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/vendor/splitbrain/lesserphp/src/Utils/ -> Util.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  namespace LesserPHP\Utils;
   5  use Exception;
   6  use LesserPHP\Constants;
   8  /**
   9   * Miscelaneous utility methods
  10   */
  11  class Util
  12  {
  13      /**
  14       * Clamps a value between a minimum and maximum value.
  15       *
  16       * This function takes a value and two boundary values (maximum and minimum).
  17       * It ensures that the provided value does not exceed the boundaries.
  18       * If the value is less than the minimum, the minimum is returned.
  19       * If the value is greater than the maximum, the maximum is returned.
  20       * Otherwise, the original value is returned.
  21       */
  22      public static function clamp(float $v, float $max = 1, float $min = 0): float
  23      {
  24          return min($max, max($min, $v));
  25      }
  27      /**
  28       * Quote a string for use in a regular expression
  29       */
  30      public static function pregQuote(string $what): string
  31      {
  32          return preg_quote($what, '/');
  33      }
  35      /**
  36       * Return a boolean type
  37       *
  38       * @param mixed $a
  39       */
  40      public static function toBool($a): array
  41      {
  42          if ($a) return Constants::TRUE;
  43          return Constants::FALSE;
  44      }
  46      /**
  47       * Converts numbers between different types of units
  48       *
  49       * @throws Exception
  50       */
  51      public static function convert($number, $to): array
  52      {
  53          $value = Asserts::assertNumber($number);
  54          $from = $number[2];
  56          // easy out
  57          if ($from == $to)
  58              return $number;
  60          // check if the from value is a length
  61          if (($from_index = array_search($from, Constants::LENGTH_UNITS)) !== false) {
  62              // make sure to value is too
  63              if (in_array($to, Constants::LENGTH_UNITS)) {
  64                  // do the actual conversion
  65                  $to_index = array_search($to, Constants::LENGTH_UNITS);
  66                  $px = $value * Constants::LENGTH_BASES[$from_index];
  67                  $result = $px * (1 / Constants::LENGTH_BASES[$to_index]);
  69                  $result = round($result, 8);
  70                  return ['number', $result, $to];
  71              }
  72          }
  74          // do the same check for times
  75          if (in_array($from, Constants::TIME_UNITS)) {
  76              if (in_array($to, Constants::TIME_UNITS)) {
  77                  // currently only ms and s are valid
  78                  if ($to == 'ms')
  79                      $result = $value * 1000;
  80                  else $result = $value / 1000;
  82                  $result = round($result, 8);
  83                  return ['number', $result, $to];
  84              }
  85          }
  87          // lastly check for an angle
  88          if (in_array($from, Constants::ANGLE_UNITS)) {
  89              // convert whatever angle it is into degrees
  90              switch ($from) {
  91                  case 'rad':
  92                      $deg = rad2deg($value);
  93                      break;
  94                  case 'turn':
  95                      $deg = $value * 360;
  96                      break;
  97                  case 'grad':
  98                      $deg = $value / (400 / 360);
  99                      break;
 100                  default:
 101                      $deg = $value;
 102                      break;
 103              }
 105              // Then convert it from degrees into desired unit
 106              switch ($to) {
 107                  case 'rad':
 108                      $result = deg2rad($deg);
 109                      break;
 110                  case 'turn':
 111                      $result = $deg / 360;
 112                      break;
 113                  case 'grad':
 114                      $result = $deg * (400 / 360);
 115                      break;
 116                  default:
 117                      $result = $deg;
 118                      break;
 119              }
 121              $result = round($result, 8);
 122              return ['number', $result, $to];
 123          }
 125          // we don't know how to convert these
 126          throw new Exception("Cannot convert $from to $to");
 127      }
 128  }