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/vendor/splitbrain/php-jsstrip/src/ -> JSStrip.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  namespace splitbrain\JSStrip;
   5  /**
   6   * Strip comments and whitespaces from given JavaScript Code
   7   *
   8   * This is a port of Nick Galbreath's python tool jsstrip.py which is
   9   * released under BSD license. See link for original code.
  10   *
  11   * @author Nick Galbreath <nickg@modp.com>
  12   * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
  13   * @link   http://code.google.com/p/jsstrip/
  14   */
  15  class JSStrip
  16  {
  18      const REGEX_STARTERS = [
  19          '(', '=', '<', '>', '?', '[', '{', ',', ';', ':', '!', '&', '|', '+', '-', '%', '~', '^',
  20          'return', 'yield', 'else', 'throw', 'await'
  21      ];
  22      const WHITESPACE_CHARS = [" ", "\t", "\n", "\r", "\0", "\x0B"];
  24      /** items that don't need spaces next to them */
  25      const CHARS = "^&|!+\-*\/%=\?:;,{}()<>% \t\n\r'\"`[]~^";
  27      /**
  28       * items which need a space if the sign before and after whitespace is equal.
  29       * E.g. '+ ++' may not be compressed to '+++' --> syntax error.
  30       */
  31      const OPS = "+-/";
  33      protected $source;
  34      protected $idx = 0;
  35      protected $line = 0;
  37      /**
  38       * Compress the given code
  39       *
  40       * @param string $source The JavaScript code to compress
  41       * @return string
  42       * @throws Exception if parsing fails
  43       */
  44      function compress($source)
  45      {
  46          $source = ltrim($source);     // strip all initial whitespace
  47          $source .= "\n";
  48          $idx = 0;             // char index for input string
  50          // track these as member variables
  51          $this->source = $source;
  52          $this->line = 1;
  53          $this->idx = &$idx;
  55          $j = 0;             // char forward index for input string
  56          $slen = strlen($source); // size of input string
  57          $lch = '';         // last char added
  58          $result = '';       // we store the final result here
  61          while ($idx < $slen) {
  62              // skip all "boring" characters.  This is either
  63              // reserved word (e.g. "for", "else", "if") or a
  64              // variable/object/method (e.g. "foo.color")
  65              while ($idx < $slen && (strpos(self::CHARS, $source[$idx]) === false)) {
  66                  $result .= $source[$idx];
  67                  $idx = $idx + 1;
  68              }
  70              $ch = $source[$idx];
  71              // multiline comments (keeping IE conditionals)
  72              if ($ch == '/' && $source[$idx + 1] == '*' && $source[$idx + 2] != '@') {
  73                  $endC = strpos($source, '*/', $idx + 2);
  74                  if ($endC === false) $this->fatal('Found invalid /*..*/ comment');
  76                  // check if this is a NOCOMPRESS comment
  77                  if (substr($source, $idx, $endC + 2 - $idx) == '/* BEGIN NOCOMPRESS */') {
  78                      // take nested NOCOMPRESS comments into account
  79                      $depth = 0;
  80                      $nextNC = $endC;
  81                      do {
  82                          $beginNC = strpos($source, '/* BEGIN NOCOMPRESS */', $nextNC + 2);
  83                          $endNC = strpos($source, '/* END NOCOMPRESS */', $nextNC + 2);
  85                          if ($endNC === false) $this->fatal('Found invalid NOCOMPRESS comment');
  86                          if ($beginNC !== false && $beginNC < $endNC) {
  87                              $depth++;
  88                              $nextNC = $beginNC;
  89                          } else {
  90                              $depth--;
  91                              $nextNC = $endNC;
  92                          }
  93                      } while ($depth >= 0);
  95                      // verbatim copy contents, trimming but putting it on its own line
  96                      $result .= "\n" . trim(substr($source, $idx + 22, $endNC - ($idx + 22))) . "\n"; // BEGIN comment = 22 chars
  97                      $idx = $endNC + 20; // END comment = 20 chars
  98                  } else {
  99                      $idx = $endC + 2;
 100                  }
 101                  continue;
 102              }
 104              // singleline
 105              if ($ch == '/' && $source[$idx + 1] == '/') {
 106                  $endC = strpos($source, "\n", $idx + 2);
 107                  if ($endC === false) $this->fatal('Invalid comment'); // not sure this can happen
 108                  $idx = $endC;
 109                  continue;
 110              }
 112              // tricky.  might be an RE
 113              if ($ch == '/') {
 114                  // rewind, skip white space
 115                  $j = 1;
 116                  while (in_array($source[$idx - $j], self::WHITESPACE_CHARS)) {
 117                      $j = $j + 1;
 118                  }
 119                  if (current(array_filter(
 120                      self::REGEX_STARTERS,
 121                      function ($e) use ($source, $idx, $j) {
 122                          $len = strlen($e);
 123                          $idx = $idx - $j + 1 - $len;
 124                          return substr($source, $idx, $len) === $e;
 125                      }
 126                  ))) {
 127                      // yes, this is an re
 128                      // now move forward and find the end of it
 129                      $j = 1;
 130                      // we set this flag when inside a character class definition, enclosed by brackets [] where '/' does not terminate the re
 131                      $ccd = false;
 132                      while ($ccd || $source[$idx + $j] != '/') {
 133                          if ($source[$idx + $j] == '\\') $j = $j + 2;
 134                          else {
 135                              $j++;
 136                              // check if we entered/exited a character class definition and set flag accordingly
 137                              if ($source[$idx + $j - 1] == '[') $ccd = true;
 138                              else if ($source[$idx + $j - 1] == ']') $ccd = false;
 139                          }
 140                      }
 141                      $result .= substr($source, $idx, $j + 1);
 142                      $idx = $idx + $j + 1;
 143                      continue;
 144                  }
 145              }
 147              // double quote strings
 148              if ($ch == '"') {
 149                  $j = 1;
 150                  while (($idx + $j < $slen) && $source[$idx + $j] != '"') {
 151                      if ($source[$idx + $j] == '\\' && ($source[$idx + $j + 1] == '"' || $source[$idx + $j + 1] == '\\')) {
 152                          $j += 2;
 153                      } else {
 154                          $j += 1;
 155                      }
 156                  }
 157                  $string = substr($source, $idx, $j + 1);
 158                  // remove multiline markers:
 159                  $string = str_replace("\\\n", '', $string);
 160                  $result .= $string;
 161                  $idx = $idx + $j + 1;
 162                  continue;
 163              }
 165              // single quote strings
 166              if ($ch == "'") {
 167                  $j = 1;
 168                  while (($idx + $j < $slen) && $source[$idx + $j] != "'") {
 169                      if ($source[$idx + $j] == '\\' && ($source[$idx + $j + 1] == "'" || $source[$idx + $j + 1] == '\\')) {
 170                          $j += 2;
 171                      } else {
 172                          $j += 1;
 173                      }
 174                  }
 175                  $string = substr($source, $idx, $j + 1);
 176                  // remove multiline markers:
 177                  $string = str_replace("\\\n", '', $string);
 178                  $result .= $string;
 179                  $idx = $idx + $j + 1;
 180                  continue;
 181              }
 183              // backtick strings
 184              if ($ch == "`") {
 185                  $j = 1;
 186                  while (($idx + $j < $slen) && $source[$idx + $j] != "`") {
 187                      if ($source[$idx + $j] == '\\' && ($source[$idx + $j + 1] == "`" || $source[$idx + $j + 1] == '\\')) {
 188                          $j += 2;
 189                      } else {
 190                          $j += 1;
 191                      }
 192                  }
 193                  $string = substr($source, $idx, $j + 1);
 194                  // remove multiline markers:
 195                  $string = str_replace("\\\n", '', $string);
 196                  $result .= $string;
 197                  $idx = $idx + $j + 1;
 198                  continue;
 199              }
 201              // whitespaces
 202              if ($ch == ' ' || $ch == "\r" || $ch == "\n" || $ch == "\t") {
 203                  $lch = substr($result, -1);
 204                  if ($ch == "\n") $this->line++;
 206                  // Only consider deleting whitespace if the signs before and after
 207                  // are not equal and are not an operator which may not follow itself.
 208                  if ($idx + 1 < $slen && ((!$lch || $source[$idx + 1] == ' ')
 209                          || $lch != $source[$idx + 1]
 210                          || strpos(self::OPS, $source[$idx + 1]) === false)) {
 211                      // leading spaces
 212                      if ($idx + 1 < $slen && (strpos(self::CHARS, $source[$idx + 1]) !== false)) {
 213                          $idx = $idx + 1;
 214                          continue;
 215                      }
 216                      // trailing spaces
 217                      //  if this ch is space AND the last char processed
 218                      //  is special, then skip the space
 219                      if ($lch && (strpos(self::CHARS, $lch) !== false)) {
 220                          $idx = $idx + 1;
 221                          continue;
 222                      }
 223                  }
 225                  // else after all of this convert the "whitespace" to
 226                  // a single space.  It will get appended below
 227                  $ch = ' ';
 228              }
 230              // other chars
 231              $result .= $ch;
 232              $idx = $idx + 1;
 233          }
 235          return trim($result);
 236      }
 238      /**
 239       * Helper to throw a fatal error
 240       *
 241       * Tries to give some context to locate the error
 242       *
 243       * @param string $msg
 244       * @throws Exception
 245       */
 246      protected function fatal($msg)
 247      {
 248          $before = substr($this->source, max(0, $this->idx - 15), $this->idx);
 249          $after = substr($this->source, $this->idx, 15);
 251          $msg = "$msg on line {$this->line}: '{$before}◎{$after}'";
 252          throw new Exception($msg);
 253      }
 254  }