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/vendor/openpsa/universalfeedcreator/lib/Creator/ -> AtomCreator03.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4   * AtomCreator03 is a FeedCreator that implements the atom specification,
   5   * as in http://www.intertwingly.net/wiki/pie/FrontPage.
   6   * Please note that just by using AtomCreator03 you won't automatically
   7   * produce valid atom files. For example, you have to specify either an editor
   8   * for the feed or an author for every single feed item.
   9   * Some elements have not been implemented yet. These are (incomplete list):
  10   * author URL, item author's email and URL, item contents, alternate links,
  11   * other link content types than text/html. Some of them may be created with
  12   * AtomCreator03::additionalElements.
  13   *
  14   * @see     FeedCreator#additionalElements
  15   * @since   1.6
  16   * @author  Kai Blankenhorn <kaib@bitfolge.de>, Scott Reynen <scott@randomchaos.com>
  17   */
  18  class AtomCreator03 extends FeedCreator
  19  {
  21      /**
  22       * AtomCreator03 constructor.
  23       */
  24      public function __construct()
  25      {
  26          $this->contentType = "application/atom+xml";
  27          $this->encoding = "utf-8";
  28      }
  30      /** @inheritdoc */
  31      public function createFeed()
  32      {
  33          $feed = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"".$this->encoding."\"?>\n";
  34          $feed .= $this->_createGeneratorComment();
  35          $feed .= $this->_createStylesheetReferences();
  36          $feed .= "<feed version=\"0.3\" xmlns=\"http://purl.org/atom/ns#\"";
  37          if ($this->format == 'TOOLBAR') {
  38              $feed .= " xmlns:gtb=\"http://toolbar.google.com/custombuttons/\"";
  39          }
  40          if ($this->language != "") {
  41              $feed .= " xml:lang=\"".$this->language."\"";
  42          }
  43          $feed .= ">\n";
  44          $feed .= "    <title>".htmlspecialchars($this->title)."</title>\n";
  45          $feed .= "    <tagline>".htmlspecialchars($this->description)."</tagline>\n";
  46          $feed .= "    <link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"text/html\" href=\"".htmlspecialchars($this->link)."\"/>\n";
  47          $feed .= "    <id>".htmlspecialchars($this->link)."</id>\n";
  48          $now = new FeedDate();
  49          $feed .= "    <modified>".htmlspecialchars($now->iso8601())."</modified>\n";
  50          if ($this->editor != "") {
  51              $feed .= "    <author>\n";
  52              $feed .= "        <name>".$this->editor."</name>\n";
  53              if ($this->editorEmail != "") {
  54                  $feed .= "        <email>".$this->editorEmail."</email>\n";
  55              }
  56              $feed .= "    </author>\n";
  57          }
  58          $feed .= "    <generator>".FEEDCREATOR_VERSION."</generator>\n";
  59          $feed .= $this->_createAdditionalElements($this->additionalElements, "    ");
  60          for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->items); $i++) {
  61              $feed .= "    <entry>\n";
  62              $feed .= "        <title>".htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($this->items[$i]->title))."</title>\n";
  63              $feed .= "        <link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"text/html\" href=\"".htmlspecialchars(
  64                      $this->items[$i]->link
  65                  )."\"/>\n";
  66              if ($this->items[$i]->date == "") {
  67                  $this->items[$i]->date = time();
  68              }
  69              $itemDate = new FeedDate($this->items[$i]->date);
  70              $feed .= "        <created>".htmlspecialchars($itemDate->iso8601())."</created>\n";
  71              $feed .= "        <issued>".htmlspecialchars($itemDate->iso8601())."</issued>\n";
  72              $feed .= "        <modified>".htmlspecialchars($itemDate->iso8601())."</modified>\n";
  73              $feed .= "        <id>".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->link)."</id>\n";
  74              $feed .= $this->_createAdditionalElements($this->items[$i]->additionalElements, "        ");
  75              if ($this->items[$i]->author != "") {
  76                  $feed .= "        <author>\n";
  77                  $feed .= "            <name>".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->author)."</name>\n";
  78                  $feed .= "        </author>\n";
  79              }
  80              if ($this->items[$i]->description != "") {
  81                  $feed .= "        <summary>".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->description)."</summary>\n";
  82              }
  83              if (isset($this->items[$i]->thumbdata)) {
  84                  $feed .= "        <gtb:icon mode=\"base64\" type=\"image/jpeg\">\n";
  85                  $feed .= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->items[$i]->thumbdata))."\n";
  86                  $feed .= "        </gtb:icon>\n";
  87              }
  88              $feed .= "    </entry>\n";
  89          }
  90          $feed .= "</feed>\n";
  92          return $feed;
  93      }
  94  }