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/inc/ -> Logger.php (summary)

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File Size: 235 lines (7 kb)
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Defines 1 class

Logger:: (10 methods):

Class: Logger  - X-Ref

Log messages to a daily log file

__construct($facility)   X-Ref
Logger constructor.

param: string $facility The type of log

getInstance($facility = self::LOG_ERROR)   X-Ref
Return a Logger instance for the given facility

return: Logger
param: string $facility The type of log

error($message, $details = null, $file = '', $line = 0)   X-Ref
Convenience method to directly log to the error log

return: bool has a log been written?
param: string $message The log message
param: mixed $details Any details that should be added to the log entry
param: string $file A source filename if this is related to a source position
param: int $line A line number for the above file

debug($message, $details = null, $file = '', $line = 0)   X-Ref
Convenience method to directly log to the debug log

return: bool has a log been written?
param: string $message The log message
param: mixed $details Any details that should be added to the log entry
param: string $file A source filename if this is related to a source position
param: int $line A line number for the above file

deprecated($message, $details = null, $file = '', $line = 0)   X-Ref
Convenience method to directly log to the deprecation log

return: bool has a log been written?
param: string $message The log message
param: mixed $details Any details that should be added to the log entry
param: string $file A source filename if this is related to a source position
param: int $line A line number for the above file

log($message, $details = null, $file = '', $line = 0)   X-Ref
Log a message to the facility log

triggers: LOGGER_DATA_FORMAT can be used to change the logged data or intercept it
return: bool has a log been written?
param: string $message The log message
param: mixed $details Any details that should be added to the log entry
param: string $file A source filename if this is related to a source position
param: int $line A line number for the above file

isLogging()   X-Ref
Is this logging instace actually logging?

return: bool

formatLogLines($data)   X-Ref
Formats the given data as loglines

return: string[] the lines to log
param: array $data Event data from LOGGER_DATA_FORMAT

getLogfile($date = false)   X-Ref
Construct the log file for the given day

return: string
param: false|string|int $date Date to access, false for today

writeLogLines($lines, $logfile)   X-Ref
Write the given lines to today's facility log

return: bool true if the log was written
param: string[] $lines the raw lines to append to the log
param: string $logfile where to write to