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/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Traits/ -> Fingerprint.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4   * Fingerprint Trait for Public Keys
   5   *
   6   * PHP version 5
   7   *
   8   * @author    Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
   9   * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton
  10   * @license   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
  11   * @link      http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
  12   */
  14  namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Traits;
  16  use phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash;
  18  /**
  19   * Fingerprint Trait for Private Keys
  20   *
  21   * @author  Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  22   */
  23  trait Fingerprint
  24  {
  25      /**
  26       * Returns the public key's fingerprint
  27       *
  28       * The public key's fingerprint is returned, which is equivalent to running `ssh-keygen -lf rsa.pub`. If there is
  29       * no public key currently loaded, false is returned.
  30       * Example output (md5): "c1:b1:30:29:d7:b8:de:6c:97:77:10:d7:46:41:63:87" (as specified by RFC 4716)
  31       *
  32       * @param string $algorithm The hashing algorithm to be used. Valid options are 'md5' and 'sha256'. False is returned
  33       * for invalid values.
  34       * @return mixed
  35       */
  36      public function getFingerprint($algorithm = 'md5')
  37      {
  38          $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'OpenSSH', 'savePublicKey');
  39          if ($type === false) {
  40              return false;
  41          }
  42          $key = $this->toString('OpenSSH', ['binary' => true]);
  43          if ($key === false) {
  44              return false;
  45          }
  46          switch ($algorithm) {
  47              case 'sha256':
  48                  $hash = new Hash('sha256');
  49                  $base = base64_encode($hash->hash($key));
  50                  return substr($base, 0, strlen($base) - 1);
  51              case 'md5':
  52                  return substr(chunk_split(md5($key), 2, ':'), 0, -1);
  53              default:
  54                  return false;
  55          }
  56      }
  57  }