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/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/ -> Engine.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4   * Base BigInteger Engine
   5   *
   6   * PHP version 5 and 7
   7   *
   8   * @author    Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
   9   * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton
  10   * @license   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
  11   * @link      http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger
  12   */
  14  namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines;
  16  use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings;
  17  use phpseclib3\Crypt\Random;
  18  use phpseclib3\Exception\BadConfigurationException;
  19  use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger;
  21  /**
  22   * Base Engine.
  23   *
  24   * @author  Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  25   */
  26  abstract class Engine implements \JsonSerializable
  27  {
  28      /* final protected */ const PRIMES = [
  29          3,   5,   7,   11,  13,  17,  19,  23,  29,  31,  37,  41,  43,  47,  53,  59,
  30          61,  67,  71,  73,  79,  83,  89,  97,  101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137,
  31          139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227,
  32          229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313,
  33          317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419,
  34          421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509,
  35          521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617,
  36          619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727,
  37          733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829,
  38          839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947,
  39          953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997,
  40      ];
  42      /**
  43       * BigInteger(0)
  44       *
  45       * @var array<class-string<static>, static>
  46       */
  47      protected static $zero = [];
  49      /**
  50       * BigInteger(1)
  51       *
  52       * @var array<class-string<static>, static>
  53       */
  54      protected static $one  = [];
  56      /**
  57       * BigInteger(2)
  58       *
  59       * @var array<class-string<static>, static>
  60       */
  61      protected static $two = [];
  63      /**
  64       * Modular Exponentiation Engine
  65       *
  66       * @var array<class-string<static>, class-string<static>>
  67       */
  68      protected static $modexpEngine;
  70      /**
  71       * Engine Validity Flag
  72       *
  73       * @var array<class-string<static>, bool>
  74       */
  75      protected static $isValidEngine;
  77      /**
  78       * Holds the BigInteger's value
  79       *
  80       * @var \GMP|string|array|int
  81       */
  82      protected $value;
  84      /**
  85       * Holds the BigInteger's sign
  86       *
  87       * @var bool
  88       */
  89      protected $is_negative;
  91      /**
  92       * Precision
  93       *
  94       * @see static::setPrecision()
  95       * @var int
  96       */
  97      protected $precision = -1;
  99      /**
 100       * Precision Bitmask
 101       *
 102       * @see static::setPrecision()
 103       * @var static|false
 104       */
 105      protected $bitmask = false;
 107      /**
 108       * Recurring Modulo Function
 109       *
 110       * @var callable
 111       */
 112      protected $reduce;
 114      /**
 115       * Mode independent value used for serialization.
 116       *
 117       * @see self::__sleep()
 118       * @see self::__wakeup()
 119       * @var string
 120       */
 121      protected $hex;
 123      /**
 124       * Default constructor
 125       *
 126       * @param int|numeric-string $x integer Base-10 number or base-$base number if $base set.
 127       * @param int $base
 128       */
 129      public function __construct($x = 0, $base = 10)
 130      {
 131          if (!array_key_exists(static::class, static::$zero)) {
 132              static::$zero[static::class] = null; // Placeholder to prevent infinite loop.
 133              static::$zero[static::class] = new static(0);
 134              static::$one[static::class] = new static(1);
 135              static::$two[static::class] = new static(2);
 136          }
 138          // '0' counts as empty() but when the base is 256 '0' is equal to ord('0') or 48
 139          // '0' is the only value like this per http://php.net/empty
 140          if (empty($x) && (abs($base) != 256 || $x !== '0')) {
 141              return;
 142          }
 144          switch ($base) {
 145              case -256:
 146              case 256:
 147                  if ($base == -256 && (ord($x[0]) & 0x80)) {
 148                      $this->value = ~$x;
 149                      $this->is_negative = true;
 150                  } else {
 151                      $this->value = $x;
 152                      $this->is_negative = false;
 153                  }
 155                  $this->initialize($base);
 157                  if ($this->is_negative) {
 158                      $temp = $this->add(new static('-1'));
 159                      $this->value = $temp->value;
 160                  }
 161                  break;
 162              case -16:
 163              case 16:
 164                  if ($base > 0 && $x[0] == '-') {
 165                      $this->is_negative = true;
 166                      $x = substr($x, 1);
 167                  }
 169                  $x = preg_replace('#^(?:0x)?([A-Fa-f0-9]*).*#s', '$1', $x);
 171                  $is_negative = false;
 172                  if ($base < 0 && hexdec($x[0]) >= 8) {
 173                      $this->is_negative = $is_negative = true;
 174                      $x = Strings::bin2hex(~Strings::hex2bin($x));
 175                  }
 177                  $this->value = $x;
 178                  $this->initialize($base);
 180                  if ($is_negative) {
 181                      $temp = $this->add(new static('-1'));
 182                      $this->value = $temp->value;
 183                  }
 184                  break;
 185              case -10:
 186              case 10:
 187                  // (?<!^)(?:-).*: find any -'s that aren't at the beginning and then any characters that follow that
 188                  // (?<=^|-)0*: find any 0's that are preceded by the start of the string or by a - (ie. octals)
 189                  // [^-0-9].*: find any non-numeric characters and then any characters that follow that
 190                  $this->value = preg_replace('#(?<!^)(?:-).*|(?<=^|-)0*|[^-0-9].*#s', '', $x);
 191                  if (!strlen($this->value) || $this->value == '-') {
 192                      $this->value = '0';
 193                  }
 194                  $this->initialize($base);
 195                  break;
 196              case -2:
 197              case 2:
 198                  if ($base > 0 && $x[0] == '-') {
 199                      $this->is_negative = true;
 200                      $x = substr($x, 1);
 201                  }
 203                  $x = preg_replace('#^([01]*).*#s', '$1', $x);
 205                  $temp = new static(Strings::bits2bin($x), 128 * $base); // ie. either -16 or +16
 206                  $this->value = $temp->value;
 207                  if ($temp->is_negative) {
 208                      $this->is_negative = true;
 209                  }
 211                  break;
 212              default:
 213                  // base not supported, so we'll let $this == 0
 214          }
 215      }
 217      /**
 218       * Sets engine type.
 219       *
 220       * Throws an exception if the type is invalid
 221       *
 222       * @param class-string<Engine> $engine
 223       */
 224      public static function setModExpEngine($engine)
 225      {
 226          $fqengine = '\\phpseclib3\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\' . static::ENGINE_DIR . '\\' . $engine;
 227          if (!class_exists($fqengine) || !method_exists($fqengine, 'isValidEngine')) {
 228              throw new \InvalidArgumentException("$engine is not a valid engine");
 229          }
 230          if (!$fqengine::isValidEngine()) {
 231              throw new BadConfigurationException("$engine is not setup correctly on this system");
 232          }
 233          static::$modexpEngine[static::class] = $fqengine;
 234      }
 236      /**
 237       * Converts a BigInteger to a byte string (eg. base-256).
 238       *
 239       * Negative numbers are saved as positive numbers, unless $twos_compliment is set to true, at which point, they're
 240       * saved as two's compliment.
 241       * @return string
 242       */
 243      protected function toBytesHelper()
 244      {
 245          $comparison = $this->compare(new static());
 246          if ($comparison == 0) {
 247              return $this->precision > 0 ? str_repeat(chr(0), ($this->precision + 1) >> 3) : '';
 248          }
 250          $temp = $comparison < 0 ? $this->add(new static(1)) : $this;
 251          $bytes = $temp->toBytes();
 253          if (!strlen($bytes)) { // eg. if the number we're trying to convert is -1
 254              $bytes = chr(0);
 255          }
 257          if (ord($bytes[0]) & 0x80) {
 258              $bytes = chr(0) . $bytes;
 259          }
 261          return $comparison < 0 ? ~$bytes : $bytes;
 262      }
 264      /**
 265       * Converts a BigInteger to a hex string (eg. base-16).
 266       *
 267       * @param bool $twos_compliment
 268       * @return string
 269       */
 270      public function toHex($twos_compliment = false)
 271      {
 272          return Strings::bin2hex($this->toBytes($twos_compliment));
 273      }
 275      /**
 276       * Converts a BigInteger to a bit string (eg. base-2).
 277       *
 278       * Negative numbers are saved as positive numbers, unless $twos_compliment is set to true, at which point, they're
 279       * saved as two's compliment.
 280       *
 281       * @param bool $twos_compliment
 282       * @return string
 283       */
 284      public function toBits($twos_compliment = false)
 285      {
 286          $hex = $this->toBytes($twos_compliment);
 287          $bits = Strings::bin2bits($hex);
 289          $result = $this->precision > 0 ? substr($bits, -$this->precision) : ltrim($bits, '0');
 291          if ($twos_compliment && $this->compare(new static()) > 0 && $this->precision <= 0) {
 292              return '0' . $result;
 293          }
 295          return $result;
 296      }
 298      /**
 299       * Calculates modular inverses.
 300       *
 301       * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1.  x can be found using modular inverses.
 302       *
 303       * {@internal See {@link http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/about/chap14.pdf#page=21 HAC 14.64} for more information.}
 304       *
 305       * @param Engine $n
 306       * @return static|false
 307       */
 308      protected function modInverseHelper(Engine $n)
 309      {
 310          // $x mod -$n == $x mod $n.
 311          $n = $n->abs();
 313          if ($this->compare(static::$zero[static::class]) < 0) {
 314              $temp = $this->abs();
 315              $temp = $temp->modInverse($n);
 316              return $this->normalize($n->subtract($temp));
 317          }
 319          extract($this->extendedGCD($n));
 320          /**
 321           * @var Engine $gcd
 322           * @var Engine $x
 323           */
 325          if (!$gcd->equals(static::$one[static::class])) {
 326              return false;
 327          }
 329          $x = $x->compare(static::$zero[static::class]) < 0 ? $x->add($n) : $x;
 331          return $this->compare(static::$zero[static::class]) < 0 ? $this->normalize($n->subtract($x)) : $this->normalize($x);
 332      }
 334      /**
 335       * Serialize
 336       *
 337       * Will be called, automatically, when serialize() is called on a BigInteger object.
 338       *
 339       * @return array
 340       */
 341      public function __sleep()
 342      {
 343          $this->hex = $this->toHex(true);
 344          $vars = ['hex'];
 345          if ($this->precision > 0) {
 346              $vars[] = 'precision';
 347          }
 348          return $vars;
 349      }
 351      /**
 352       * Serialize
 353       *
 354       * Will be called, automatically, when unserialize() is called on a BigInteger object.
 355       *
 356       * @return void
 357       */
 358      public function __wakeup()
 359      {
 360          $temp = new static($this->hex, -16);
 361          $this->value = $temp->value;
 362          $this->is_negative = $temp->is_negative;
 363          if ($this->precision > 0) {
 364              // recalculate $this->bitmask
 365              $this->setPrecision($this->precision);
 366          }
 367      }
 369      /**
 370       * JSON Serialize
 371       *
 372       * Will be called, automatically, when json_encode() is called on a BigInteger object.
 373       *
 374       * @return array{hex: string, precision?: int]
 375       */
 376      #[\ReturnTypeWillChange]
 377      public function jsonSerialize()
 378      {
 379          $result = ['hex' => $this->toHex(true)];
 380          if ($this->precision > 0) {
 381              $result['precision'] = $this->precision;
 382          }
 383          return $result;
 384      }
 386      /**
 387       * Converts a BigInteger to a base-10 number.
 388       *
 389       * @return string
 390       */
 391      public function __toString()
 392      {
 393          return $this->toString();
 394      }
 396      /**
 397       *  __debugInfo() magic method
 398       *
 399       * Will be called, automatically, when print_r() or var_dump() are called
 400       *
 401       * @return array
 402       */
 403      public function __debugInfo()
 404      {
 405          $result = [
 406              'value' => '0x' . $this->toHex(true),
 407              'engine' => basename(static::class)
 408          ];
 409          return $this->precision > 0 ? $result + ['precision' => $this->precision] : $result;
 410      }
 412      /**
 413       * Set Precision
 414       *
 415       * Some bitwise operations give different results depending on the precision being used.  Examples include left
 416       * shift, not, and rotates.
 417       *
 418       * @param int $bits
 419       */
 420      public function setPrecision($bits)
 421      {
 422          if ($bits < 1) {
 423              $this->precision = -1;
 424              $this->bitmask = false;
 426              return;
 427          }
 428          $this->precision = $bits;
 429          $this->bitmask = static::setBitmask($bits);
 431          $temp = $this->normalize($this);
 432          $this->value = $temp->value;
 433      }
 435      /**
 436       * Get Precision
 437       *
 438       * Returns the precision if it exists, -1 if it doesn't
 439       *
 440       * @return int
 441       */
 442      public function getPrecision()
 443      {
 444          return $this->precision;
 445      }
 447      /**
 448       * Set Bitmask
 449       * @return static
 450       * @param int $bits
 451       * @see self::setPrecision()
 452       */
 453      protected static function setBitmask($bits)
 454      {
 455          return new static(chr((1 << ($bits & 0x7)) - 1) . str_repeat(chr(0xFF), $bits >> 3), 256);
 456      }
 458      /**
 459       * Logical Not
 460       *
 461       * @return Engine|string
 462       */
 463      public function bitwise_not()
 464      {
 465          // calculuate "not" without regard to $this->precision
 466          // (will always result in a smaller number.  ie. ~1 isn't 1111 1110 - it's 0)
 467          $temp = $this->toBytes();
 468          if ($temp == '') {
 469              return $this->normalize(static::$zero[static::class]);
 470          }
 471          $pre_msb = decbin(ord($temp[0]));
 472          $temp = ~$temp;
 473          $msb = decbin(ord($temp[0]));
 474          if (strlen($msb) == 8) {
 475              $msb = substr($msb, strpos($msb, '0'));
 476          }
 477          $temp[0] = chr(bindec($msb));
 479          // see if we need to add extra leading 1's
 480          $current_bits = strlen($pre_msb) + 8 * strlen($temp) - 8;
 481          $new_bits = $this->precision - $current_bits;
 482          if ($new_bits <= 0) {
 483              return $this->normalize(new static($temp, 256));
 484          }
 486          // generate as many leading 1's as we need to.
 487          $leading_ones = chr((1 << ($new_bits & 0x7)) - 1) . str_repeat(chr(0xFF), $new_bits >> 3);
 489          self::base256_lshift($leading_ones, $current_bits);
 491          $temp = str_pad($temp, strlen($leading_ones), chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT);
 493          return $this->normalize(new static($leading_ones | $temp, 256));
 494      }
 496      /**
 497       * Logical Left Shift
 498       *
 499       * Shifts binary strings $shift bits, essentially multiplying by 2**$shift.
 500       *
 501       * @param string $x
 502       * @param int $shift
 503       * @return void
 504       */
 505      protected static function base256_lshift(&$x, $shift)
 506      {
 507          if ($shift == 0) {
 508              return;
 509          }
 511          $num_bytes = $shift >> 3; // eg. floor($shift/8)
 512          $shift &= 7; // eg. $shift % 8
 514          $carry = 0;
 515          for ($i = strlen($x) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
 516              $temp = ord($x[$i]) << $shift | $carry;
 517              $x[$i] = chr($temp);
 518              $carry = $temp >> 8;
 519          }
 520          $carry = ($carry != 0) ? chr($carry) : '';
 521          $x = $carry . $x . str_repeat(chr(0), $num_bytes);
 522      }
 524      /**
 525       * Logical Left Rotate
 526       *
 527       * Instead of the top x bits being dropped they're appended to the shifted bit string.
 528       *
 529       * @param int $shift
 530       * @return Engine
 531       */
 532      public function bitwise_leftRotate($shift)
 533      {
 534          $bits = $this->toBytes();
 536          if ($this->precision > 0) {
 537              $precision = $this->precision;
 538              if (static::FAST_BITWISE) {
 539                  $mask = $this->bitmask->toBytes();
 540              } else {
 541                  $mask = $this->bitmask->subtract(new static(1));
 542                  $mask = $mask->toBytes();
 543              }
 544          } else {
 545              $temp = ord($bits[0]);
 546              for ($i = 0; $temp >> $i; ++$i) {
 547              }
 548              $precision = 8 * strlen($bits) - 8 + $i;
 549              $mask = chr((1 << ($precision & 0x7)) - 1) . str_repeat(chr(0xFF), $precision >> 3);
 550          }
 552          if ($shift < 0) {
 553              $shift += $precision;
 554          }
 555          $shift %= $precision;
 557          if (!$shift) {
 558              return clone $this;
 559          }
 561          $left = $this->bitwise_leftShift($shift);
 562          $left = $left->bitwise_and(new static($mask, 256));
 563          $right = $this->bitwise_rightShift($precision - $shift);
 564          $result = static::FAST_BITWISE ? $left->bitwise_or($right) : $left->add($right);
 565          return $this->normalize($result);
 566      }
 568      /**
 569       * Logical Right Rotate
 570       *
 571       * Instead of the bottom x bits being dropped they're prepended to the shifted bit string.
 572       *
 573       * @param int $shift
 574       * @return Engine
 575       */
 576      public function bitwise_rightRotate($shift)
 577      {
 578          return $this->bitwise_leftRotate(-$shift);
 579      }
 581      /**
 582       * Returns the smallest and largest n-bit number
 583       *
 584       * @param int $bits
 585       * @return array{min: static, max: static}
 586       */
 587      public static function minMaxBits($bits)
 588      {
 589          $bytes = $bits >> 3;
 590          $min = str_repeat(chr(0), $bytes);
 591          $max = str_repeat(chr(0xFF), $bytes);
 592          $msb = $bits & 7;
 593          if ($msb) {
 594              $min = chr(1 << ($msb - 1)) . $min;
 595              $max = chr((1 << $msb) - 1) . $max;
 596          } else {
 597              $min[0] = chr(0x80);
 598          }
 599          return [
 600              'min' => new static($min, 256),
 601              'max' => new static($max, 256)
 602          ];
 603      }
 605      /**
 606       * Return the size of a BigInteger in bits
 607       *
 608       * @return int
 609       */
 610      public function getLength()
 611      {
 612          return strlen($this->toBits());
 613      }
 615      /**
 616       * Return the size of a BigInteger in bytes
 617       *
 618       * @return int
 619       */
 620      public function getLengthInBytes()
 621      {
 622          return (int) ceil($this->getLength() / 8);
 623      }
 625      /**
 626       * Performs some pre-processing for powMod
 627       *
 628       * @param Engine $e
 629       * @param Engine $n
 630       * @return static|false
 631       */
 632      protected function powModOuter(Engine $e, Engine $n)
 633      {
 634          $n = $this->bitmask !== false && $this->bitmask->compare($n) < 0 ? $this->bitmask : $n->abs();
 636          if ($e->compare(new static()) < 0) {
 637              $e = $e->abs();
 639              $temp = $this->modInverse($n);
 640              if ($temp === false) {
 641                  return false;
 642              }
 644              return $this->normalize($temp->powModInner($e, $n));
 645          }
 647          if ($this->compare($n) > 0) {
 648              list(, $temp) = $this->divide($n);
 649              return $temp->powModInner($e, $n);
 650          }
 652          return $this->powModInner($e, $n);
 653      }
 655      /**
 656       * Sliding Window k-ary Modular Exponentiation
 657       *
 658       * Based on {@link http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/about/chap14.pdf#page=27 HAC 14.85} /
 659       * {@link http://math.libtomcrypt.com/files/tommath.pdf#page=210 MPM 7.7}.  In a departure from those algorithims,
 660       * however, this function performs a modular reduction after every multiplication and squaring operation.
 661       * As such, this function has the same preconditions that the reductions being used do.
 662       *
 663       * @template T of Engine
 664       * @param Engine $x
 665       * @param Engine $e
 666       * @param Engine $n
 667       * @param class-string<T> $class
 668       * @return T
 669       */
 670      protected static function slidingWindow(Engine $x, Engine $e, Engine $n, $class)
 671      {
 672          static $window_ranges = [7, 25, 81, 241, 673, 1793]; // from BigInteger.java's oddModPow function
 673          //static $window_ranges = [0, 7, 36, 140, 450, 1303, 3529]; // from MPM 7.3.1
 675          $e_bits = $e->toBits();
 676          $e_length = strlen($e_bits);
 678          // calculate the appropriate window size.
 679          // $window_size == 3 if $window_ranges is between 25 and 81, for example.
 680          for ($i = 0, $window_size = 1; $i < count($window_ranges) && $e_length > $window_ranges[$i]; ++$window_size, ++$i) {
 681          }
 683          $n_value = $n->value;
 685          if (method_exists(static::class, 'generateCustomReduction')) {
 686              static::generateCustomReduction($n, $class);
 687          }
 689          // precompute $this^0 through $this^$window_size
 690          $powers = [];
 691          $powers[1] = static::prepareReduce($x->value, $n_value, $class);
 692          $powers[2] = static::squareReduce($powers[1], $n_value, $class);
 694          // we do every other number since substr($e_bits, $i, $j+1) (see below) is supposed to end
 695          // in a 1.  ie. it's supposed to be odd.
 696          $temp = 1 << ($window_size - 1);
 697          for ($i = 1; $i < $temp; ++$i) {
 698              $i2 = $i << 1;
 699              $powers[$i2 + 1] = static::multiplyReduce($powers[$i2 - 1], $powers[2], $n_value, $class);
 700          }
 702          $result = new $class(1);
 703          $result = static::prepareReduce($result->value, $n_value, $class);
 705          for ($i = 0; $i < $e_length;) {
 706              if (!$e_bits[$i]) {
 707                  $result = static::squareReduce($result, $n_value, $class);
 708                  ++$i;
 709              } else {
 710                  for ($j = $window_size - 1; $j > 0; --$j) {
 711                      if (!empty($e_bits[$i + $j])) {
 712                          break;
 713                      }
 714                  }
 716                  // eg. the length of substr($e_bits, $i, $j + 1)
 717                  for ($k = 0; $k <= $j; ++$k) {
 718                      $result = static::squareReduce($result, $n_value, $class);
 719                  }
 721                  $result = static::multiplyReduce($result, $powers[bindec(substr($e_bits, $i, $j + 1))], $n_value, $class);
 723                  $i += $j + 1;
 724              }
 725          }
 727          $temp = new $class();
 728          $temp->value = static::reduce($result, $n_value, $class);
 730          return $temp;
 731      }
 733      /**
 734       * Generates a random number of a certain size
 735       *
 736       * Bit length is equal to $size
 737       *
 738       * @param int $size
 739       * @return Engine
 740       */
 741      public static function random($size)
 742      {
 743          extract(static::minMaxBits($size));
 744          /**
 745           * @var BigInteger $min
 746           * @var BigInteger $max
 747           */
 748          return static::randomRange($min, $max);
 749      }
 751      /**
 752       * Generates a random prime number of a certain size
 753       *
 754       * Bit length is equal to $size
 755       *
 756       * @param int $size
 757       * @return Engine
 758       */
 759      public static function randomPrime($size)
 760      {
 761          extract(static::minMaxBits($size));
 762          /**
 763           * @var static $min
 764           * @var static $max
 765           */
 766          return static::randomRangePrime($min, $max);
 767      }
 769      /**
 770       * Performs some pre-processing for randomRangePrime
 771       *
 772       * @param Engine $min
 773       * @param Engine $max
 774       * @return static|false
 775       */
 776      protected static function randomRangePrimeOuter(Engine $min, Engine $max)
 777      {
 778          $compare = $max->compare($min);
 780          if (!$compare) {
 781              return $min->isPrime() ? $min : false;
 782          } elseif ($compare < 0) {
 783              // if $min is bigger then $max, swap $min and $max
 784              $temp = $max;
 785              $max = $min;
 786              $min = $temp;
 787          }
 789          $length = $max->getLength();
 790          if ($length > 8196) {
 791              throw new \RuntimeException("Generation of random prime numbers larger than 8196 has been disabled ($length)");
 792          }
 794          $x = static::randomRange($min, $max);
 796          return static::randomRangePrimeInner($x, $min, $max);
 797      }
 799      /**
 800       * Generate a random number between a range
 801       *
 802       * Returns a random number between $min and $max where $min and $max
 803       * can be defined using one of the two methods:
 804       *
 805       * BigInteger::randomRange($min, $max)
 806       * BigInteger::randomRange($max, $min)
 807       *
 808       * @param Engine $min
 809       * @param Engine $max
 810       * @return Engine
 811       */
 812      protected static function randomRangeHelper(Engine $min, Engine $max)
 813      {
 814          $compare = $max->compare($min);
 816          if (!$compare) {
 817              return $min;
 818          } elseif ($compare < 0) {
 819              // if $min is bigger then $max, swap $min and $max
 820              $temp = $max;
 821              $max = $min;
 822              $min = $temp;
 823          }
 825          if (!isset(static::$one[static::class])) {
 826              static::$one[static::class] = new static(1);
 827          }
 829          $max = $max->subtract($min->subtract(static::$one[static::class]));
 831          $size = strlen(ltrim($max->toBytes(), chr(0)));
 833          /*
 834              doing $random % $max doesn't work because some numbers will be more likely to occur than others.
 835              eg. if $max is 140 and $random's max is 255 then that'd mean both $random = 5 and $random = 145
 836              would produce 5 whereas the only value of random that could produce 139 would be 139. ie.
 837              not all numbers would be equally likely. some would be more likely than others.
 839              creating a whole new random number until you find one that is within the range doesn't work
 840              because, for sufficiently small ranges, the likelihood that you'd get a number within that range
 841              would be pretty small. eg. with $random's max being 255 and if your $max being 1 the probability
 842              would be pretty high that $random would be greater than $max.
 844              phpseclib works around this using the technique described here:
 846              http://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/5708/creating-a-small-number-from-a-cryptographically-secure-random-string
 847          */
 848          $random_max = new static(chr(1) . str_repeat("\0", $size), 256);
 849          $random = new static(Random::string($size), 256);
 851          list($max_multiple) = $random_max->divide($max);
 852          $max_multiple = $max_multiple->multiply($max);
 854          while ($random->compare($max_multiple) >= 0) {
 855              $random = $random->subtract($max_multiple);
 856              $random_max = $random_max->subtract($max_multiple);
 857              $random = $random->bitwise_leftShift(8);
 858              $random = $random->add(new static(Random::string(1), 256));
 859              $random_max = $random_max->bitwise_leftShift(8);
 860              list($max_multiple) = $random_max->divide($max);
 861              $max_multiple = $max_multiple->multiply($max);
 862          }
 863          list(, $random) = $random->divide($max);
 865          return $random->add($min);
 866      }
 868      /**
 869       * Performs some post-processing for randomRangePrime
 870       *
 871       * @param Engine $x
 872       * @param Engine $min
 873       * @param Engine $max
 874       * @return static|false
 875       */
 876      protected static function randomRangePrimeInner(Engine $x, Engine $min, Engine $max)
 877      {
 878          if (!isset(static::$two[static::class])) {
 879              static::$two[static::class] = new static('2');
 880          }
 882          $x->make_odd();
 883          if ($x->compare($max) > 0) {
 884              // if $x > $max then $max is even and if $min == $max then no prime number exists between the specified range
 885              if ($min->equals($max)) {
 886                  return false;
 887              }
 888              $x = clone $min;
 889              $x->make_odd();
 890          }
 892          $initial_x = clone $x;
 894          while (true) {
 895              if ($x->isPrime()) {
 896                  return $x;
 897              }
 899              $x = $x->add(static::$two[static::class]);
 901              if ($x->compare($max) > 0) {
 902                  $x = clone $min;
 903                  if ($x->equals(static::$two[static::class])) {
 904                      return $x;
 905                  }
 906                  $x->make_odd();
 907              }
 909              if ($x->equals($initial_x)) {
 910                  return false;
 911              }
 912          }
 913      }
 915      /**
 916       * Sets the $t parameter for primality testing
 917       *
 918       * @return int
 919       */
 920      protected function setupIsPrime()
 921      {
 922          $length = $this->getLengthInBytes();
 924          // see HAC 4.49 "Note (controlling the error probability)"
 925          // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
 926               if ($length >= 163) { $t =  2; } // floor(1300 / 8)
 927          else if ($length >= 106) { $t =  3; } // floor( 850 / 8)
 928          else if ($length >= 81 ) { $t =  4; } // floor( 650 / 8)
 929          else if ($length >= 68 ) { $t =  5; } // floor( 550 / 8)
 930          else if ($length >= 56 ) { $t =  6; } // floor( 450 / 8)
 931          else if ($length >= 50 ) { $t =  7; } // floor( 400 / 8)
 932          else if ($length >= 43 ) { $t =  8; } // floor( 350 / 8)
 933          else if ($length >= 37 ) { $t =  9; } // floor( 300 / 8)
 934          else if ($length >= 31 ) { $t = 12; } // floor( 250 / 8)
 935          else if ($length >= 25 ) { $t = 15; } // floor( 200 / 8)
 936          else if ($length >= 18 ) { $t = 18; } // floor( 150 / 8)
 937          else                     { $t = 27; }
 938          // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
 940          return $t;
 941      }
 943      /**
 944       * Tests Primality
 945       *
 946       * Uses the {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller%E2%80%93Rabin_primality_test Miller-Rabin primality test}.
 947       * See {@link http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/about/chap4.pdf#page=8 HAC 4.24} for more info.
 948       *
 949       * @param int $t
 950       * @return bool
 951       */
 952      protected function testPrimality($t)
 953      {
 954          if (!$this->testSmallPrimes()) {
 955              return false;
 956          }
 958          $n   = clone $this;
 959          $n_1 = $n->subtract(static::$one[static::class]);
 960          $n_2 = $n->subtract(static::$two[static::class]);
 962          $r = clone $n_1;
 963          $s = static::scan1divide($r);
 965          for ($i = 0; $i < $t; ++$i) {
 966              $a = static::randomRange(static::$two[static::class], $n_2);
 967              $y = $a->modPow($r, $n);
 969              if (!$y->equals(static::$one[static::class]) && !$y->equals($n_1)) {
 970                  for ($j = 1; $j < $s && !$y->equals($n_1); ++$j) {
 971                      $y = $y->modPow(static::$two[static::class], $n);
 972                      if ($y->equals(static::$one[static::class])) {
 973                          return false;
 974                      }
 975                  }
 977                  if (!$y->equals($n_1)) {
 978                      return false;
 979                  }
 980              }
 981          }
 983          return true;
 984      }
 986      /**
 987       * Checks a numer to see if it's prime
 988       *
 989       * Assuming the $t parameter is not set, this function has an error rate of 2**-80.  The main motivation for the
 990       * $t parameter is distributability.  BigInteger::randomPrime() can be distributed across multiple pageloads
 991       * on a website instead of just one.
 992       *
 993       * @param int|bool $t
 994       * @return bool
 995       */
 996      public function isPrime($t = false)
 997      {
 998          // OpenSSL limits RSA keys to 16384 bits. The length of an RSA key is equal to the length of the modulo, which is
 999          // produced by multiplying the primes p and q by one another. The largest number two 8196 bit primes can produce is
1000          // a 16384 bit number so, basically, 8196 bit primes are the largest OpenSSL will generate and if that's the largest
1001          // that it'll generate it also stands to reason that that's the largest you'll be able to test primality on
1002          $length = $this->getLength();
1003          if ($length > 8196) {
1004              throw new \RuntimeException("Primality testing is not supported for numbers larger than 8196 bits ($length)");
1005          }
1007          if (!$t) {
1008              $t = $this->setupIsPrime();
1009          }
1010          return $this->testPrimality($t);
1011      }
1013      /**
1014       * Performs a few preliminary checks on root
1015       *
1016       * @param int $n
1017       * @return Engine
1018       */
1019      protected function rootHelper($n)
1020      {
1021          if ($n < 1) {
1022              return clone static::$zero[static::class];
1023          } // we want positive exponents
1024          if ($this->compare(static::$one[static::class]) < 0) {
1025              return clone static::$zero[static::class];
1026          } // we want positive numbers
1027          if ($this->compare(static::$two[static::class]) < 0) {
1028              return clone static::$one[static::class];
1029          } // n-th root of 1 or 2 is 1
1031          return $this->rootInner($n);
1032      }
1034      /**
1035       * Calculates the nth root of a biginteger.
1036       *
1037       * Returns the nth root of a positive biginteger, where n defaults to 2
1038       *
1039       * {@internal This function is based off of {@link http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/52605.html this page} and {@link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11242920/calculating-nth-root-with-bcmath-in-php this stackoverflow question}.}
1040       *
1041       * @param int $n
1042       * @return Engine
1043       */
1044      protected function rootInner($n)
1045      {
1046          $n = new static($n);
1048          // g is our guess number
1049          $g = static::$two[static::class];
1050          // while (g^n < num) g=g*2
1051          while ($g->pow($n)->compare($this) < 0) {
1052              $g = $g->multiply(static::$two[static::class]);
1053          }
1054          // if (g^n==num) num is a power of 2, we're lucky, end of job
1055          // == 0 bccomp(bcpow($g, $n), $n->value)==0
1056          if ($g->pow($n)->equals($this) > 0) {
1057              $root = $g;
1058              return $this->normalize($root);
1059          }
1061          // if we're here num wasn't a power of 2 :(
1062          $og = $g; // og means original guess and here is our upper bound
1063          $g = $g->divide(static::$two[static::class])[0]; // g is set to be our lower bound
1064          $step = $og->subtract($g)->divide(static::$two[static::class])[0]; // step is the half of upper bound - lower bound
1065          $g = $g->add($step); // we start at lower bound + step , basically in the middle of our interval
1067          // while step>1
1069          while ($step->compare(static::$one[static::class]) == 1) {
1070              $guess = $g->pow($n);
1071              $step = $step->divide(static::$two[static::class])[0];
1072              $comp = $guess->compare($this); // compare our guess with real number
1073              switch ($comp) {
1074                  case -1: // if guess is lower we add the new step
1075                      $g = $g->add($step);
1076                      break;
1077                  case 1: // if guess is higher we sub the new step
1078                      $g = $g->subtract($step);
1079                      break;
1080                  case 0: // if guess is exactly the num we're done, we return the value
1081                      $root = $g;
1082                      break 2;
1083              }
1084          }
1086          if ($comp == 1) {
1087              $g = $g->subtract($step);
1088          }
1090          // whatever happened, g is the closest guess we can make so return it
1091          $root = $g;
1093          return $this->normalize($root);
1094      }
1096      /**
1097       * Calculates the nth root of a biginteger.
1098       *
1099       * @param int $n
1100       * @return Engine
1101       */
1102      public function root($n = 2)
1103      {
1104          return $this->rootHelper($n);
1105      }
1107      /**
1108       * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers.
1109       *
1110       * @param array $nums
1111       * @return Engine
1112       */
1113      protected static function minHelper(array $nums)
1114      {
1115          if (count($nums) == 1) {
1116              return $nums[0];
1117          }
1118          $min = $nums[0];
1119          for ($i = 1; $i < count($nums); $i++) {
1120              $min = $min->compare($nums[$i]) > 0 ? $nums[$i] : $min;
1121          }
1122          return $min;
1123      }
1125      /**
1126       * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers.
1127       *
1128       * @param array $nums
1129       * @return Engine
1130       */
1131      protected static function maxHelper(array $nums)
1132      {
1133          if (count($nums) == 1) {
1134              return $nums[0];
1135          }
1136          $max = $nums[0];
1137          for ($i = 1; $i < count($nums); $i++) {
1138              $max = $max->compare($nums[$i]) < 0 ? $nums[$i] : $max;
1139          }
1140          return $max;
1141      }
1143      /**
1144       * Create Recurring Modulo Function
1145       *
1146       * Sometimes it may be desirable to do repeated modulos with the same number outside of
1147       * modular exponentiation
1148       *
1149       * @return callable
1150       */
1151      public function createRecurringModuloFunction()
1152      {
1153          $class = static::class;
1155          $fqengine = !method_exists(static::$modexpEngine[static::class], 'reduce') ?
1156              '\\phpseclib3\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\' . static::ENGINE_DIR . '\\DefaultEngine' :
1157              static::$modexpEngine[static::class];
1158          if (method_exists($fqengine, 'generateCustomReduction')) {
1159              $func = $fqengine::generateCustomReduction($this, static::class);
1160              return eval('return function(' . static::class . ' $x) use ($func, $class) {
1161                  $r = new $class();
1162                  $r->value = $func($x->value);
1163                  return $r;
1164              };');
1165          }
1166          $n = $this->value;
1167          return eval('return function(' . static::class . ' $x) use ($n, $fqengine, $class) {
1168              $r = new $class();
1169              $r->value = $fqengine::reduce($x->value, $n, $class);
1170              return $r;
1171          };');
1172      }
1174      /**
1175       * Calculates the greatest common divisor and Bezout's identity.
1176       *
1177       * @param Engine $n
1178       * @return array{gcd: Engine, x: Engine, y: Engine}
1179       */
1180      protected function extendedGCDHelper(Engine $n)
1181      {
1182          $u = clone $this;
1183          $v = clone $n;
1185          $one = new static(1);
1186          $zero = new static();
1188          $a = clone $one;
1189          $b = clone $zero;
1190          $c = clone $zero;
1191          $d = clone $one;
1193          while (!$v->equals($zero)) {
1194              list($q) = $u->divide($v);
1196              $temp = $u;
1197              $u = $v;
1198              $v = $temp->subtract($v->multiply($q));
1200              $temp = $a;
1201              $a = $c;
1202              $c = $temp->subtract($a->multiply($q));
1204              $temp = $b;
1205              $b = $d;
1206              $d = $temp->subtract($b->multiply($q));
1207          }
1209          return [
1210              'gcd' => $u,
1211              'x' => $a,
1212              'y' => $b
1213          ];
1214      }
1216      /**
1217       * Bitwise Split
1218       *
1219       * Splits BigInteger's into chunks of $split bits
1220       *
1221       * @param int $split
1222       * @return Engine[]
1223       */
1224      public function bitwise_split($split)
1225      {
1226          if ($split < 1) {
1227              throw new \RuntimeException('Offset must be greater than 1');
1228          }
1230          $mask = static::$one[static::class]->bitwise_leftShift($split)->subtract(static::$one[static::class]);
1232          $num = clone $this;
1234          $vals = [];
1235          while (!$num->equals(static::$zero[static::class])) {
1236              $vals[] = $num->bitwise_and($mask);
1237              $num = $num->bitwise_rightShift($split);
1238          }
1240          return array_reverse($vals);
1241      }
1243      /**
1244       * Logical And
1245       *
1246       * @param Engine $x
1247       * @return Engine
1248       */
1249      protected function bitwiseAndHelper(Engine $x)
1250      {
1251          $left = $this->toBytes(true);
1252          $right = $x->toBytes(true);
1254          $length = max(strlen($left), strlen($right));
1256          $left = str_pad($left, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT);
1257          $right = str_pad($right, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT);
1259          return $this->normalize(new static($left & $right, -256));
1260      }
1262      /**
1263       * Logical Or
1264       *
1265       * @param Engine $x
1266       * @return Engine
1267       */
1268      protected function bitwiseOrHelper(Engine $x)
1269      {
1270          $left = $this->toBytes(true);
1271          $right = $x->toBytes(true);
1273          $length = max(strlen($left), strlen($right));
1275          $left = str_pad($left, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT);
1276          $right = str_pad($right, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT);
1278          return $this->normalize(new static($left | $right, -256));
1279      }
1281      /**
1282       * Logical Exclusive Or
1283       *
1284       * @param Engine $x
1285       * @return Engine
1286       */
1287      protected function bitwiseXorHelper(Engine $x)
1288      {
1289          $left = $this->toBytes(true);
1290          $right = $x->toBytes(true);
1292          $length = max(strlen($left), strlen($right));
1295          $left = str_pad($left, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT);
1296          $right = str_pad($right, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT);
1297          return $this->normalize(new static($left ^ $right, -256));
1298      }
1299  }