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/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/ -> EC.php (summary)

Pure-PHP implementation of EC. PHP version 5

Author: Jim Wigginton
Copyright: 2016 Jim Wigginton
License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License
Link: http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
File Size: 480 lines (13 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 14 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

createKey($curve)   X-Ref
Create public / private key pair.

return: \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\PrivateKey
param: string $curve

onLoad(array $components)   X-Ref
OnLoad Handler

return: bool

__construct()   X-Ref

PublicKey and PrivateKey objects can only be created from abstract RSA class

getCurve()   X-Ref
Returns the curve

Returns a string if it's a named curve, an array if not

return: string|array

getLength()   X-Ref
Returns the key size

Quoting https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5656#section-2,

"The size of a set of elliptic curve domain parameters on a prime
curve is defined as the number of bits in the binary representation
of the field order, commonly denoted by p.  Size on a
characteristic-2 curve is defined as the number of bits in the binary
representation of the field, commonly denoted by m.  A set of
elliptic curve domain parameters defines a group of order n generated
by a base point P"

return: int

getEngine()   X-Ref
Returns the current engine being used

return: string
see: self::useInternalEngine()
see: self::useBestEngine()

getEncodedCoordinates()   X-Ref
Returns the public key coordinates as a string

Used by ECDH

return: string

getParameters($type = 'PKCS1')   X-Ref
Returns the parameters

return: mixed
see: self::getPublicKey()
param: string $type optional

withSignatureFormat($format)   X-Ref
Determines the signature padding mode

Valid values are: ASN1, SSH2, Raw

param: string $format

getSignatureFormat()   X-Ref
Returns the signature format currently being used

withContext($context = null)   X-Ref
Sets the context

Used by Ed25519 / Ed448.

see: self::sign()
see: self::verify()
param: string $context optional

getContext()   X-Ref
Returns the signature format currently being used

withHash($hash)   X-Ref
Determines which hashing function should be used

param: string $hash

__toString()   X-Ref
__toString() magic method

return: string