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PHP Cross Reference of DokuWiki




/inc/ -> changelog.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4   * Changelog handling functions
   5   *
   6   * @license    GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
   7   * @author     Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
   8   */
  10  use dokuwiki\ChangeLog\MediaChangeLog;
  11  use dokuwiki\ChangeLog\ChangeLog;
  12  use dokuwiki\ChangeLog\RevisionInfo;
  13  use dokuwiki\File\PageFile;
  15  /**
  16   * parses a changelog line into it's components
  17   *
  18   * @param string $line changelog line
  19   * @return array|bool parsed line or false
  20   *
  21   * @author Ben Coburn <btcoburn@silicodon.net>
  22   *
  23   * @deprecated 2023-09-25
  24   */
  25  function parseChangelogLine($line)
  26  {
  27      dbg_deprecated('see ' . ChangeLog::class . '::parseLogLine()');
  28      return ChangeLog::parseLogLine($line);
  29  }
  31  /**
  32   * Adds an entry to the changelog and saves the metadata for the page
  33   *
  34   * Note: timestamp of the change might not be unique especially after very quick
  35   *       repeated edits (e.g. change checkbox via do plugin)
  36   *
  37   * @param int    $date      Timestamp of the change
  38   * @param String $id        Name of the affected page
  39   * @param String $type      Type of the change see DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_*
  40   * @param String $summary   Summary of the change
  41   * @param mixed  $extra     In case of a revert the revision (timestamp) of the reverted page
  42   * @param array  $flags     Additional flags in a key value array.
  43   *                             Available flags:
  44   *                             - ExternalEdit - mark as an external edit.
  45   * @param null|int $sizechange Change of filesize
  46   *
  47   * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
  48   * @author Esther Brunner <wikidesign@gmail.com>
  49   * @author Ben Coburn <btcoburn@silicodon.net>
  50   * @deprecated 2021-11-28
  51   */
  52  function addLogEntry(
  53      $date,
  54      $id,
  55      $type = DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_EDIT,
  56      $summary = '',
  57      $extra = '',
  58      $flags = null,
  59      $sizechange = null
  60  ) {
  61      // no more used in DokuWiki core, but left for third-party plugins
  62      dbg_deprecated('see ' . PageFile::class . '::saveWikiText()');
  64      /** @var Input $INPUT */
  65      global $INPUT;
  67      // check for special flags as keys
  68      if (!is_array($flags)) $flags = [];
  69      $flagExternalEdit = isset($flags['ExternalEdit']);
  71      $id = cleanid($id);
  73      if (!$date) $date = time(); //use current time if none supplied
  74      $remote = ($flagExternalEdit) ? '' : clientIP(true);
  75      $user   = ($flagExternalEdit) ? '' : $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER');
  76      $sizechange = ($sizechange === null) ? '' : (int)$sizechange;
  78      // update changelog file and get the added entry that is also to be stored in metadata
  79      $pageFile = new PageFile($id);
  80      $logEntry = $pageFile->changelog->addLogEntry([
  81          'date'       => $date,
  82          'ip'         => $remote,
  83          'type'       => $type,
  84          'id'         => $id,
  85          'user'       => $user,
  86          'sum'        => $summary,
  87          'extra'      => $extra,
  88          'sizechange' => $sizechange,
  89      ]);
  91      // update metadata
  92      $pageFile->updateMetadata($logEntry);
  93  }
  95  /**
  96   * Adds an entry to the media changelog
  97   *
  98   * @author Michael Hamann <michael@content-space.de>
  99   * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 100   * @author Esther Brunner <wikidesign@gmail.com>
 101   * @author Ben Coburn <btcoburn@silicodon.net>
 102   *
 103   * @param int    $date      Timestamp of the change
 104   * @param String $id        Name of the affected page
 105   * @param String $type      Type of the change see DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_*
 106   * @param String $summary   Summary of the change
 107   * @param mixed  $extra     In case of a revert the revision (timestamp) of the reverted page
 108   * @param array  $flags     Additional flags in a key value array.
 109   *                             Available flags:
 110   *                             - (none, so far)
 111   * @param null|int $sizechange Change of filesize
 112   */
 113  function addMediaLogEntry(
 114      $date,
 115      $id,
 116      $type = DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_EDIT,
 117      $summary = '',
 118      $extra = '',
 119      $flags = null,
 120      $sizechange = null
 121  ) {
 122      /** @var Input $INPUT */
 123      global $INPUT;
 125      // check for special flags as keys
 126      if (!is_array($flags)) $flags = [];
 127      $flagExternalEdit = isset($flags['ExternalEdit']);
 129      $id = cleanid($id);
 131      if (!$date) $date = time(); //use current time if none supplied
 132      $remote = ($flagExternalEdit) ? '' : clientIP(true);
 133      $user   = ($flagExternalEdit) ? '' : $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER');
 134      $sizechange = ($sizechange === null) ? '' : (int)$sizechange;
 136      // update changelog file and get the added entry
 137      (new MediaChangeLog($id, 1024))->addLogEntry([
 138          'date'       => $date,
 139          'ip'         => $remote,
 140          'type'       => $type,
 141          'id'         => $id,
 142          'user'       => $user,
 143          'sum'        => $summary,
 144          'extra'      => $extra,
 145          'sizechange' => $sizechange,
 146      ]);
 147  }
 149  /**
 150   * returns an array of recently changed files using the changelog
 151   *
 152   * The following constants can be used to control which changes are
 153   * included. Add them together as needed.
 154   *
 155   * RECENTS_SKIP_DELETED   - don't include deleted pages
 156   * RECENTS_SKIP_MINORS    - don't include minor changes
 157   * RECENTS_ONLY_CREATION  - only include new created pages and media
 158   * RECENTS_SKIP_SUBSPACES - don't include subspaces
 159   * RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES  - return media changes instead of page changes
 160   * RECENTS_MEDIA_PAGES_MIXED  - return both media changes and page changes
 161   *
 162   * @param int    $first   number of first entry returned (for paginating
 163   * @param int    $num     return $num entries
 164   * @param string $ns      restrict to given namespace
 165   * @param int    $flags   see above
 166   * @return array recently changed files
 167   *
 168   * @author Ben Coburn <btcoburn@silicodon.net>
 169   * @author Kate Arzamastseva <pshns@ukr.net>
 170   */
 171  function getRecents($first, $num, $ns = '', $flags = 0)
 172  {
 173      global $conf;
 174      $recent = [];
 175      $count  = 0;
 177      if (!$num) {
 178          return $recent;
 179      }
 181      // read all recent changes. (kept short)
 182      if ($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES) {
 183          $lines = @file($conf['media_changelog']) ?: [];
 184      } else {
 185          $lines = @file($conf['changelog']) ?: [];
 186      }
 187      if (!is_array($lines)) {
 188          $lines = [];
 189      }
 190      $lines_position = count($lines) - 1;
 191      $media_lines_position = 0;
 192      $media_lines = [];
 194      if ($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_PAGES_MIXED) {
 195          $media_lines = @file($conf['media_changelog']) ?: [];
 196          if (!is_array($media_lines)) {
 197              $media_lines = [];
 198          }
 199          $media_lines_position = count($media_lines) - 1;
 200      }
 202      $seen = []; // caches seen lines, _handleRecentLogLine() skips them
 204      // handle lines
 205      while ($lines_position >= 0 || (($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_PAGES_MIXED) && $media_lines_position >= 0)) {
 206          if (empty($rec) && $lines_position >= 0) {
 207              $rec = _handleRecentLogLine(@$lines[$lines_position], $ns, $flags, $seen);
 208              if (!$rec) {
 209                  $lines_position--;
 210                  continue;
 211              }
 212          }
 213          if (($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_PAGES_MIXED) && empty($media_rec) && $media_lines_position >= 0) {
 214              $media_rec = _handleRecentLogLine(
 215                  @$media_lines[$media_lines_position],
 216                  $ns,
 217                  $flags | RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES,
 218                  $seen
 219              );
 220              if (!$media_rec) {
 221                  $media_lines_position--;
 222                  continue;
 223              }
 224          }
 225          if (($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_PAGES_MIXED) && @$media_rec['date'] >= @$rec['date']) {
 226              $media_lines_position--;
 227              $x = $media_rec;
 228              $x['mode'] = RevisionInfo::MODE_MEDIA;
 229              $media_rec = false;
 230          } else {
 231              $lines_position--;
 232              $x = $rec;
 233              if ($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES) {
 234                  $x['mode'] = RevisionInfo::MODE_MEDIA;
 235              } else {
 236                  $x['mode'] = RevisionInfo::MODE_PAGE;
 237              }
 238              $rec = false;
 239          }
 240          if (--$first >= 0) continue; // skip first entries
 241          $recent[] = $x;
 242          $count++;
 243          // break when we have enough entries
 244          if ($count >= $num) {
 245              break;
 246          }
 247      }
 248      return $recent;
 249  }
 251  /**
 252   * returns an array of files changed since a given time using the
 253   * changelog
 254   *
 255   * The following constants can be used to control which changes are
 256   * included. Add them together as needed.
 257   *
 258   * RECENTS_SKIP_DELETED   - don't include deleted pages
 259   * RECENTS_SKIP_MINORS    - don't include minor changes
 260   * RECENTS_ONLY_CREATION  - only include new created pages and media
 261   * RECENTS_SKIP_SUBSPACES - don't include subspaces
 262   * RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES  - return media changes instead of page changes
 263   *
 264   * @param int    $from    date of the oldest entry to return
 265   * @param int    $to      date of the newest entry to return (for pagination, optional)
 266   * @param string $ns      restrict to given namespace (optional)
 267   * @param int    $flags   see above (optional)
 268   * @return array of files
 269   *
 270   * @author Michael Hamann <michael@content-space.de>
 271   * @author Ben Coburn <btcoburn@silicodon.net>
 272   */
 273  function getRecentsSince($from, $to = null, $ns = '', $flags = 0)
 274  {
 275      global $conf;
 276      $recent = [];
 278      if ($to && $to < $from) {
 279          return $recent;
 280      }
 282      // read all recent changes. (kept short)
 283      if ($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES) {
 284          $lines = @file($conf['media_changelog']);
 285      } else {
 286          $lines = @file($conf['changelog']);
 287      }
 288      if (!$lines) return $recent;
 290      // we start searching at the end of the list
 291      $lines = array_reverse($lines);
 293      // handle lines
 294      $seen = []; // caches seen lines, _handleRecentLogLine() skips them
 296      foreach ($lines as $line) {
 297          $rec = _handleRecentLogLine($line, $ns, $flags, $seen);
 298          if ($rec !== false) {
 299              if ($rec['date'] >= $from) {
 300                  if (!$to || $rec['date'] <= $to) {
 301                      $recent[] = $rec;
 302                  }
 303              } else {
 304                  break;
 305              }
 306          }
 307      }
 309      return array_reverse($recent);
 310  }
 312  /**
 313   * Internal function used by getRecents
 314   * Parse a line and checks whether it should be included
 315   *
 316   * don't call directly
 317   *
 318   * @see getRecents()
 319   * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 320   * @author Ben Coburn <btcoburn@silicodon.net>
 321   *
 322   * @param string $line   changelog line
 323   * @param string $ns     restrict to given namespace
 324   * @param int    $flags  flags to control which changes are included
 325   * @param array  $seen   listing of seen pages
 326   * @return array|bool    false or array with info about a change
 327   */
 328  function _handleRecentLogLine($line, $ns, $flags, &$seen)
 329  {
 330      if (empty($line)) return false;   //skip empty lines
 332      // split the line into parts
 333      $recent = ChangeLog::parseLogLine($line);
 334      if ($recent === false) return false;
 336      // skip seen ones
 337      if (isset($seen[$recent['id']])) return false;
 339      // skip changes, of only new items are requested
 340      if ($recent['type'] !== DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_CREATE && ($flags & RECENTS_ONLY_CREATION)) return false;
 342      // skip minors
 343      if ($recent['type'] === DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_MINOR_EDIT && ($flags & RECENTS_SKIP_MINORS)) return false;
 345      // remember in seen to skip additional sights
 346      $seen[$recent['id']] = 1;
 348      // check if it's a hidden page
 349      if (isHiddenPage($recent['id'])) return false;
 351      // filter namespace
 352      if (($ns) && (strpos($recent['id'], $ns . ':') !== 0)) return false;
 354      // exclude subnamespaces
 355      if (($flags & RECENTS_SKIP_SUBSPACES) && (getNS($recent['id']) != $ns)) return false;
 357      // check ACL
 358      if ($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES) {
 359          $recent['perms'] = auth_quickaclcheck(getNS($recent['id']) . ':*');
 360      } else {
 361          $recent['perms'] = auth_quickaclcheck($recent['id']);
 362      }
 363      if ($recent['perms'] < AUTH_READ) return false;
 365      // check existence
 366      if ($flags & RECENTS_SKIP_DELETED) {
 367          $fn = (($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES) ? mediaFN($recent['id']) : wikiFN($recent['id']));
 368          if (!file_exists($fn)) return false;
 369      }
 371      return $recent;
 372  }