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/vendor/geshi/geshi/src/geshi/ -> texgraph.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /*************************************************************************************
   3   * texgraph.php
   4   * -----------
   5   * Author: Patrick Fradin (patrick.fradin@gmail.com)
   6   * Copyright: (c) 2011 Patrick Fradin
   7   * Release Version:
   8   * Date Started: 2011-09-18
   9   *
  10   * TeXgraph language file for GeSHi.
  11   *
  12   * http://texgraph.tuxfamily.org/
  13   *
  14   *************************************************************************************
  15   *
  16   *     This file is part of GeSHi.
  17   *
  18   *   GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  19   *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  20   *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  21   *   (at your option) any later version.
  22   *
  23   *   GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  24   *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  26   *   GNU General Public License for more details.
  27   *
  28   *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  29   *   along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
  30   *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
  31   *
  32   ************************************************************************************/
  34  $language_data = array (
  35      'LANG_NAME' => 'TeXgraph',
  36      'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => '//'),
  37      'COMMENT_MULTI' => array(
  38          '{'=>'}'
  39      ),
  40      'COMMENT_REGEXP' => array(
  41      ),
  43      'QUOTEMARKS' => array('"'),
  44      'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '',
  45      'KEYWORDS' => array(
  46          1 => array( //file construction
  47              'TeXgraph', 'Cmd', 'Var', 'Mac', 'Graph', 'Include'
  48          ),
  49          2 => array( //programmation structure
  50              'if', 'else', 'elif',  'fi',
  51              'for', 'do', 'od', 'by', 'By',
  52              'step', 'until', 'in', 'to', 'repeat', 'from', 'odfi', 'andif',
  53              'And', 'Or', 'CutA', 'CutB', 'Inside', 'Inter', 'InterL'
  54          ),
  55          3 => array( // commandes prédéfinies
  56              'Aretes',
  57              'Arg',
  58              'Args',
  59              'Assign',
  60              'Axes',
  61              'Bezier',
  62              'Bord',
  63              'Border',
  64              'Build3D',
  65              'Cartesienne',
  66              'ChangeAttr',
  67              'Clip2D',
  68              'Clip3DLine',
  69              'ClipFacet',
  70              'Close',
  71              'CloseFile',
  72              'ComposeMatrix',
  73              'ComposeMatrix3D',
  74              'Concat',
  75              'ConvertToObj',
  76              'ConvertToObjN',
  77              'Copy',
  78              'Courbe',
  79              'Creer',
  80              'DefMac',
  81              'DefVar',
  82              'DefaultAttr',
  83              'Del',
  84              'DelGraph',
  85              'DelMac',
  86              'DelVar',
  87              'Der',
  88              'Diff',
  89              'Display3D',
  90              'DistCam',
  91              'Droite',
  92              'Dup',
  93              'Echange',
  94              'Ellipse',
  95              'EllipticArc',
  96              'Ent',
  97              'EpsCoord',
  98              'EquaDif',
  99              'Eval',
 100              'Exec',
 101              'Export',
 102              'ExportObject',
 103              'ExportPathData',
 104              'Fenetre',
 105              'FileExists',
 106              'For',
 107              'Free',
 108              'Fvisible',
 109              'Get',
 110              'Get3D',
 111              'GetAttr',
 112              'GetMatrix',
 113              'GetMatrix3D',
 114              'GetSpline',
 115              'GetStr',
 116              'GetSurface',
 117              'GrayScale',
 118              'Grille',
 119              'HexaColor',
 120              'IdMatrix',
 121              'IdMatrix3D',
 122              'Im',
 123              'Implicit',
 124              'Inc',
 125              'Input',
 126              'InputMac',
 127              'Inserer3D',
 128              'Insert',
 129              'Int',
 130              'IsMac',
 131              'IsString',
 132              'IsVar',
 133              'Label',
 134              'Ligne',
 135              'Liste',
 136              'Load',
 137              'LoadImage',
 138              'Loop',
 139              'LowerCase',
 140              'M',
 141              'MakePoly',
 142              'Map',
 143              'Marges',
 144              'Merge',
 145              'Message',
 146              'Mix',
 147              'ModelView',
 148              'Mtransform',
 149              'Mtransform3D',
 150              'MyExport',
 151              'Nargs',
 152              'NewGraph',
 153              'NewMac',
 154              'NewVar',
 155              'Nops',
 156              'Norm',
 157              'Normal',
 158              'OpenFile',
 159              'OriginalCoord',
 160              'PaintFacet',
 161              'PaintVertex',
 162              'Path',
 163              'PermuteWith',
 164              'Point',
 165              'Polaire',
 166              'PosCam',
 167              'Prodscal',
 168              'Prodvec',
 169              'Proj3D',
 170              'Rand',
 171              'Re',
 172              'ReCalc',
 173              'ReadData',
 174              'ReadFlatPs',
 175              'ReadObj',
 176              'RenCommand',
 177              'RenMac',
 178              'RestoreAttr',
 179              'Reverse',
 180              'Rgb',
 181              'Round',
 182              'Saut',
 183              'SaveAttr',
 184              'ScientificF',
 185              'Seq',
 186              'Set',
 187              'SetAttr',
 188              'SetMatrix',
 189              'SetMatrix3D',
 190              'Si',
 191              'Solve',
 192              'Sommets',
 193              'Sort',
 194              'SortFacet',
 195              'Special',
 196              'Spline',
 197              'Str',
 198              'StrArgs',
 199              'StrComp',
 200              'StrCopy',
 201              'StrDel',
 202              'StrEval',
 203              'StrLength',
 204              'StrPos',
 205              'StrReplace',
 206              'String',
 207              'TeX2FlatPs',
 208              'UpperCase',
 209              'While',
 210              'WriteFile',
 211              'abs',
 212              'arccos',
 213              'arccot',
 214              'arcsin',
 215              'arctan',
 216              'argch',
 217              'argcth',
 218              'argsh',
 219              'argth',
 220              'bar',
 221              'ch',
 222              'cos',
 223              'cot',
 224              'cth',
 225              'draw',
 226              'opp',
 227              'sh',
 228              'sin',
 229              'sqr',
 230              'sqrt',
 231              'tan',
 232              'th',
 233          ),
 234          4 => array( //commandes relatives à l'interface graphique
 235              'AddMenu2D',
 236              'AddMenu3D',
 237              'Attributs',
 238              'DelBitmap',
 239              'DelButton',
 240              'DelItem',
 241              'DelText',
 242              'Delay',
 243              'Hide',
 244              'ListFiles',
 245              'ListWords',
 246              'MaxPixels',
 247              'Move',
 248              'NewBitmap',
 249              'NewButton',
 250              'NewItem',
 251              'NewText',
 252              'NotXor',
 253              'Pixel',
 254              'Pixel2Scr',
 255              'ReDraw',
 256              'Scr2Pixel',
 257              'Show',
 258              'Stroke',
 259              'Timer',
 260              'TimerMac',
 261              'UpdateLocalDatabase',
 262              'VisibleGraph',
 263          ),
 264          5 => array( //constantes prédéfinies
 265              'Data',
 266              'Diese',
 267              'DirSep',
 268              'DocPath',
 269              'ExportMode',
 270              'GUI',
 271              'Huge',
 272              'ImageViewer',
 273              'InitialPath',
 274              'JavaviewPath',
 275              'LARGE',
 276              'LF',
 277              'Large',
 278              'Nil',
 279              'PdfReader',
 280              'Thicklines',
 281              'TmpPath',
 282              'UserMacPath',
 283              'WebLoad',
 284              'Windows',
 285              'Xmax',
 286              'Xmin',
 287              'Xscale',
 288              'Ymax',
 289              'Ymin',
 290              'Yscale',
 291              'aliceblue',
 292              'antiquewhite',
 293              'aqua',
 294              'aquamarine',
 295              'asterisk',
 296              'azure',
 297              'baseline',
 298              'bdiag',
 299              'beige',
 300              'bevel',
 301              'bezier',
 302              'bigdot',
 303              'bisque',
 304              'black',
 305              'blanchedalmond',
 306              'blue',
 307              'blueviolet',
 308              'bmp',
 309              'bottom',
 310              'brown',
 311              'burlywood',
 312              'butt',
 313              'cadetblue',
 314              'center',
 315              'centered',
 316              'central',
 317              'chartreuse',
 318              'chocolate',
 319              'circle',
 320              'closepath',
 321              'comp',
 322              'coral',
 323              'cornflowerblue',
 324              'cornsilk',
 325              'crimson',
 326              'cross',
 327              'curve',
 328              'cyan',
 329              'darkblue',
 330              'darkcyan',
 331              'darkgoldenrod',
 332              'darkgray',
 333              'darkgreen',
 334              'darkkhaki',
 335              'darkmagenta',
 336              'darkolivegreen',
 337              'darkorange',
 338              'darkorchid',
 339              'darkred',
 340              'darksalmon',
 341              'darkseagreen',
 342              'darkslateblue',
 343              'darkslategray',
 344              'darkturquoise',
 345              'darkviolet',
 346              'dashed',
 347              'deeppink',
 348              'deepskyblue',
 349              'diagcross',
 350              'diamond',
 351              'dimgray',
 352              'dodgerblue',
 353              'dot',
 354              'dotcircle',
 355              'dotted',
 356              'e',
 357              'ellipse',
 358              'ellipticArc',
 359              'eps',
 360              'epsc',
 361              'fdiag',
 362              'firebrick',
 363              'floralwhite',
 364              'footnotesize',
 365              'forestgreen',
 366              'framed',
 367              'fuchsia',
 368              'full',
 369              'gainsboro',
 370              'geom',
 371              'ghostwhite',
 372              'gold',
 373              'goldenrod',
 374              'gray',
 375              'green',
 376              'greenyellow',
 377              'honeydew',
 378              'horizontal',
 379              'hotpink',
 380              'huge',
 381              'hvcross',
 382              'i',
 383              'indianred',
 384              'indigo',
 385              'ivory',
 386              'jump',
 387              'jvx',
 388              'khaki',
 389              'large',
 390              'lavender',
 391              'lavenderblush',
 392              'lawngreen',
 393              'left',
 394              'lemonchiffon',
 395              'lightblue',
 396              'lightcoral',
 397              'lightcyan',
 398              'lightgoldenrodyellow',
 399              'lightgray',
 400              'lightgreen',
 401              'lightpink',
 402              'lightsalmon',
 403              'lightseagreen',
 404              'lightskyblue',
 405              'lightslategray',
 406              'lightsteelblue',
 407              'lightyellow',
 408              'lime',
 409              'limegreen',
 410              'line',
 411              'linearc',
 412              'linen',
 413              'magenta',
 414              'margeB',
 415              'margeD',
 416              'margeG',
 417              'margeH',
 418              'maroon',
 419              'mediumaquamarine',
 420              'mediumblue',
 421              'mediumorchid',
 422              'mediumpurple',
 423              'mediumseagreen',
 424              'mediumslateblue',
 425              'mediumspringgreen',
 426              'mediumturquoise',
 427              'mediumvioletred',
 428              'midnightblue',
 429              'mintcream',
 430              'mistyrose',
 431              'miter',
 432              'moccasin',
 433              'move',
 434              'navajowhite',
 435              'navy',
 436              'noline',
 437              'none',
 438              'normalsize',
 439              'obj',
 440              'oldlace',
 441              'olive',
 442              'olivedrab',
 443              'oplus',
 444              'orange',
 445              'orangered',
 446              'orchid',
 447              'ortho',
 448              'otimes',
 449              'palegoldenrod',
 450              'palegreen',
 451              'paleturquoise',
 452              'palevioletred',
 453              'papayawhip',
 454              'pdf',
 455              'pdfc',
 456              'peachpuff',
 457              'pentagon',
 458              'peru',
 459              'pgf',
 460              'pi',
 461              'pink',
 462              'plum',
 463              'plus',
 464              'powderblue',
 465              'psf',
 466              'pst',
 467              'purple',
 468              'red',
 469              'right',
 470              'rosybrown',
 471              'round',
 472              'royalblue',
 473              'saddlebrown',
 474              'salmon',
 475              'sandybrown',
 476              'scriptsize',
 477              'seagreen',
 478              'seashell',
 479              'sep',
 480              'sep3D',
 481              'sienna',
 482              'silver',
 483              'skyblue',
 484              'slateblue',
 485              'slategray',
 486              'small',
 487              'snow',
 488              'solid',
 489              'special',
 490              'springgreen',
 491              'square',
 492              'src4latex',
 493              'stacked',
 494              'steelblue',
 495              'svg',
 496              'teal',
 497              'teg',
 498              'tex',
 499              'texsrc',
 500              'thicklines',
 501              'thinlines',
 502              'thistle',
 503              'times',
 504              'tiny',
 505              'tkz',
 506              'tomato',
 507              'top',
 508              'triangle',
 509              'turquoise',
 510              'user',
 511              'userdash',
 512              'version',
 513              'vertical',
 514              'violet',
 515              'wheat',
 516              'white',
 517              'whitesmoke',
 518              'yellow',
 519              'yellowgreen',
 520          ),
 521          6 => array( //macros prédéfinies
 522              'Abs',
 523              'Anp',
 524              'Apercu',
 525              'Arc',
 526              'Arc3D',
 527              'AretesNum',
 528              'AxeX3D',
 529              'AxeY3D',
 530              'AxeZ3D',
 531              'Axes3D',
 532              'Bcolor',
 533              'Bouton',
 534              'BoxAxes3D',
 535              'BrightColor',
 536              'Bsave',
 537              'Ceil',
 538              'Cercle',
 539              'Cercle3D',
 540              'Chanfrein',
 541              'ChangeWinTo',
 542              'Clip',
 543              'Clip3D',
 544              'ColorJump',
 545              'CompVer',
 546              'CompileEps',
 547              'CompilePdf',
 548              'Cone',
 549              'Courbe3D',
 550              'CpCopy',
 551              'CpDel',
 552              'CpNops',
 553              'CpReplace',
 554              'CpReverse',
 555              'CplColor',
 556              'Cvx2d',
 557              'Cvx3d',
 558              'Cvx3dAux',
 559              'Cylindre',
 560              'Dark',
 561              'Dbissec',
 562              'Dcarre',
 563              'Dcone',
 564              'Dcylindre',
 565              'Ddroite',
 566              'Dmed',
 567              'Dparallel',
 568              'Dparallelep',
 569              'Dparallelo',
 570              'Dperp',
 571              'Dpolyreg',
 572              'DpqGoneReg',
 573              'DpqGoneReg3D',
 574              'Dprisme',
 575              'Dpyramide',
 576              'DrawAretes',
 577              'DrawDdroite',
 578              'DrawDot',
 579              'DrawDroite',
 580              'DrawFaces',
 581              'DrawFacet',
 582              'DrawFlatFacet',
 583              'DrawGouraudTr',
 584              'DrawPlan',
 585              'DrawPoly',
 586              'DrawPolyNC',
 587              'DrawSmoothFacet',
 588              'Drectangle',
 589              'Dsphere',
 590              'Dsurface',
 591              'Dtetraedre',
 592              'Esave',
 593              'ExportGouraudTr',
 594              'ExportSmoothFacet',
 595              'FacesNum',
 596              'Gcolor',
 597              'GradDroite',
 598              'HollowFacet',
 599              'Hsb',
 600              'HueColor',
 601              'Incfrac',
 602              'Intersec',
 603              'Intersection',
 604              'IsAlign',
 605              'IsAlign3d',
 606              'IsIn',
 607              'IsPlan',
 608              'KillDup',
 609              'KillDup3D',
 610              'LabelArc',
 611              'LabelAxe',
 612              'LabelDot',
 613              'LabelDot3D',
 614              'LabelSeg',
 615              'Lcolor',
 616              'Light',
 617              'Ligne3D',
 618              'MakeVer',
 619              'Map3D',
 620              'MapBy',
 621              'Merge3d',
 622              'MixColor',
 623              'MouseZoom',
 624              'NewLabel',
 625              'NewLabelDot',
 626              'NewLabelDot3D',
 627              'NewTeXlabel',
 628              'Nops3d',
 629              'Ordonner',
 630              'Palette',
 631              'Parallelep',
 632              'Point3D',
 633              'Pos',
 634              'Pos3d',
 635              'Prisme',
 636              'Pyramide',
 637              'Rarc',
 638              'Rcercle',
 639              'Rcolor',
 640              'RealArg',
 641              'RealCoord',
 642              'RealCoordV',
 643              'Rellipse',
 644              'RellipticArc',
 645              'RestoreTphi',
 646              'RestoreWin',
 647              'RestoreWin3d',
 648              'Rgb2Gray',
 649              'Rgb2Hexa',
 650              'Rgb2Hsb',
 651              'RgbL',
 652              'Ryb',
 653              'SatColor',
 654              'SaveTphi',
 655              'SaveWin',
 656              'SaveWin3d',
 657              'SceneToGeom',
 658              'SceneToJvx',
 659              'SceneToObj',
 660              'ScrCoord',
 661              'ScrCoordV',
 662              'ScreenCenter',
 663              'ScreenPos',
 664              'ScreenX',
 665              'ScreenY',
 666              'Section',
 667              'Section2',
 668              'Seg',
 669              'SetStr',
 670              'Snapshot',
 671              'SortWith',
 672              'Sphere',
 673              'StrListAdd',
 674              'StrListCopy',
 675              'StrListDelKey',
 676              'StrListDelVal',
 677              'StrListGetKey',
 678              'StrListInit',
 679              'StrListInsert',
 680              'StrListKill',
 681              'StrListReplace',
 682              'StrListReplaceKey',
 683              'StrListShow',
 684              'StrNum',
 685              'SvgCoord',
 686              'TeXCoord',
 687              'Tetra',
 688              'VarGlob',
 689              'WriteObj',
 690              'WriteOff',
 691              'Xde',
 692              'Yde',
 693              'Zde',
 694              'addfrac',
 695              'affin',
 696              'aire3d',
 697              'angle',
 698              'angle3d',
 699              'angleD',
 700              'antirot3d',
 701              'arc',
 702              'arcBezier',
 703              'axeX',
 704              'axeY',
 705              'axes',
 706              'background',
 707              'bande',
 708              'bary',
 709              'bary3d',
 710              'bbox',
 711              'bdAngleD',
 712              'bdArc',
 713              'bdAxes',
 714              'bdCercle',
 715              'bdCone',
 716              'bdCurve',
 717              'bdCylinder',
 718              'bdDot',
 719              'bdDroite',
 720              'bdFacet',
 721              'bdLabel',
 722              'bdLine',
 723              'bdPlan',
 724              'bdPlanEqn',
 725              'bdPrism',
 726              'bdPyramid',
 727              'bdSphere',
 728              'bdSurf',
 729              'bdTorus',
 730              'bdWall',
 731              'binom',
 732              'bissec',
 733              'bordsAjour',
 734              'cap',
 735              'capB',
 736              'carre',
 737              'centerView',
 738              'chaine',
 739              'class_Path',
 740              'clipCurve',
 741              'clipPoly',
 742              'compileFormule',
 743              'conv2Facet',
 744              'conv2FlatPs',
 745              'coord',
 746              'cup',
 747              'cupB',
 748              'curve2Cone',
 749              'curve2Cylinder',
 750              'curveTube',
 751              'cutBezier',
 752              'defAff',
 753              'defAff3d',
 754              'del',
 755              'det',
 756              'det3d',
 757              'div',
 758              'domaine1',
 759              'domaine2',
 760              'domaine3',
 761              'dproj3d',
 762              'dproj3dO',
 763              'drawFlatPs',
 764              'drawSet',
 765              'drawTeXlabel',
 766              'drawTeXlabel3d',
 767              'drawWin3d',
 768              'dsym3d',
 769              'dsym3dO',
 770              'ecart',
 771              'ellipseArc',
 772              'engineerF',
 773              'epsCoord',
 774              'extractFlatPs',
 775              'fact',
 776              'flecher',
 777              'free',
 778              'ftransform',
 779              'ftransform3d',
 780              'geomview',
 781              'getdot',
 782              'getdroite',
 783              'getplan',
 784              'getplanEqn',
 785              'grille3d',
 786              'help',
 787              'hom',
 788              'hom3d',
 789              'interDD',
 790              'interDP',
 791              'interLP',
 792              'interPP',
 793              'inv',
 794              'inv3d',
 795              'invmatrix',
 796              'invmatrix3d',
 797              'isobar',
 798              'isobar3d',
 799              'javaview',
 800              'label',
 801              'labelarc',
 802              'length',
 803              'length3d',
 804              'line2Cone',
 805              'line2Cylinder',
 806              'lineTube',
 807              'loadFlatPs',
 808              'makeLabel3d',
 809              'markangle',
 810              'markseg',
 811              'markseg3d',
 812              'matrix',
 813              'matrix3d',
 814              'max',
 815              'med',
 816              'median',
 817              'min',
 818              'mod',
 819              'moy',
 820              'mtransform',
 821              'mtransform3d',
 822              'mulmatrix',
 823              'mulmatrix3d',
 824              'n',
 825              'newxlegend',
 826              'newylegend',
 827              'newzlegend',
 828              'nil',
 829              'normalize',
 830              'not',
 831              'parallel',
 832              'parallelo',
 833              'pdfprog',
 834              'periodic',
 835              'permute',
 836              'permute3d',
 837              'perp',
 838              'pgcd',
 839              'planEqn',
 840              'polyreg',
 841              'ppcm',
 842              'pqGoneReg',
 843              'pqGoneReg3D',
 844              'prod',
 845              'proj',
 846              'proj3d',
 847              'proj3dO',
 848              'projO',
 849              'purge3d',
 850              'putAbove',
 851              'px',
 852              'pxy',
 853              'pxz',
 854              'py',
 855              'pyz',
 856              'pz',
 857              'rect',
 858              'rectangle',
 859              'rectangle3d',
 860              'replace',
 861              'replace3d',
 862              'reverse',
 863              'reverse3d',
 864              'rot',
 865              'rot3d',
 866              'rotCurve',
 867              'rotLine',
 868              'set',
 869              'setB',
 870              'setminus',
 871              'setminusB',
 872              'shift',
 873              'shift3d',
 874              'simil',
 875              'size',
 876              'split2facet1',
 877              'split2facet2',
 878              'suite',
 879              'sum',
 880              'svgCoord',
 881              'sym',
 882              'sym3d',
 883              'sym3dO',
 884              'symG',
 885              'symO',
 886              'tangente',
 887              'tangenteP',
 888              'texCoord',
 889              'transformbox3d',
 890              'trianguler',
 891              'var',
 892              'view',
 893              'view3D',
 894              'viewDir',
 895              'visible',
 896              'wedge',
 897              'zoom',
 898          ),
 899          7 => array( //variables prédéfinies
 900              'AngleStep',
 901              'Arrows',
 902              'AutoReCalc',
 903              'Color',
 904              'ComptGraph',
 905              'ComptLabel3d',
 906              'DashPattern',
 907              'DeltaB',
 908              'DotAngle',
 909              'DotScale',
 910              'DotSize',
 911              'DotStyle',
 912              'Eofill',
 913              'FillColor',
 914              'FillOpacity',
 915              'FillStyle',
 916              'ForMinToMax',
 917              'HideColor',
 918              'HideStyle',
 919              'HideWidth',
 920              'IsVisible',
 921              'LabelAngle',
 922              'LabelSize',
 923              'LabelStyle',
 924              'LineCap',
 925              'LineJoin',
 926              'LineStyle',
 927              'MiterLimit',
 928              'MouseCode',
 929              'NbBoutons',
 930              'NbPoints',
 931              'Origin',
 932              'PenMode',
 933              'RefPoint',
 934              'ScriptExt',
 935              'StrokeOpacity',
 936              'TeXLabel',
 937              'TeXify',
 938              'TeXifyLabels',
 939              'TphiList',
 940              'Width',
 941              'Xfact',
 942              'Xinf',
 943              'Xsup',
 944              'Yfact',
 945              'Yinf',
 946              'Ysup',
 947              'Zinf',
 948              'ZoomList',
 949              'Zsup',
 950              'above',
 951              'arrows',
 952              'arrowscale',
 953              'axeOrigin',
 954              'backcolor',
 955              'backculling',
 956              'border',
 957              'bordercolor',
 958              'cleanLabel',
 959              'clip',
 960              'clipwin',
 961              'close',
 962              'color',
 963              'contrast',
 964              'cube',
 965              'defaultMatrix',
 966              'deg',
 967              'dir',
 968              'disc',
 969              'dollar',
 970              'dotcolor',
 971              'dotscale',
 972              'dotstyle',
 973              'drawbox',
 974              'flip',
 975              'grid',
 976              'gridcolor',
 977              'gridwidth',
 978              'height',
 979              'hidden',
 980              'hiddenLines',
 981              'hollow',
 982              'inside',
 983              'label3d',
 984              'labeldir',
 985              'labelpos',
 986              'labels',
 987              'labelsep',
 988              'labelsize',
 989              'labelstyle',
 990              'legendpos',
 991              'linestyle',
 992              'maxGrad',
 993              'mirror',
 994              'mm',
 995              'nbdeci',
 996              'nbdot',
 997              'nbfacet',
 998              'normal',
 999              'numericFormat',
1000              'opacity',
1001              'originlabel',
1002              'outside',
1003              'phi',
1004              'position',
1005              'rad',
1006              'radius',
1007              'radiusscale',
1008              'radscale',
1009              'rotation',
1010              'scale',
1011              'select',
1012              'showdot',
1013              'smooth',
1014              'stock',
1015              'stock1',
1016              'stock2',
1017              'stock3',
1018              'stock4',
1019              'stock5',
1020              't',
1021              'tMax',
1022              'tMin',
1023              'tailleB',
1024              'theta',
1025              'tickdir',
1026              'tickpos',
1027              'tube',
1028              'twoside',
1029              'u',
1030              'usecomma',
1031              'v',
1032              'vecI',
1033              'vecJ',
1034              'vecK',
1035              'width',
1036              'win2dList',
1037              'win3dList',
1038              'xaxe',
1039              'xgradlimits',
1040              'xlabelsep',
1041              'xlabelstyle',
1042              'xlegendsep',
1043              'xlimits',
1044              'xstep',
1045              'xylabelpos',
1046              'xylabelsep',
1047              'xyticks',
1048              'yaxe',
1049              'ygradlimits',
1050              'ylabelsep',
1051              'ylabelstyle',
1052              'ylegendsep',
1053              'ylimits',
1054              'ystep',
1055              'zaxe',
1056              'zgradlimits',
1057              'zlabelsep',
1058              'zlabelstyle',
1059              'zlegendsep',
1060              'zlimits',
1061              'zstep',
1062          )
1063      ),
1064      'SYMBOLS' => array(
1065          ':=', '=', '+', '-', '*', '/',
1066          '<', '>', '>=', '<=', '<>',
1067          '\\', '@', ', ', ';', '#'
1068      ),
1069      'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
1070          GESHI_COMMENTS => false,
1071          1 => true,
1072          2 => true,
1073          3 => true,
1074          4 => true,
1075          5 => true,
1076          6 => true,
1077          7 => true
1078      ),
1079      'STYLES' => array(
1080          'KEYWORDS' => array(
1081              1  => 'color: #3ad900;font-weight: bold;',// file construction
1082              2  => 'color: #A53;',// programmation structure
1083              3  => 'color: #35A;font-weight: bold;',// commandes prédéfinies
1084              4  => 'color: #472;',// commandes relatives à l'interface graphique
1085              5  => 'color: #008080;',// constantes prédéfinies
1086              6  => 'color: #808000;font-weight: bold;',// macros prédéfinies
1087              7  => 'color: #000;font-weight: bold;',// variables prédéfinies
1088          ),
1089          'COMMENTS' => array(
1090              1 => 'color: #777;',
1091              'MULTI' => 'color: #880;'
1092          ),
1093          'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
1094              0 => ''
1095          ),
1096          'BRACKETS' => array(
1097              0 => 'color: #820;'
1098          ),
1099          'STRINGS' => array(
1100              0 => 'color: #880;'
1101          ),
1102          'NUMBERS' => array(
1103              0 => 'color: #000;'
1104          ),
1105          'METHODS' => array(
1106              1 => '',
1107              2 => ''
1108          ),
1109          'SYMBOLS' => array(
1110              0 => 'color: #000;'
1111          ),
1112          'REGEXPS' => array(
1113          ),
1114          'SCRIPT' => array(
1115              0 => ''
1116          )
1117      ),
1118      'URLS' => array(
1119          1 => '',
1120          2 => '',
1121          3 => 'http://melusine.eu.org/syracuse/G/geshi/docs/texgraph/#{FNAME}',
1122          4 => '',
1123          5 => '',
1124          6 => 'http://melusine.eu.org/syracuse/G/geshi/docs/texgraph/#{FNAME}',
1125          7 => ''
1126      ),
1127      'OOLANG' => false,
1128      'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(
1129      ),
1130      'REGEXPS' => array(
1131      ),
1133      'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(
1134      ),
1135      'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array(
1136      )
1137  );