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/vendor/openpsa/universalfeedcreator/lib/Creator/ -> HTMLCreator.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4   * HTMLCreator is a FeedCreator that writes an HTML feed file to a specific
   5   * location, overriding the createFeed method of the parent FeedCreator.
   6   * The HTML produced can be included over http by scripting languages, or serve
   7   * as the source for an IFrame.
   8   * All output by this class is embedded in <div></div> tags to enable formatting
   9   * using CSS.
  10   *
  11   * @author  Pascal Van Hecke
  12   * @since   1.7
  13   */
  14  class HTMLCreator extends FeedCreator
  15  {
  17      protected $contentType = "text/html";
  19      /**
  20       * Contains HTML to be output at the start of the feed's html representation.
  21       */
  22      public $header;
  24      /**
  25       * Contains HTML to be output at the end of the feed's html representation.
  26       */
  27      public $footer;
  29      /**
  30       * Contains HTML to be output between entries. A separator is only used in
  31       * case of multiple entries.
  32       */
  33      public $separator;
  35      /**
  36       * Used to prefix the stylenames to make sure they are unique
  37       * and do not clash with stylenames on the user's page.
  38       */
  39      public $stylePrefix;
  41      /** @var bool Determines whether the links open in a new window or not. */
  42      public $openInNewWindow = true;
  44      /** @var string image alignments in output */
  45      public $imageAlign = "right";
  47      /**
  48       * In case of very simple output you may want to get rid of the style tags,
  49       * hence this variable.  There's no equivalent on item level, but of course you can
  50       * add strings to it while iterating over the items ($this->stylelessOutput .= ...)
  51       * and when it is non-empty, ONLY the styleless output is printed, the rest is ignored
  52       * in the function createFeed().
  53       */
  54      public $stylelessOutput = "";
  56      /**
  57       * Writes the HTML.
  58       *
  59       * @inheritdoc
  60       */
  61      public function createFeed()
  62      {
  63          // if there is styleless output, use the content of this variable and ignore the rest
  64          if ($this->stylelessOutput != "") {
  65              return $this->stylelessOutput;
  66          }
  68          //if no stylePrefix is set, generate it yourself depending on the script name
  69          if ($this->stylePrefix == "") {
  70              $this->stylePrefix = str_replace(".", "_", $this->_generateFilename())."_";
  71          }
  73          //set an openInNewWindow_token_to be inserted or not
  74          if ($this->openInNewWindow) {
  75              $targetInsert = " class='target_blank'";
  76          } else {
  77              $targetInsert = '';
  78          }
  80          // use this array to put the lines in and implode later with "document.write" javascript
  81          $feedArray = array();
  82          if ($this->image != null) {
  83              $imageStr = "<a href='".$this->image->link."'".$targetInsert.">".
  84                  "<img src='".$this->image->url."' border='0' alt='".
  85                  FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars($this->image->title), 100).
  86                  "' align='".$this->imageAlign."' ";
  87              if ($this->image->width) {
  88                  $imageStr .= " width='".$this->image->width."' ";
  89              }
  90              if ($this->image->height) {
  91                  $imageStr .= " height='".$this->image->height."' ";
  92              }
  93              $imageStr .= "/></a>";
  94              $feedArray[] = $imageStr;
  95          }
  97          if ($this->title) {
  98              $feedArray[] = "<div class='".$this->stylePrefix."title'><a href='".$this->link."' ".$targetInsert." class='".$this->stylePrefix."title'>".
  99                  FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars($this->title), 100)."</a></div>";
 100          }
 101          if ($this->getDescription()) {
 102              $feedArray[] = "<div class='".$this->stylePrefix."description'>".
 103                  str_replace("]]>", "", str_replace("<![CDATA[", "", $this->getDescription())).
 104                  "</div>";
 105          }
 107          if ($this->header) {
 108              $feedArray[] = "<div class='".$this->stylePrefix."header'>".$this->header."</div>";
 109          }
 111          for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->items); $i++) {
 112              if ($this->separator and $i > 0) {
 113                  $feedArray[] = "<div class='".$this->stylePrefix."separator'>".$this->separator."</div>";
 114              }
 116              if ($this->items[$i]->title) {
 117                  if ($this->items[$i]->link) {
 118                      $feedArray[] =
 119                          "<div class='".$this->stylePrefix."item_title'><a href='".$this->items[$i]->link."' class='".$this->stylePrefix.
 120                          "item_title'".$targetInsert.">".FeedCreator::iTrunc(
 121                              htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($this->items[$i]->title)),
 122                              100
 123                          ).
 124                          "</a></div>";
 125                  } else {
 126                      $feedArray[] =
 127                          "<div class='".$this->stylePrefix."item_title'>".
 128                          FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($this->items[$i]->title)), 100).
 129                          "</div>";
 130                  }
 131              }
 132              if ($this->items[$i]->getDescription()) {
 133                  $feedArray[] =
 134                      "<div class='".$this->stylePrefix."item_description'>".
 135                      str_replace("]]>", "", str_replace("<![CDATA[", "", $this->items[$i]->getDescription())).
 136                      "</div>";
 137              }
 138          }
 139          if ($this->footer) {
 140              $feedArray[] = "<div class='".$this->stylePrefix."footer'>".$this->footer."</div>";
 141          }
 143          $feed = "".implode("\r\n", $feedArray);
 145          return $feed;
 146      }
 148      /**
 149       * Overrides parent to produce .html extensions
 150       *
 151       * @return string the feed cache filename
 152       * @since  1.4
 153       * @access private
 154       */
 155      protected function _generateFilename()
 156      {
 157          $fileInfo = pathinfo($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);
 159          return substr($fileInfo["basename"], 0, -(strlen($fileInfo["extension"]) + 1)).".html";
 160      }
 161  }