      'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array(
 212          0 => true,
 213          1 => true,
 214          2 => true,
 215          3 => true,
 216          4 => true,
 217          5 => true
 218          ),
 219      'TAB_WIDTH' => 4
 220  );