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/inc/ -> auth.php (summary)

Authentication library Including this file will automatically try to login a user by calling auth_login()

Author: Andreas Gohr
License: GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
File Size: 1401 lines (42 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 30 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

auth_setup()   X-Ref
Initialize the auth system.

This function is automatically called at the end of init.php

This used to be the main() of the auth.php

return: bool

auth_loadACL()   X-Ref
Loads the ACL setup and handle user wildcards

return: array
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

auth_tokenlogin()   X-Ref
Try a token login

return: bool true if token login succeeded

auth_login_wrapper($evdata)   X-Ref
Event hook callback for AUTH_LOGIN_CHECK

return: bool
param: array $evdata

auth_login($user, $pass, $sticky = false, $silent = false)   X-Ref
This tries to login the user based on the sent auth credentials

The authentication works like this: if a username was given
a new login is assumed and user/password are checked. If they
are correct the password is encrypted with blowfish and stored
together with the username in a cookie - the same info is stored
in the session, too. Additonally a browserID is stored in the

If no username was given the cookie is checked: if the username,
crypted password and browserID match between session and cookie
no further testing is done and the user is accepted

If a cookie was found but no session info was availabe the
blowfish encrypted password from the cookie is decrypted and
together with username rechecked by calling this function again.

On a successful login $_SERVER[REMOTE_USER] and $USERINFO
are set.

return: bool true on successful auth
param: string $user Username
param: string $pass Cleartext Password
param: bool $sticky Cookie should not expire
param: bool $silent Don't show error on bad auth
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

auth_browseruid()   X-Ref
Builds a pseudo UID from browser and IP data

This is neither unique nor unfakable - still it adds some
security. Using the first part of the IP makes sure
proxy farms like AOLs are still okay.

return: string  a SHA256 sum of various browser headers
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

auth_cookiesalt($addsession = false, $secure = false)   X-Ref
Creates a random key to encrypt the password in cookies

This function tries to read the password for encrypting
cookies from $conf['metadir'].'/_htcookiesalt'
if no such file is found a random key is created and
and stored in this file.

return: string
param: bool $addsession if true, the sessionid is added to the salt
param: bool $secure if security is more important than keeping the old value
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

auth_randombytes($length)   X-Ref
Return cryptographically secure random bytes.

return: string cryptographically secure random bytes
param: int $length number of bytes
author: Niklas Keller <me@kelunik.com>

auth_random($min, $max)   X-Ref
Cryptographically secure random number generator.

return: int
param: int $min
param: int $max
author: Niklas Keller <me@kelunik.com>

auth_encrypt($data, $secret)   X-Ref
Encrypt data using the given secret using AES

The mode is CBC with a random initialization vector, the key is derived
using pbkdf2.

return: string The ciphertext
param: string $data The data that shall be encrypted
param: string $secret The secret/password that shall be used

auth_decrypt($ciphertext, $secret)   X-Ref
Decrypt the given AES ciphertext

The mode is CBC, the key is derived using pbkdf2

return: string|null The decrypted data
param: string $ciphertext The encrypted data
param: string $secret     The secret/password that shall be used

auth_logoff($keepbc = false)   X-Ref
Log out the current user

This clears all authentication data and thus log the user
off. It also clears session data.

param: bool $keepbc - when true, the breadcrumb data is not cleared
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

auth_ismanager($user = null, $groups = null, $adminonly = false, $recache = false)   X-Ref
Check if a user is a manager

Should usually be called without any parameters to check the current

The info is available through $INFO['ismanager'], too

return: bool
see: auth_isadmin
param: string $user Username
param: array $groups List of groups the user is in
param: bool $adminonly when true checks if user is admin
param: bool $recache set to true to refresh the cache
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

auth_isadmin($user = null, $groups = null, $recache = false)   X-Ref
Check if a user is admin

Alias to auth_ismanager with adminonly=true

The info is available through $INFO['isadmin'], too

return: bool
see: auth_ismanager()
param: string $user Username
param: array $groups List of groups the user is in
param: bool $recache set to true to refresh the cache
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

auth_isMember($memberlist, $user, array $groups)   X-Ref
Match a user and his groups against a comma separated list of
users and groups to determine membership status

Note: all input should NOT be nameencoded.

return: bool       true for membership acknowledged
param: string $memberlist commaseparated list of allowed users and groups
param: string $user       user to match against
param: array  $groups     groups the user is member of

auth_quickaclcheck($id)   X-Ref
Convinience function for auth_aclcheck()

This checks the permissions for the current user

return: int          permission level
param: string  $id  page ID (needs to be resolved and cleaned)
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

auth_aclcheck($id, $user, $groups)   X-Ref
Returns the maximum rights a user has for the given ID or its namespace

triggers: AUTH_ACL_CHECK
return: int             permission level
param: string       $id     page ID (needs to be resolved and cleaned)
param: string       $user   Username
param: array|null   $groups Array of groups the user is in
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

auth_aclcheck_cb($data)   X-Ref
default ACL check method

DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY, use auth_aclcheck() instead

return: int   permission level
param: array $data event data
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

auth_nameencode($name, $skip_group = false)   X-Ref
Encode ASCII special chars

Some auth backends allow special chars in their user and groupnames
The special chars are encoded with this function. Only ASCII chars
are encoded UTF-8 multibyte are left as is (different from usual

Decoding can be done with rawurldecode

return: string
see: rawurldecode()
param: string $name
param: bool $skip_group
author: Andreas Gohr <gohr@cosmocode.de>

auth_nameencode_callback($matches)   X-Ref
callback encodes the matches

return: string
param: array $matches first complete match, next matching subpatterms

auth_pwgen($foruser = '')   X-Ref
Create a pronouncable password

The $foruser variable might be used by plugins to run additional password
policy checks, but is not used by the default implementation

return: string  pronouncable password
param: string $foruser username for which the password is generated
link: http://www.phpbuilder.com/annotate/message.php3?id=1014451
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

auth_sendPassword($user, $password)   X-Ref
Sends a password to the given user

return: bool  true on success
param: string $user Login name of the user
param: string $password The new password in clear text
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

register()   X-Ref
Register a new user

This registers a new user - Data is read directly from $_POST

return: bool  true on success, false on any error
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

updateprofile()   X-Ref
Update user profile

author: Christopher Smith <chris@jalakai.co.uk>

auth_deleteprofile()   X-Ref
Delete the current logged-in user

return: bool true on success, false on any error

act_resendpwd()   X-Ref
Send a  new password

This function handles both phases of the password reset:

- handling the first request of password reset
- validating the password reset auth token

return: bool true on success, false on any error
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
author: Benoit Chesneau <benoit@bchesneau.info>
author: Chris Smith <chris@jalakai.co.uk>

auth_cryptPassword($clear, $method = '', $salt = null)   X-Ref
Encrypts a password using the given method and salt

If the selected method needs a salt and none was given, a random one
is chosen.

return: string  The crypted password
param: string $clear The clear text password
param: string $method The hashing method
param: string $salt A salt, null for random
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

auth_verifyPassword($clear, $crypt)   X-Ref
Verifies a cleartext password against a crypted hash

return: bool true if both match
param: string $clear The clear text password
param: string $crypt The hash to compare with
author: Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>

auth_setCookie($user, $pass, $sticky)   X-Ref
Set the authentication cookie and add user identification data to the session

return: bool
param: string  $user       username
param: string  $pass       encrypted password
param: bool    $sticky     whether or not the cookie will last beyond the session

auth_getCookie()   X-Ref
Returns the user, (encrypted) password and sticky bit from cookie

returns: array