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/vendor/splitbrain/php-cli/src/ -> Colors.php (summary)

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File Size: 170 lines (4 kb)
Included or required:0 times
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Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Colors:: (9 methods):

Class: Colors  - X-Ref

Class Colors

Handles color output on (Linux) terminals

__construct()   X-Ref

Tries to disable colors for non-terminals

enable()   X-Ref
enable color output

disable()   X-Ref
disable color output

isEnabled()   X-Ref

return: bool is color support enabled?

ptln($line, $color, $channel = STDOUT)   X-Ref
Convenience function to print a line in a given color

param: string   $line    the line to print, a new line is added automatically
param: string   $color   one of the available color names
param: resource $channel file descriptor to write to

wrap($text, $color)   X-Ref
Returns the given text wrapped in the appropriate color and reset code

return: string the wrapped string
param: string $text string to wrap
param: string $color one of the available color names

getColorCode($color)   X-Ref
Gets the appropriate terminal code for the given color

return: string color code
param: string $color one of the available color names

set($color, $channel = STDOUT)   X-Ref
Set the given color for consecutive output

param: string $color one of the supported color names
param: resource $channel file descriptor to write to

reset($channel = STDOUT)   X-Ref
reset the terminal color

param: resource $channel file descriptor to write to