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/vendor/openpsa/universalfeedcreator/lib/Creator/ -> RSSCreator10.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4   * RSSCreator10 is a FeedCreator that implements RDF Site Summary (RSS) 1.0.
   5   *
   6   * @see     http://www.purl.org/rss/1.0/
   7   * @since   1.3
   8   * @author  Kai Blankenhorn <kaib@bitfolge.de>
   9   */
  10  class RSSCreator10 extends FeedCreator
  11  {
  13      /** @inheritdoc */
  14      public function createFeed()
  15      {
  16          $feed = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"".$this->encoding."\"?>\n";
  17          $feed .= $this->_createGeneratorComment();
  18          if (empty($this->cssStyleSheet)) {
  19              $this->cssStyleSheet = "http://www.w3.org/2000/08/w3c-synd/style.css";
  20          }
  21          $feed .= $this->_createStylesheetReferences();
  22          $feed .= "<rdf:RDF\n";
  23          $feed .= "    xmlns=\"http://purl.org/rss/1.0/\"\n";
  24          $feed .= "    xmlns:rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\"\n";
  25          $feed .= "    xmlns:slash=\"http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/slash/\"\n";
  26          if (!empty($this->items[0]->thumb)) {
  27              $feed .= "    xmlns:photo=\"http://www.pheed.com/pheed/\"\n";
  28          }
  29          if (!empty($this->items[0]->lat)) {
  30              $feed .= "    xmlns:georss=\"http://www.georss.org/georss\"\n";
  31          }
  32          $feed .= "    xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n";
  33          $feed .= "    <channel rdf:about=\"".$this->syndicationURL."\">\n";
  34          $feed .= "        <title>".htmlspecialchars((string) $this->title)."</title>\n";
  35          $feed .= "        <description>".htmlspecialchars((string) $this->description)."</description>\n";
  36          $feed .= "        <link>".$this->link."</link>\n";
  37          if ($this->image != null) {
  38              $feed .= "        <image rdf:resource=\"".$this->image->url."\" />\n";
  39          }
  40          $now = new FeedDate();
  41          $feed .= "       <dc:date>".htmlspecialchars($now->iso8601())."</dc:date>\n";
  42          $feed .= "        <items>\n";
  43          $feed .= "            <rdf:Seq>\n";
  44          for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->items); $i++) {
  45              $feed .= "                <rdf:li rdf:resource=\"".htmlspecialchars((string) $this->items[$i]->link)."\"/>\n";
  46          }
  47          $feed .= "            </rdf:Seq>\n";
  48          $feed .= "        </items>\n";
  49          $feed .= "    </channel>\n";
  50          if ($this->image != null) {
  51              $feed .= "    <image rdf:about=\"".$this->image->url."\">\n";
  52              $feed .= "        <title>".$this->image->title."</title>\n";
  53              $feed .= "        <link>".$this->image->link."</link>\n";
  54              $feed .= "        <url>".$this->image->url."</url>\n";
  55              $feed .= "    </image>\n";
  56          }
  57          $feed .= $this->_createAdditionalElements($this->additionalElements, "    ");
  59          for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->items); $i++) {
  60              $feed .= "    <item rdf:about=\"".htmlspecialchars((string) $this->items[$i]->link)."\">\n";
  61              $feed .= "        <dc:format>text/html</dc:format>\n";
  62              if ($this->items[$i]->date != null) {
  63                  $itemDate = new FeedDate($this->items[$i]->date);
  64                  $feed .= "        <dc:date>".htmlspecialchars($itemDate->iso8601())."</dc:date>\n";
  65              }
  66              if ($this->items[$i]->source != "") {
  67                  $feed .= "        <dc:source>".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->source)."</dc:source>\n";
  68              }
  69              $creator = $this->getAuthor($this->items[$i]->author, $this->items[$i]->authorEmail);
  70              if ($creator) {
  71                  $feed .= "        <dc:creator>".htmlspecialchars($creator)."</dc:creator>\n";
  72              }
  73              if ($this->items[$i]->lat != "") {
  74                  $feed .= "        <georss:point>".$this->items[$i]->lat." ".$this->items[$i]->long."</georss:point>\n";
  75              }
  76              if ($this->items[$i]->thumb != "") {
  77                  $feed .= "        <photo:thumbnail>".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->thumb)."</photo:thumbnail>\n";
  78              }
  79              $feed .= "        <title>".htmlspecialchars(
  80                      strip_tags(strtr((string) $this->items[$i]->title, "\n\r", "  "))
  81                  )."</title>\n";
  82              $feed .= "        <link>".htmlspecialchars((string) $this->items[$i]->link)."</link>\n";
  83              $feed .= "        <description>".htmlspecialchars((string) $this->items[$i]->description)."</description>\n";
  84              $feed .= $this->_createAdditionalElements($this->items[$i]->additionalElements, "        ");
  85              $feed .= "    </item>\n";
  86          }
  87          $feed .= "</rdf:RDF>\n";
  89          return $feed;
  90      }
  92      /**
  93       * Compose the RSS-1.0 author field.
  94       *
  95       * @author Joe Lapp <joe.lapp@pobox.com>
  96       * @param string $author
  97       * @param string $email
  98       * @return string
  99       */
 100      protected function getAuthor($author, $email)
 101      {
 102          if ($author) {
 103              if ($email) {
 104                  return $author.' ('.$email.')';
 105              }
 107              return $author;
 108          }
 110          return $email;
 111      }
 112  }