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/inc/ -> blowfish.php (summary)

The Cipher_blowfish:: class implements the Cipher interface enryption data using the Blowfish algorithm.

Author: Mike Cochrane
Version: $Id: blowfish.php 11081 2008-01-25 09:35:48Z cybot_tm $
File Size: 515 lines (26 kb)
Included or required: 1 time
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Horde_Cipher_blowfish:: (7 methods):

Class: Horde_Cipher_blowfish  - X-Ref

setKey($key)   X-Ref
Set the key to be used for en/decryption

param: String $key   The key to use

encryptBlock($block, $key = null)   X-Ref
Encrypt a block on data.

param: String $block         The data to encrypt
param: String $key  optional The key to use
return: String the encrypted output

_encryptBlock($L, $R)   X-Ref
Encrypt a block on data.

param: String $L  The data to encrypt.
param: String $R  The data to encrypt.
return: String  The encrypted output.

decryptBlock($block, $key = null)   X-Ref
Decrypt a block on data.

param: String $block          The data to decrypt
param: String $key   optional The key to use
return: String the decrypted output

_formatKey($key)   X-Ref
Converts a text key into an array.

param: string $key
return: array  The key.

PMA_blowfish_encrypt($data, $secret)   X-Ref
Encryption using blowfish algorithm

param: string  $data   original data
param: string  $secret the secret
return: string  the encrypted result
author: lem9

PMA_blowfish_decrypt($encdata, $secret)   X-Ref
Decryption using blowfish algorithm

param: string  $encdata encrypted data
param: string  $secret  the secret
return: string  original data
author: lem9