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/vendor/openpsa/universalfeedcreator/lib/Creator/ -> JSONCreator.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4   * JSONCreator is a FeedCreator that implements the JSON Feed specification,
   5   * as in https://jsonfeed.org/version/1.1
   6   *
   7   * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
   8   */
   9  class JSONCreator extends FeedCreator
  10  {
  11      /** @inheritdoc */
  12      public function createFeed()
  13      {
  14          $data = array();
  16          $data['version'] = 'https://jsonfeed.org/version/1.1';
  17          $data['title'] = (string)$this->title;
  18          $data['home_page_url'] = (string)$this->link;
  19          $data['feed_url'] = (string)$this->syndicationURL;
  20          $data['description'] = (string)$this->description;
  21          $data['user_comment'] = 'Created by ' . FEEDCREATOR_VERSION;
  22          if ($this->image != null) {
  23              $data['icon'] = $this->image->url;
  24          }
  25          if ($this->language != '') {
  26              $data['language'] = $this->language;
  27          }
  29          $data['items'] = array();
  30          foreach ($this->items as $item) {
  31              $entry = array();
  32              $entry['id'] = $item->guid ? (string)$item->guid : (string)$item->link;
  33              $entry['url'] = (string)$item->link;
  34              if ($item->source) {
  35                  $entry['external_url'] = (string)$item->source;
  36              }
  37              $entry['title'] = strip_tags((string)$item->title);
  38              $entry['content_text'] = strip_tags((string)$item->description);
  39              $entry['content_html'] = (string)$item->description;
  40              $entry['date_published'] = (new FeedDate($item->date))->iso8601();
  41              if ($item->author) {
  42                  // We only support one author, JSONFeed 1.1 accepts multiple
  43                  $entry['authors'] = array(array('name' => (string)$item->author));
  44                  // 1.0 only supported one, for compatibility we set it as well
  45                  $entry['author'] = array('name' => (string)$item->author);
  46              }
  47              if ($item->category) {
  48                  $entry['tags'] = (array)$item->category;
  49              }
  50              if ($item->enclosure) {
  51                  // We only support one enclosure, JSONFeed 1.1 accepts multiple
  52                  $entry['attachments'] = array(
  53                      array(
  54                          'url' => $item->enclosure['url'],
  55                          'mime_type' => $item->enclosure['type'],
  56                          'size_in_bytes' => $item->enclosure['length']
  57                      )
  58                  );
  59              }
  61              $data['items'][] = $entry;
  62          }
  64          return json_encode($data);
  65      }
  66  }